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Livraison:  Sous 2 jours ouvrés
Garantie: 2 ans pièces & main-d'oeuvre

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NOVATION - FLKEY 37 - Controleur pour FL Studio

Le FLkey 37 est livré avec une version d'essai de six mois de FL Studio Producer. Exploitez votre musique comme jamais, partout. C'est vous qui décidez.

Avec le mode Scale, vous ne jouerez jamais de fausses notes et ne perdrez jamais le flow de votre musique. Trois modes Chord vous permettent de jouer différents accords avec un seul doigt, pour créer de magnifiques harmonies et découvrir de nouveaux sons instantanément. Combinez les outils musicaux du FLkey 37 pour repousser les frontières de la créativité et trouver des idées inimaginables.

Oubliez votre écran et pilotez du bout des doigts les contrôles de la section de mixage et du Channel Rack de FL Studio. Réglez les volumes et panoramiques et enregistrez des automations à la volée à l'aide des huit potentiomètres. Accédez à votre Score Log, et annulez, rétablissez, quantifiez ou activez le métronome en un tournemain grâce aux contrôles de transport essentiels. Naviguez dans les presets de vos plug-ins d'Image Line et changez rapidement d'instrument et de son, sans avoir besoin d'utiliser la souris.

Le mode séquenceur associe les pads du FLkey 37 au step-séquenceur de FL Studio pour que vous puissiez programmer rapidement des rythmes. Deux modes Pad apportent du feeling à vos rythmes en vous permettant de décaler votre groove : jouez directement dans le Channel Rack ou le FPC, et déclenchez des slices dans SliceX. Voulez-vous des roulements de charley ultra-précis ? Avec la fonction Note Repeat (répétition de notes), vous taperez dans le mille à chaque fois.

Le FLkey 37 est le clavier MIDI à grandes touches ultime pour piloter votre production musicale dans FL Studio. Avec ses contrôles dédiés au séquenceur, au Channel Rack et à la section de mixage de FL Studio, ainsi que ses modes Scale et Chord créatifs, le FLkey 37 vous permet de jouer avec une liberté totale et d'emmener votre musique encore plus loin.

Caractéristiques :

  • Affichage : LCD
  • Alimentation : USB
  • Catégorie : Clavier maître
  • Compatibilité : PC, Mac
  • Contrôleur : 8 Potentiomètres, Pitchbend, Modulation, Boutons directionnels, Sustain, Octave up/down
  • Dimensions (mm) : 258 x 555 x 77
  • Entrées : Pédale de sustain
  • Format des touches : grande
  • Logiciels fournis : Bundle AAS Session, Spitfire Audio LABS Expressive Strings, Klevgrand R0verb & DAW Cassette, FL Studio Producer Edition Version d'essai 6 mois, XLN Audio Addictive Keys
  • Nbre de pads : 16
  • Nbre de potentiomètres : 8
  • Nbre de touches : 25
  • Pad rétroéclairé : Oui
  • Poids (kg) : 2,18 kg
  • Sensibilité des pads à la vélocité : Oui
  • Sensible à la vélocité : Oui
  • Sorties : Midi, USB Type B
  • Toucher : Semi-lesté
  • Transposition : Oui



189,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 2 working days
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer

More info

NOVATION - FLKEY 37 - Controller for FL Studio

The FLkey 37 comes with a six-month trial version of FL Studio Producer. Harness your music like never before, everywhere. It's up to you.

With Scale mode, you'll never hit the wrong notes or lose the flow of your music. Three Chord Modes let you play different chords with just one finger, creating beautiful harmonies and discovering new sounds instantly. Combine the FLkey 37's musical tools to push the boundaries of creativity and find unimaginable ideas.

Forget your screen and pilot FL Studio's mixer section and Channel Rack controls at your fingertips. Adjust volumes and pans and record automation on the fly using the eight potentiometers. Access your Score Log, and undo, redo, quantize, or activate the metronome in a jiffy with essential transport controls. Navigate through the presets of your Image Line plug-ins and quickly switch between instruments and sounds, without the need to use the mouse.

