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TASCAM - MIXCAST 4 - Mixeur d'enregistrement pour podcasts 

La création audio en toute facilité

La Mixcast 4 facilite la création de contenus professionnels. Pour la création de podcasts, le streaming en direct, la production d’événements ou les voiceovers, la Mixcast permet de mixer et d’enregistrer des entrées micro avec une musique de fond, des effets sonores et des jingles lus en interne et déclenchés par des pads, et avec un signal d’entrée audio externe provenant de votre téléphone, de votre PC ou d’un appareil Bluetooth.
Alliée au logiciel Tascam Podcast Editor, la Mixcast 4 constitue une solution complète autorisant l’édition de forme d’onde et l’enregistrement multipiste pour toutes les phases de travail, de la préproduction à la finalisation.

Panneau de contrôle tactile sans stress

Équipée de quatre entrées micro et de quatre sorties casque indépendantes, la console Mixcast 4 est toujours prête pour la production de podcasts, sans réglages compliqués. Elle assure toutes les opérations relatives à l’audio et le workflow indispensables pour le streaming en direct, les événements, les podcasts et autres applications. La fonction de mixage automatique, par exemple, permet de régler automatiquement les niveaux audios de façon optimale et de définir la priorité aux micros, pour un mixage parfait.
Et grâce à l’écran tactile couleur de 5 pouces (127 mm) de diagonale, vous accédez de façon intuitive à des menus bien structurés, permettant de procéder aux réglages désirés en quelques manipulations simples.

Une station de travail complète, avec toutes les fonctions dont vous avez besoin

De l’enregistrement audio au mixage des sons enregistrés, la Mixcast 4 met à votre disposition un environnement de production complet doté de nombreuses fonctions pratiques, par exemple l’enregistrement direct de 14 pistes sur la carte SD de l’appareil, l’entrée audio Bluetooth, un connecteur d’entrée Aux pour mixer et enregistrer facilement des conversations téléphoniques (avec fonction de retour N-1) ou autres sources sonores, et une connectivité pour PC permettant d’importer sur l’appareil des sons provenant d’un ordinateur.

Vous pouvez même utiliser la Mixcast 4 en tant qu’interface audio USB 14 entrées/2 sorties avec votre logiciel de station de travail audio (DAW) préféré.

Améliorez vos contenus avec les effets sonores en temps réel

La Mixcast 4 est équipée de huit pads lumineux entièrement personnalisables, gérant 8 banques chacun, permettant de déclencher des sons en direct lors d’une production de podcast ou d’une émission en direct. Outre les effets sonores pré-assignés livrés, l’utilisateur peut assigner librement de nouveaux sons, musiques ou même des sons captés avec le micro et enregistrés au préalable sur l’appareil.
Les pads de la Mixcast 4 permettent aussi de gérer facilement en direct des effets sur les voix, par exemple modification de hauteur ou réverbération, etc. afin de rendre les streamings en direct et les enregistrements encore plus intéressants et amusants.

Logiciel Tascam Podcast Editor disponible pour édition et contrôle

Le logiciel Tascam Podcast Editor assure une édition simple et pratique de vos contenus audio, l’armement des pistes, ainsi qu’une configuration et une assignation faciles des effets sonores et musiques de fond aux pads.
Pas besoin de connaissances approfondies sur un logiciel de station de travail audio (DAW) : Podcast Editor propose également une interface graphique intuitive, qui aide les utilisateurs à enregistrer facilement leurs sons avec la Mixcast 4. Le logiciel Tascam Podcast Editor est conçu spécifiquement pour la Mixcast 4, et il est disponible pour ordinateur ou pour appareils mobiles.

