Disponibilité:  En stock fournisseur
Livraison:  Sous 2 jours ouvrés
Garantie: 2 ans pièces & main-d'oeuvre

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Pour les bassistes qui souhaitent réduire le poids mais pas le son, nous vous présentons la NOUVELLE gamme Ashdown Studio.

Avec un poids de seulement 8,5 kg, le Studio 10 a été conçu avec l'idée première d'être léger et portable tout en offrant le son et la polyvalence que l'on est en droit d'attendre d'un ampli de basse Ashdown.

Du haut de son élégante sobriété, le Studio 10 délivre 50 watts de son Ashdown de qualité supérieure via un haut-parleur Custom de 10 pouces. Puissant et néanmoins facilement transportable, le Studio 10 est doté de nombreuses fonctionnalités, dont une émulation d'overdrive à lampe, une sortie casque, un égaliseur 5 bandes, une entrée ligne et bien plus encore.

Un combo à la fois super léger, sonore et polyvalent, qui conviendra à tous les bassistes recherchant un son exceptionnel en toutes circonstances.

Son tolex robuste et ses cornières en métal chromé protégeront le Studio 10 de sorte qu'il puisse conserver son look élégant et stylé pendant de longues années.

Le Studio 10 a tout ce qu'il faut pour créer un son exceptionnel dès le déballage. Avec l'égaliseur réglé à midi, la NOUVELLE gamme Studio délivre ce son à la fois chaud et articulé, auquel Ashdown nous a habitués.

Construit en contreplaqué de peuplier super léger et doté d'un haut-parleur 10" lui aussi très léger, le Studio 10 réduit vraiment le poids sans jamais rien sacrifier au son.

Caractéristiques :

  • Poids : 8,5 kg
  • Taille (mm) : L-362 P-304 H-381
  • Égaliseur à 5 bandes - Bass, Low Mid, Middle, Hi-Mid, Treble
  • 1 haut-parleur Ashdown 10"
  • Interrupteur Shape
  • Émulation d'overdrive à lampe
  • Entrée ligne
  • Sortie casque
  • Contrôle Line Mix
  • Interrupteur de mise en sourdine du haut-parleur



299,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 2 working days
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer

More info


For bass players who want to reduce weight but not sound, we present the NEW Ashdown Studio line to you.

Weighing in at just 8.5kg, the Studio 10 was designed with the primary idea of being lightweight and portable while delivering the sound and versatility you've come to expect from a bass Ashdown.

From the top of its sleek sobriety, the Studio 10 delivers 50 watts of premium Ashdown sound through a 10-inch Custom speaker. Powerful yet easily portable, the Studio 10 is packed with features including tube overdrive emulation, headphone output, 5-band EQ, line input and more.

A super light, sonorous and versatile combo that will suit all bassists looking for exceptional sound in all circumstances.

Its sturdy tolex and chromed metal angles will protect the Studio 10 so that it can maintain its sleek and stylish look for years to come.

The Studio 10 has everything you need to create great sound right out of the box. With the equalizer set at noon, the NEW Studio line delivers that warm, articulate sound we've come to expect from Ashdown.

Constructed from super lightweight poplar plywood and featuring an equally lightweight 10 "driver, the Studio 10 really cuts down on weight without ever sacrificing sound. 

Features :

  • Weight: 8.5 kg
  • Size (mm): L-362 P-304 H-381
  • 5-Band Equalizer - Bass, Low Mid, Middle, Hi-Mid, Treble
  • 1 Ashdown 10 "speaker
  • Shape switch
  • Tube overdrive emulation
  • Line input
  • Headphone output
  • Line Mix Control
  • Speaker mute switch



299,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 2 working days
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer



For bass players who want to reduce weight but not sound, we present the NEW Ashdown Studio line to you.

Weighing in at just 8.5kg, the Studio 10 was designed with the primary idea of being lightweight and portable while delivering the sound and versatility you've come to expect from a bass Ashdown.

From the top of its sleek sobriety, the Studio 10 delivers 50 watts of premium Ashdown sound through a 10-inch Custom speaker. Powerful yet easily portable, the Studio 10 is packed with features including tube overdrive emulation, headphone output, 5-band EQ, line input and more.

