BGT<sup>®</sup>  – BETTER GLYPHOSATE TECHNOLOGYHALVETIC is a Non-selective HERBICID with systemic action, used in foliar application, in the form of a concentrate for preparation of an aqueous solution (SL).

HALVETIC is an effective herbicide produced by CIECH Sarzyna, a global tycoon on the agricultural market. It is intended for the control of couch grass and single- and multi-year weeds, such as white quail, chickweed, porcupine gland, field violet, poppy, common mugwort, chamomile, yarrow and yellow-billed finch.

The HALVETIC herbicide is used in the cultivation of popular vegetables, potatoes, parsley, carrots, onions and leeks, as well as on wasteland and areas intended for cultivation. The agent is in the form of a concentrate. Properly prepared aqueous solution is applied in a foliar manner, most often by spraying it with manual garden sprayers. Active substance - glyphosate - penetrates into the leaves, then stems and shoots, and finally to the root, causing the growth of the plant to slow down, and in the long-term, its decline. The first symptoms of this process can be observed after just one week, sometimes after about ten days. On the other hand, the complete weed control takes place after about three weeks, with good weather, strong sunlight and high air humidity that accelerates HALVETIC.

It is recommended to perform the procedure no more than once in the growing season. At the same time, it should be ensured that the sown crop plants are planted at a depth of at least two centimeters in the areas where the HALVETIC herbicide is to be applied.

Action on weeds:

HALVETIC is a systemic herbicide with systemic action. It is picked up by the green parts of plants (leaves, green shoots and non-corroded bark), and then moves throughout the plant and reaches its underground parts (roots, stolons, etc.) causing stunting growth and development within 1 day, and then die off . The first symptoms of the agent's action (yellowing and wilting) are visible after 7-10 days after the procedure. The plants die completely after about 3 weeks. High temperature and humidity as well as strong sunlight accelerate the effect of the agent.


Sensitive weeds:

dose of 12.5 ml / 100 m2: white quern, maroon odorless, bundles of field

18.75 ml / 100 m2 dose: field violet, chickweed, white colossal, poppy field, odorless maroon, cereal broom, dry grass, cuddly clover, porcupine glandweed, bundles of field.

dose 25.0 ml / 100 m2: field violet, chickwort, white quince, poppy field, maroon odorless, grain broom, dry grass, captive clover, convolvulus, field chamomile, cereal self-seed, bundles of field, small-borewood

dose 37.5 ml / 100 m2: common mugwort, field violet, chickwort, white quince, yarrow, poppy field, maroon odorless, grain broom, grasshopper, clover cuddle, porcupine seed, field chamomile, cereal sammings, bundles , small-scale woodworm

dose 40,0 ml / 100 m2: common mugwort, field violet, common quern, common quagmire, yarrow, poppy field, maroon odorless, grain broom, dry grass, clover cuddle, porcupine seed, field chamomile, cereal seeds, field bundles , small-scale woodworm

60,0 ml / 100 m2 dose: common mugwort, field violet, common quern, common quagmire, yarrow, poppy field, maroon odorless, grain broom, dry grass, clover cuddle, porcupine seed, field chamomile, cereal seeds, field bundles , vetch bird, yellow-billed smallbiter

Weeds resistant: horsetail


Preparation of usable liquid:

Use ready-made liquid just before use. Before proceeding with the preparation of a usable liquid, determine the amount needed.
Pour the measured amount into a spray tank filled partly with water and then top up with water to the required quantity. After pouring the agent into the spray tank, mix the liquid in the tank mechanically. Empty the rinsed containers with water three times and pour the rinses into a container with usable liquid. In case of spraying interruptions, mix the liquid in the spray tank before resuming work. During operation, when the liquid is in the sprayer tank, pay attention to the full venting of the tank.


In the spring after sowing or planting, and before the emergence of the crop plant to eradicate emerging weeds:Potato

The maximum dose for single use: 25.0 ml / 100 m2

The recommended dose for single use: 12.5 - 25.0 ml / 100 m2

Date of application: spray after potato planting and one-fold gradient for emerging weeds, but no later than 3 days before potato emergence (BBCH 00-09).

Do not make any mechanical tucks after the procedure.

Use the medium on medium-firm soils.
Maximum number of treatments in the growing season: 1

Recommended amount of water: 2-3 l / 100 m2

Recommended spraying: medium droplets


Carrots, parsley, onion, leek (with sowing)

The maximum dose for single use: 18.0 ml / 100 m2

The recommended dose for single use: 12.5 - 18.0 ml / 100 m2

Date of application: use the product after weed emergence, but no later than 2-3 days before emergence of the crop (BBCH 00-09).

Maximum number of treatments in the growing season: 1

Recommended amount of water: 2-3 l / 100 m2

Recommended spraying: medium droplets


1. Do not use on very light, sandy soils.

2. Seeds carrot, onion and leek to a depth of not less than 2 cm.

Land not used for agriculture (storage yards, footpaths, pavements, pavement, as well as other solid structures with hard or semi-permeable surfaces, on which undesirably strong weed growth takes place and it is necessary to completely eliminate them).

The maximum dose for single use: 60.0 ml / 100 m2

Recommended dose for single use: 37.5 - 60.0 ml / 100 m2

Date of application: the product should be used during the intensive growth of green plants throughout the growing season.

The dose of the product and the date of its application are adapted to the existing species of weeds.

When using a backpack sprayer, use 0.2 liters of liquid for 10 liters of water.

Maximum number of treatments in the growing season: 1

Recommended amount of water: 2-3 l / 100 m2

Recommended spraying: medium droplets

Areas intended for cultivation:

The maximum dose for single use: 60.0 ml / 100 m2

The recommended dose for single use: 38.0 - 60.0 ml / 100 m2

Higher of the recommended doses used in the autumn term of the procedure.

Date of application:

- in the spring - during the period of intensive growth of weeds to the flowering stage.

- in the autumn - in the case of autumn work on cultivation and sowing, on intensively growing weeds outside the period of their flowering.

Maximum number of treatments in the growing season: 1

Recommended amount of water: 2-3 l / 100 m2

Recommended spraying: medium droplets

Safe Use of Pesticides

By law, everyone who uses pesticides professionally must have received adequate training in using pesticides safely and be skilled in the job they are carrying out.
Upon purchasing this product you and/or the end users are responsibile for ensuring that these products are used in line with industry Approved Codes of Practice. All operators must be trained and certificated in using and applying any Ministry Approved Professional Product (MAPP). Use plant protection products safely. Always read the label and product information before use.
Please be aware that by proceeding you are purchasing a professional pesticide product. You must ensure the end user of these products complies with the DEFRA/HSE Code for the Safe use of Pesticides. There are legal responsibilities covering the storage and use of professional use pesticides. These responsibilities are covered by The Food and Environment Protection Act 1985 (FEPA) and Control of Pesticide Regulations 1986 (COPR).