Caractéristiques :

  • Station pour podcasting intégrant un enregistreur multipiste, une console de mixage et une interface audio USB
  • Production de podcasts avec jusqu'à quatre personnes : 4 entrées micro avec auto-mix, 4 sorties casque
  • Invitez des invités et des amis : Mix-Minus pour inclure des appels avec un son sans écho via Bluetooth, une entrée USB ou un câble audio TRRS à 4 pôles
  • Pads pour le déclenchement instantané de sons et d’effets
  • Contrôle facile et intuitif via un écran tactile de 5 pouces
  • Entièrement compatible avec le logiciel dédié Tascam Podcast Editor pour couvrir l’ensemble du flux de production
  • Enregistre jusqu’à 14 pistes directement sur une carte SD (12 canaux + mixage stéréo)
  • Interface audio USB intégrée avec 14 entrées et 2 sorties
  • Multilingue : anglais, français, allemand, italien, espagnol, russe, chinois, japonais et coréen

Caractéristiques physiques :

  • 4 entrées micro sur connecteur symétrique de type Combo (mixte XLR/jack 6,35 mm TRS)
  • 4 sorties casque avec réglages de volume indépendants
  • Entrée/sortie pour micro-casque (headset) via mini-jack 3,5 mm TRSS (reprend le signal de la sortie casque 1)
  • Entrée ligne stéréo, au choix en symétrique sur deux jacks TRS ou sur jack 3,5 mm TRSS.
  • Sorties pour système d’écoute (Monitor) symétriques
  • Sortie ligne stéréo sur mini-jack stéréo 3,5 mm

-8 pads pour déclenchement de sons

  • Ces pads permettent de lancer instantanément la lecture d’effets sonores, de jingles, de musique de fond ou de tout autre son
  • 8 banques de sons disponibles, soit 64 sons déclenchables au total
  • Le passage d’une banque à une autre s’effectue rapidement via l’écran tactile
  • Une banque de sons livrée (paramétrage via le logiciel Podcast Editor)

-8 grands faders de voie pour régler les niveaux de4 signaux micro

  • Un signal stéréo via USB
  • Un signal stéréo provenant d’un appareil mobile
  • Un signal stéréo via Bluetooth
  • Les sons assignés aux 8 pads

Touches Mute et Solo sur chaque voie (pour les pads : Sono uniquement)
Touche Talkback pour transmission d’indications/ordres aux participants
Touche Mark pour poser, en cours d’enregistrement, des marqueurs correspondant à des événements ou des phrases spécifiques
Alimentation par tension continue 12 volts (adaptateur secteur avec connecteur fileté verrouillable livré)

Paramètres et traitements logiciels :

Voies micro :

  • Sélection entre micro statique à condensateur (alimentation fantôme 48 volts) et dynamique
  • Égalisation facile par préréglages (Deep, Mid, Bright) ou réglage manuel (égaliseur semi-paramétrique 2 bandes), commutation on/off
  • Compression facile par préréglages (Soft, Hard) ou réglage manuel (5 paramètres), commutation on/off
  • Déesseur (3 paramètres) et suppresseur de bruit (5 paramètres)
  • Réverbération (sur une voie micro seulement) avec préréglages (Small, Medium, Large) ou réglage manuel (5 types de salle, 3 paramètres), commutation on/off

Voies stéréo USB, smartphone, Bluetooth :

  • Déesseur (3 paramètres) et suppresseur de bruit (5 paramètres)
  • Enhancer audio facile à régler (3 positions : Talk, Music, Off)

Fonctions de lecture, vérification, renommage ou suppression des fichiers audio enregistrés

Pads :

  • Six méthodes différentes pour lire les sons assignés aux pads
  • Enregistrement des sons assignés aux pads

Réglages audio :

  • Mix USB N-1 on/off
  • Suppression Larsen on/off
  • Sortie niveau ligne on/off
  • Mode Solo avant/après fader

Réglage de la luminosité de l’écran, extinction automatique
Retard réglable sur le signal de sorties USB afin de compenser tout décalage éventuel entre le signal audio de l’appareil et les signaux vidéo lus sur un ordinateur (de 0 à 2000 ms)
Les cartes SD peuvent être effacées (effacement rapide ou complet) et s’utiliser comme support de stockage de masse via USB

Livrée avec le logiciel dédié Tascam Podcast Editor, englobant l’intégralité du workflow du système

  • Chargement de fichiers audio dans Mixcast 4 pour utilisation/déclenchement avec les pads
  • Chargement de podcasts enregistrés sur la Mixcast 4 pour édition et archivage
  • Enregistrement de plusieurs pistes audio sur votre ordinateur ou votre appareil mobile