A super light, sonorous and versatile combo that will suit all bassists looking for exceptional sound in all circumstances.

Its sturdy tolex and chromed metal angles will protect the Studio 10 so that it can maintain its sleek and stylish look for years to come.

The Studio 10 has everything you need to create great sound right out of the box. With the equalizer set at noon, the NEW Studio line delivers that warm, articulate sound we've come to expect from Ashdown.

Constructed from super lightweight poplar plywood and featuring an equally lightweight 10 "driver, the Studio 10 really cuts down on weight without ever sacrificing sound. 

Features :

  • Weight: 8.5 kg
  • Size (mm): L-362 P-304 H-381
  • 5-Band Equalizer - Bass, Low Mid, Middle, Hi-Mid, Treble
  • 1 Ashdown 10 "speaker
  • Shape switch
  • Tube overdrive emulation
  • Line input
  • Headphone output
  • Line Mix Control
  • Speaker mute switch



299,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 2 working days
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer



For bass players who want to reduce weight but not sound, we present the NEW Ashdown Studio line to you.

Weighing in at just 8.5kg, the Studio 10 was designed with the primary idea of being lightweight and portable while delivering the sound and versatility you've come to expect from a bass Ashdown.

From the top of its sleek sobriety, the Studio 10 delivers 50 watts of premium Ashdown sound through a 10-inch Custom speaker. Powerful yet easily portable, the Studio 10 is packed with features including tube overdrive emulation, headphone output, 5-band EQ, line input and more.

A super light, sonorous and versatile combo that will suit all bassists looking for exceptional sound in all circumstances.

Its sturdy tolex and chromed metal angles will protect the Studio 10 so that it can maintain its sleek and stylish look for years to come.

The Studio 10 has everything you need to create great sound right out of the box. With the equalizer set at noon, the NEW Studio line delivers that warm, articulate sound we've come to expect from Ashdown.

Constructed from super lightweight poplar plywood and featuring an equally lightweight 10 "driver, the Studio 10 really cuts down on weight without ever sacrificing sound. 

Features :

  • Weight: 8.5 kg
  • Size (mm): L-362 P-304 H-381
  • 5-Band Equalizer - Bass, Low Mid, Middle, Hi-Mid, Treble
  • 1 Ashdown 10 "speaker
  • Shape switch
  • Tube overdrive emulation
  • Line input
  • Headphone output
  • Line Mix Control
  • Speaker mute switch



299,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 2 working days
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer



For bass players who want to reduce weight but not sound, we present the NEW Ashdown Studio line to you.

Weighing in at just 8.5kg, the Studio 10 was designed with the primary idea of being lightweight and portable while delivering the sound and versatility you've come to expect from a bass Ashdown.

From the top of its sleek sobriety, the Studio 10 delivers 50 watts of premium Ashdown sound through a 10-inch Custom speaker. Powerful yet easily portable, the Studio 10 is packed with features including tube overdrive emulation, headphone output, 5-band EQ, line input and more.

A super light, sonorous and versatile combo that will suit all bassists looking for exceptional sound in all circumstances.

Its sturdy tolex and chromed metal angles will protect the Studio 10 so that it can maintain its sleek and stylish look for years to come.

The Studio 10 has everything you need to create great sound right out of the box. With the equalizer set at noon, the NEW Studio line delivers that warm, articulate sound we've come to expect from Ashdown.

Constructed from super lightweight poplar plywood and featuring an equally lightweight 10 "driver, the Studio 10 really cuts down on weight without ever sacrificing sound. 

Features :

  • Weight: 8.5 kg
  • Size (mm): L-362 P-304 H-381
  • 5-Band Equalizer - Bass, Low Mid, Middle, Hi-Mid, Treble
  • 1 Ashdown 10 "speaker
  • Shape switch
  • Tube overdrive emulation
  • Line input
  • Headphone output
  • Line Mix Control
  • Speaker mute switch
Global Audio Store, Revendeur Ashdown agréé