480,00 €

Availability:  Available on request
Processing time:  Contact us to check the product availability and delivery times
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer

More info

TASCAM - MIXCAST 4 - Recording mixer for podcasts

Audio creation made easy

The Mixcast 4 makes it easy to create professional content. For podcasting, live streaming, event production or voiceovers, the Mixcast allows you to mix and record mic inputs with background music, sound effects and jingles played internally and triggered by pads, and with an external audio input signal from your phone, PC or Bluetooth device.
Combined with Tascam Podcast Editor software, the Mixcast 4 provides a complete solution for waveform editing and multitrack recording for all phases of work, from preproduction to finalization.

Stress-free touch control panel

Equipped with four microphone inputs and four independent headphone outputs, the Mixcast 4 console is always ready for podcast production, without complicated settings. It provides all of the audio and workflow operations essential for live streaming, events, podcasts and other applications. The automatic mixing function, for example, allows you to automatically adjust the audio levels to the optimum and set the priority of the microphones, for a perfect mix.
And thanks to the 5-inch (127 mm) diagonal color touchscreen, you have intuitive access to well-structured menus, allowing you to make the desired settings with a few simple operations.

A complete workstation, with all the functions you need

From audio recording to mixing recorded sounds, the Mixcast 4 provides you with a complete production environment with many convenient functions, for example recording 14 tracks directly to the device's SD card, input Bluetooth audio, an Aux input connector for easy mixing and recording of telephone conversations (with N-1 feedback function) or other sound sources, and PC connectivity for importing sounds from a device to the device. computer.

You can even use the Mixcast 4 as a 14-in / 2-out USB audio interface with your favorite audio workstation (DAW) software.

Enhance your content with real-time sound effects

The Mixcast 4 is equipped with eight fully customizable light pads, managing 8 banks each, for triggering live sounds during a podcast production or live broadcast. In addition to the delivered pre-assigned sound effects, the user can freely assign new sounds, music or even sounds picked up with the microphone and previously recorded on the device.
The Mixcast 4's pads also allow you to easily manage vocal effects, such as pitch modification or reverb, etc. to make live streams and recordings even more interesting and fun.

Tascam Podcast Editor software available for editing and control

Tascam Podcast Editor software provides easy and convenient editing of your audio, arming tracks, and easy setup and assignment of sound effects and background music to the pads.
No need for in-depth knowledge of audio workstation (DAW) software: Podcast Editor also offers an intuitive graphical interface, which helps users easily record their sounds with the Mixcast 4. Tascam Podcast Editor software is designed specifically for the Mixcast 4, and it is available for desktop or mobile devices.


  • Podcasting station with integrated multitrack recorder, mixer and USB audio interface
  • Podcast production with up to four people: 4 microphone inputs with auto-mix, 4 headphone outputs
  • Invite guests and friends: Mix-Minus to include calls with echo-free sound via Bluetooth, USB input or 4-pole TRRS audio cable
  • Pads for instant triggering of sounds and effects
  • Easy and intuitive control via a 5 inch touch screen
  • Fully compatible with the dedicated Tascam Podcast Editor software to cover the entire workflow
  • Records up to 14 tracks directly to an SD card (12 channels + stereo mix)
  • Integrated USB audio interface with 14 inputs and 2 outputs
  • Multilingual: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Japanese and Korean

Physical characteristics :

  • 4 microphone inputs on a balanced combo connector (mixed XLR / 6.35 mm TRS jack)
  • 4 headphone outputs with independent volume controls
  • Headset input / output via 3.5 mm TRSS mini-jack (picks up the signal from headphone output 1)
  • Stereo line input, optionally balanced on two TRS jacks or on 3.5 mm TRSS jack.
  • Balanced outputs for monitoring system
  • Stereo line output on 3.5 mm stereo mini-jack

-8 pads for triggering sounds

  • These pads allow you to instantly start playing sound effects, jingles, background music or any other sound
  • 8 sound banks available, 64 triggerable sounds in total
  • Switching from one bank to another is done quickly via the touch screen
  • A sound bank delivered (configuration via the Podcast Editor software)

-8 large channel faders to adjust the levels of 4 mic signals

  • A stereo signal via USB
  • A stereo signal from a mobile device
  • Stereo signal via bluetooth
  • The sounds assigned to the 8 pads

Mute and Solo buttons on each channel (for pads: PA only)
Talkback key for transmission of indications / orders to participants
Mark button for placing markers corresponding to specific events or phrases during recording
Power supply by 12 volts direct voltage (mains adapter with lockable threaded connector supplied)

Software parameters and processing:

Micro channels:

  • Selection between condenser condenser microphone (48 volt phantom power) and dynamic
  • Easy equalization by presets (Deep, Mid, Bright) or manual adjustment (semi-parametric 2-band equalizer), switching on / off
  • Easy compression by presets (Soft, Hard) or manual adjustment (5 parameters), switching on / off
  • Deessor (3 parameters) and noise suppressor (5 parameters)
  • Reverb (on one mic channel only) with presets (Small, Medium, Large) or manual setting (5 room types, 3 parameters), on / off switching

USB stereo channels, smartphone, Bluetooth:

  • Deessor (3 parameters) and noise suppressor (5 parameters)
  • Easy-to-adjust audio enhancer (3 positions: Talk, Music, Off)

Functions for playing, checking, renaming or deleting recorded audio files


  • Six different methods of playing the sounds assigned to the pads
  • Recording the Sounds Assigned to the Pads

Audio settings:

  • Mix USB N-1 on / off
  • Feedback suppression on / off
  • Line level output on / off
  • Solo mode before / after fader

Adjusting the screen brightness, automatic shutdown
Adjustable delay on the USB output signal to compensate for any delay between the audio signal of the device and the video signals read on a computer (from 0 to 2000 ms)
SD cards can be erased (quick or full erase) and be used as mass storage media via USB

Comes with the dedicated Tascam Podcast Editor software, encompassing the entire system workflow

  • Loading audio files into Mixcast 4 for use / triggering with the pads
  • Loading recorded podcasts on the Mixcast 4 for editing and archiving
  • Record multiple audio tracks on your computer or mobile device



480,00 €

Availability:  Available on request
Processing time:  Contact us to check the product availability and delivery times
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer


TASCAM - MIXCAST 4 - Recording mixer for podcasts

Audio creation made easy

The Mixcast 4 makes it easy to create professional content. For podcasting, live streaming, event production or voiceovers, the Mixcast allows you to mix and record mic inputs with background music, sound effects and jingles played internally and triggered by pads, and with an external audio input signal from your phone, PC or Bluetooth device.
Combined with Tascam Podcast Editor software, the Mixcast 4 provides a complete solution for waveform editing and multitrack recording for all phases of work, from preproduction to finalization.

Stress-free touch control panel

Equipped with four microphone inputs and four independent headphone outputs, the Mixcast 4 console is always ready for podcast production, without complicated settings. It provides all of the audio and workflow operations essential for live streaming, events, podcasts and other applications. The automatic mixing function, for example, allows you to automatically adjust the audio levels to the optimum and set the priority of the microphones, for a perfect mix.
And thanks to the 5-inch (127 mm) diagonal color touchscreen, you have intuitive access to well-structured menus, allowing you to make the desired settings with a few simple operations.

A complete workstation, with all the functions you need

From audio recording to mixing recorded sounds, the Mixcast 4 provides you with a complete production environment with many convenient functions, for example recording 14 tracks directly to the device's SD card, input Bluetooth audio, an Aux input connector for easy mixing and recording of telephone conversations (with N-1 feedback function) or other sound sources, and PC connectivity for importing sounds from a device to the device. computer.

You can even use the Mixcast 4 as a 14-in / 2-out USB audio interface with your favorite audio workstation (DAW) software.

Enhance your content with real-time sound effects

The Mixcast 4 is equipped with eight fully customizable light pads, managing 8 banks each, for triggering live sounds during a podcast production or live broadcast. In addition to the delivered pre-assigned sound effects, the user can freely assign new sounds, music or even sounds picked up with the microphone and previously recorded on the device.
The Mixcast 4's pads also allow you to easily manage vocal effects, such as pitch modification or reverb, etc. to make live streams and recordings even more interesting and fun.

Tascam Podcast Editor software available for editing and control

Tascam Podcast Editor software provides easy and convenient editing of your audio, arming tracks, and easy setup and assignment of sound effects and background music to the pads.
No need for in-depth knowledge of audio workstation (DAW) software: Podcast Editor also offers an intuitive graphical interface, which helps users easily record their sounds with the Mixcast 4. Tascam Podcast Editor software is designed specifically for the Mixcast 4, and it is available for desktop or mobile devices.


  • Podcasting station with integrated multitrack recorder, mixer and USB audio interface
  • Podcast production with up to four people: 4 microphone inputs with auto-mix, 4 headphone outputs
  • Invite guests and friends: Mix-Minus to include calls with echo-free sound via Bluetooth, USB input or 4-pole TRRS audio cable
  • Pads for instant triggering of sounds and effects
  • Easy and intuitive control via a 5 inch touch screen
  • Fully compatible with the dedicated Tascam Podcast Editor software to cover the entire workflow
  • Records up to 14 tracks directly to an SD card (12 channels + stereo mix)
  • Integrated USB audio interface with 14 inputs and 2 outputs
  • Multilingual: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Japanese and Korean

Physical characteristics :

  • 4 microphone inputs on a balanced combo connector (mixed XLR / 6.35 mm TRS jack)
  • 4 headphone outputs with independent volume controls
  • Headset input / output via 3.5 mm TRSS mini-jack (picks up the signal from headphone output 1)
  • Stereo line input, optionally balanced on two TRS jacks or on 3.5 mm TRSS jack.
  • Balanced outputs for monitoring system
  • Stereo line output on 3.5 mm stereo mini-jack

-8 pads for triggering sounds

  • These pads allow you to instantly start playing sound effects, jingles, background music or any other sound
  • 8 sound banks available, 64 triggerable sounds in total
  • Switching from one bank to another is done quickly via the touch screen
  • A sound bank delivered (configuration via the Podcast Editor software)

-8 large channel faders to adjust the levels of 4 mic signals

  • A stereo signal via USB
  • A stereo signal from a mobile device
  • Stereo signal via bluetooth
  • The sounds assigned to the 8 pads

Mute and Solo buttons on each channel (for pads: PA only)
Talkback key for transmission of indications / orders to participants
Mark button for placing markers corresponding to specific events or phrases during recording
Power supply by 12 volts direct voltage (mains adapter with lockable threaded connector supplied)

Software parameters and processing:

Micro channels:

  • Selection between condenser condenser microphone (48 volt phantom power) and dynamic
  • Easy equalization by presets (Deep, Mid, Bright) or manual adjustment (semi-parametric 2-band equalizer), switching on / off
  • Easy compression by presets (Soft, Hard) or manual adjustment (5 parameters), switching on / off
  • Deessor (3 parameters) and noise suppressor (5 parameters)
  • Reverb (on one mic channel only) with presets (Small, Medium, Large) or manual setting (5 room types, 3 parameters), on / off switching

USB stereo channels, smartphone, Bluetooth:

  • Deessor (3 parameters) and noise suppressor (5 parameters)
  • Easy-to-adjust audio enhancer (3 positions: Talk, Music, Off)

Functions for playing, checking, renaming or deleting recorded audio files


  • Six different methods of playing the sounds assigned to the pads
  • Recording the Sounds Assigned to the Pads

Audio settings:

  • Mix USB N-1 on / off
  • Feedback suppression on / off
  • Line level output on / off
  • Solo mode before / after fader

Adjusting the screen brightness, automatic shutdown
Adjustable delay on the USB output signal to compensate for any delay between the audio signal of the device and the video signals read on a computer (from 0 to 2000 ms)
SD cards can be erased (quick or full erase) and be used as mass storage media via USB

Comes with the dedicated Tascam Podcast Editor software, encompassing the entire system workflow

  • Loading audio files into Mixcast 4 for use / triggering with the pads
  • Loading recorded podcasts on the Mixcast 4 for editing and archiving
  • Record multiple audio tracks on your computer or mobile device



480,00 €

Availability:  Available on request
Processing time:  Contact us to check the product availability and delivery times
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer


TASCAM - MIXCAST 4 - Recording mixer for podcasts

Audio creation made easy

The Mixcast 4 makes it easy to create professional content. For podcasting, live streaming, event production or voiceovers, the Mixcast allows you to mix and record mic inputs with background music, sound effects and jingles played internally and triggered by pads, and with an external audio input signal from your phone, PC or Bluetooth device.
Combined with Tascam Podcast Editor software, the Mixcast 4 provides a complete solution for waveform editing and multitrack recording for all phases of work, from preproduction to finalization.

Stress-free touch control panel

Equipped with four microphone inputs and four independent headphone outputs, the Mixcast 4 console is always ready for podcast production, without complicated settings. It provides all of the audio and workflow operations essential for live streaming, events, podcasts and other applications. The automatic mixing function, for example, allows you to automatically adjust the audio levels to the optimum and set the priority of the microphones, for a perfect mix.
And thanks to the 5-inch (127 mm) diagonal color touchscreen, you have intuitive access to well-structured menus, allowing you to make the desired settings with a few simple operations.

A complete workstation, with all the functions you need

From audio recording to mixing recorded sounds, the Mixcast 4 provides you with a complete production environment with many convenient functions, for example recording 14 tracks directly to the device's SD card, input Bluetooth audio, an Aux input connector for easy mixing and recording of telephone conversations (with N-1 feedback function) or other sound sources, and PC connectivity for importing sounds from a device to the device. computer.

You can even use the Mixcast 4 as a 14-in / 2-out USB audio interface with your favorite audio workstation (DAW) software.

Enhance your content with real-time sound effects

The Mixcast 4 is equipped with eight fully customizable light pads, managing 8 banks each, for triggering live sounds during a podcast production or live broadcast. In addition to the delivered pre-assigned sound effects, the user can freely assign new sounds, music or even sounds picked up with the microphone and previously recorded on the device.
The Mixcast 4's pads also allow you to easily manage vocal effects, such as pitch modification or reverb, etc. to make live streams and recordings even more interesting and fun.

Tascam Podcast Editor software available for editing and control

Tascam Podcast Editor software provides easy and convenient editing of your audio, arming tracks, and easy setup and assignment of sound effects and background music to the pads.
No need for in-depth knowledge of audio workstation (DAW) software: Podcast Editor also offers an intuitive graphical interface, which helps users easily record their sounds with the Mixcast 4. Tascam Podcast Editor software is designed specifically for the Mixcast 4, and it is available for desktop or mobile devices.


  • Podcasting station with integrated multitrack recorder, mixer and USB audio interface
  • Podcast production with up to four people: 4 microphone inputs with auto-mix, 4 headphone outputs
  • Invite guests and friends: Mix-Minus to include calls with echo-free sound via Bluetooth, USB input or 4-pole TRRS audio cable
  • Pads for instant triggering of sounds and effects
  • Easy and intuitive control via a 5 inch touch screen
  • Fully compatible with the dedicated Tascam Podcast Editor software to cover the entire workflow
  • Records up to 14 tracks directly to an SD card (12 channels + stereo mix)
  • Integrated USB audio interface with 14 inputs and 2 outputs
  • Multilingual: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Japanese and Korean

Physical characteristics :

  • 4 microphone inputs on a balanced combo connector (mixed XLR / 6.35 mm TRS jack)
  • 4 headphone outputs with independent volume controls
  • Headset input / output via 3.5 mm TRSS mini-jack (picks up the signal from headphone output 1)
  • Stereo line input, optionally balanced on two TRS jacks or on 3.5 mm TRSS jack.
  • Balanced outputs for monitoring system
  • Stereo line output on 3.5 mm stereo mini-jack

-8 pads for triggering sounds

  • These pads allow you to instantly start playing sound effects, jingles, background music or any other sound
  • 8 sound banks available, 64 triggerable sounds in total
  • Switching from one bank to another is done quickly via the touch screen
  • A sound bank delivered (configuration via the Podcast Editor software)

-8 large channel faders to adjust the levels of 4 mic signals

  • A stereo signal via USB
  • A stereo signal from a mobile device
  • Stereo signal via bluetooth
  • The sounds assigned to the 8 pads

Mute and Solo buttons on each channel (for pads: PA only)
Talkback key for transmission of indications / orders to participants
Mark button for placing markers corresponding to specific events or phrases during recording
Power supply by 12 volts direct voltage (mains adapter with lockable threaded connector supplied)

Software parameters and processing:

Micro channels:

  • Selection between condenser condenser microphone (48 volt phantom power) and dynamic
  • Easy equalization by presets (Deep, Mid, Bright) or manual adjustment (semi-parametric 2-band equalizer), switching on / off
  • Easy compression by presets (Soft, Hard) or manual adjustment (5 parameters), switching on / off
  • Deessor (3 parameters) and noise suppressor (5 parameters)
  • Reverb (on one mic channel only) with presets (Small, Medium, Large) or manual setting (5 room types, 3 parameters), on / off switching

USB stereo channels, smartphone, Bluetooth:

  • Deessor (3 parameters) and noise suppressor (5 parameters)
  • Easy-to-adjust audio enhancer (3 positions: Talk, Music, Off)

Functions for playing, checking, renaming or deleting recorded audio files


  • Six different methods of playing the sounds assigned to the pads
  • Recording the Sounds Assigned to the Pads

Audio settings:

  • Mix USB N-1 on / off
  • Feedback suppression on / off
  • Line level output on / off
  • Solo mode before / after fader

Adjusting the screen brightness, automatic shutdown
Adjustable delay on the USB output signal to compensate for any delay between the audio signal of the device and the video signals read on a computer (from 0 to 2000 ms)
SD cards can be erased (quick or full erase) and be used as mass storage media via USB

Comes with the dedicated Tascam Podcast Editor software, encompassing the entire system workflow

  • Loading audio files into Mixcast 4 for use / triggering with the pads
  • Loading recorded podcasts on the Mixcast 4 for editing and archiving
  • Record multiple audio tracks on your computer or mobile device



480,00 €

Availability:  Available on request
Processing time:  Contact us to check the product availability and delivery times
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer


TASCAM - MIXCAST 4 - Recording mixer for podcasts

Audio creation made easy

The Mixcast 4 makes it easy to create professional content. For podcasting, live streaming, event production or voiceovers, the Mixcast allows you to mix and record mic inputs with background music, sound effects and jingles played internally and triggered by pads, and with an external audio input signal from your phone, PC or Bluetooth device.
Combined with Tascam Podcast Editor software, the Mixcast 4 provides a complete solution for waveform editing and multitrack recording for all phases of work, from preproduction to finalization.

Stress-free touch control panel

Equipped with four microphone inputs and four independent headphone outputs, the Mixcast 4 console is always ready for podcast production, without complicated settings. It provides all of the audio and workflow operations essential for live streaming, events, podcasts and other applications. The automatic mixing function, for example, allows you to automatically adjust the audio levels to the optimum and set the priority of the microphones, for a perfect mix.
And thanks to the 5-inch (127 mm) diagonal color touchscreen, you have intuitive access to well-structured menus, allowing you to make the desired settings with a few simple operations.

A complete workstation, with all the functions you need

From audio recording to mixing recorded sounds, the Mixcast 4 provides you with a complete production environment with many convenient functions, for example recording 14 tracks directly to the device's SD card, input Bluetooth audio, an Aux input connector for easy mixing and recording of telephone conversations (with N-1 feedback function) or other sound sources, and PC connectivity for importing sounds from a device to the device. computer.

You can even use the Mixcast 4 as a 14-in / 2-out USB audio interface with your favorite audio workstation (DAW) software.

Enhance your content with real-time sound effects

The Mixcast 4 is equipped with eight fully customizable light pads, managing 8 banks each, for triggering live sounds during a podcast production or live broadcast. In addition to the delivered pre-assigned sound effects, the user can freely assign new sounds, music or even sounds picked up with the microphone and previously recorded on the device.
The Mixcast 4's pads also allow you to easily manage vocal effects, such as pitch modification or reverb, etc. to make live streams and recordings even more interesting and fun.

Tascam Podcast Editor software available for editing and control

Tascam Podcast Editor software provides easy and convenient editing of your audio, arming tracks, and easy setup and assignment of sound effects and background music to the pads.
No need for in-depth knowledge of audio workstation (DAW) software: Podcast Editor also offers an intuitive graphical interface, which helps users easily record their sounds with the Mixcast 4. Tascam Podcast Editor software is designed specifically for the Mixcast 4, and it is available for desktop or mobile devices.


  • Podcasting station with integrated multitrack recorder, mixer and USB audio interface
  • Podcast production with up to four people: 4 microphone inputs with auto-mix, 4 headphone outputs
  • Invite guests and friends: Mix-Minus to include calls with echo-free sound via Bluetooth, USB input or 4-pole TRRS audio cable
  • Pads for instant triggering of sounds and effects
  • Easy and intuitive control via a 5 inch touch screen
  • Fully compatible with the dedicated Tascam Podcast Editor software to cover the entire workflow
  • Records up to 14 tracks directly to an SD card (12 channels + stereo mix)
  • Integrated USB audio interface with 14 inputs and 2 outputs
  • Multilingual: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Japanese and Korean

Physical characteristics :

  • 4 microphone inputs on a balanced combo connector (mixed XLR / 6.35 mm TRS jack)
  • 4 headphone outputs with independent volume controls
  • Headset input / output via 3.5 mm TRSS mini-jack (picks up the signal from headphone output 1)
  • Stereo line input, optionally balanced on two TRS jacks or on 3.5 mm TRSS jack.
  • Balanced outputs for monitoring system
  • Stereo line output on 3.5 mm stereo mini-jack

-8 pads for triggering sounds

  • These pads allow you to instantly start playing sound effects, jingles, background music or any other sound
  • 8 sound banks available, 64 triggerable sounds in total
  • Switching from one bank to another is done quickly via the touch screen
  • A sound bank delivered (configuration via the Podcast Editor software)

-8 large channel faders to adjust the levels of 4 mic signals

  • A stereo signal via USB
  • A stereo signal from a mobile device
  • Stereo signal via bluetooth
  • The sounds assigned to the 8 pads

Mute and Solo buttons on each channel (for pads: PA only)
Talkback key for transmission of indications / orders to participants
Mark button for placing markers corresponding to specific events or phrases during recording
Power supply by 12 volts direct voltage (mains adapter with lockable threaded connector supplied)

Software parameters and processing:

Micro channels:

  • Selection between condenser condenser microphone (48 volt phantom power) and dynamic
  • Easy equalization by presets (Deep, Mid, Bright) or manual adjustment (semi-parametric 2-band equalizer), switching on / off
  • Easy compression by presets (Soft, Hard) or manual adjustment (5 parameters), switching on / off
  • Deessor (3 parameters) and noise suppressor (5 parameters)
  • Reverb (on one mic channel only) with presets (Small, Medium, Large) or manual setting (5 room types, 3 parameters), on / off switching

USB stereo channels, smartphone, Bluetooth:

  • Deessor (3 parameters) and noise suppressor (5 parameters)
  • Easy-to-adjust audio enhancer (3 positions: Talk, Music, Off)

Functions for playing, checking, renaming or deleting recorded audio files


  • Six different methods of playing the sounds assigned to the pads
  • Recording the Sounds Assigned to the Pads

Audio settings:

  • Mix USB N-1 on / off
  • Feedback suppression on / off
  • Line level output on / off
  • Solo mode before / after fader

Adjusting the screen brightness, automatic shutdown
Adjustable delay on the USB output signal to compensate for any delay between the audio signal of the device and the video signals read on a computer (from 0 to 2000 ms)
SD cards can be erased (quick or full erase) and be used as mass storage media via USB

Comes with the dedicated Tascam Podcast Editor software, encompassing the entire system workflow

  • Loading audio files into Mixcast 4 for use / triggering with the pads
  • Loading recorded podcasts on the Mixcast 4 for editing and archiving
  • Record multiple audio tracks on your computer or mobile device
Global Audio Store, Revendeur Tascam agréé