Sequencer Mode combines FLkey 37's pads with FL Studio's step-sequencer so you can quickly program beats. Two Pad modes add feel to your beats by letting you shift your groove: play directly in the Channel Rack or FPC, and trigger slices in SliceX. Do you want ultra-precise hi-hat bearings? With the Note Repeat feature, you'll hit the mark every time.

The FLkey 37 is the ultimate large-key MIDI keyboard to drive your music production in FL Studio. With dedicated controls for the FL Studio sequencer, Channel Rack and mixer section, plus creative Scale and Chord modes, the FLkey 37 lets you play with total freedom and take your music even further.


  • Display: LCD
  • Power supply: USB
  • Category: Master Keyboard
  • Compatibility: PC, Mac
  • Controller: 8 Potentiometers, Pitchbend, Modulation, Directional Buttons, Sustain, Octave up/down
  • Dimensions (mm): 258 x 555 x 77
  • Inputs: Sustain Pedal
  • Key format: large
  • Bundled Software: AAS Session Bundle, Spitfire Audio LABS Expressive Strings, Klevgrand R0verb & DAW Cassette, FL Studio Producer Edition 6 Month Trial, XLN Audio Addictive Keys
  • Number of pads: 16
  • Number of potentiometers: 8
  • Number of keys: 25
  • Backlit Pad: Yes
  • Weight (kg): 2.18kg
  • Velocity Sensitivity of Pads: Yes
  • Velocity Sensitive: Yes
  • Outputs: Midi, USB Type B
  • Feel: Semi-weighted
  • Transpose: Yes



189,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 2 working days
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer


NOVATION - FLKEY 37 - Controller for FL Studio

The FLkey 37 comes with a six-month trial version of FL Studio Producer. Harness your music like never before, everywhere. It's up to you.

With Scale mode, you'll never hit the wrong notes or lose the flow of your music. Three Chord Modes let you play different chords with just one finger, creating beautiful harmonies and discovering new sounds instantly. Combine the FLkey 37's musical tools to push the boundaries of creativity and find unimaginable ideas.

Forget your screen and pilot FL Studio's mixer section and Channel Rack controls at your fingertips. Adjust volumes and pans and record automation on the fly using the eight potentiometers. Access your Score Log, and undo, redo, quantize, or activate the metronome in a jiffy with essential transport controls. Navigate through the presets of your Image Line plug-ins and quickly switch between instruments and sounds, without the need to use the mouse.

Sequencer Mode combines FLkey 37's pads with FL Studio's step-sequencer so you can quickly program beats. Two Pad modes add feel to your beats by letting you shift your groove: play directly in the Channel Rack or FPC, and trigger slices in SliceX. Do you want ultra-precise hi-hat bearings? With the Note Repeat feature, you'll hit the mark every time.

The FLkey 37 is the ultimate large-key MIDI keyboard to drive your music production in FL Studio. With dedicated controls for the FL Studio sequencer, Channel Rack and mixer section, plus creative Scale and Chord modes, the FLkey 37 lets you play with total freedom and take your music even further.


  • Display: LCD
  • Power supply: USB
  • Category: Master Keyboard
  • Compatibility: PC, Mac
  • Controller: 8 Potentiometers, Pitchbend, Modulation, Directional Buttons, Sustain, Octave up/down
  • Dimensions (mm): 258 x 555 x 77
  • Inputs: Sustain Pedal
  • Key format: large
  • Bundled Software: AAS Session Bundle, Spitfire Audio LABS Expressive Strings, Klevgrand R0verb & DAW Cassette, FL Studio Producer Edition 6 Month Trial, XLN Audio Addictive Keys
  • Number of pads: 16
  • Number of potentiometers: 8
  • Number of keys: 25
  • Backlit Pad: Yes
  • Weight (kg): 2.18kg
  • Velocity Sensitivity of Pads: Yes
  • Velocity Sensitive: Yes
  • Outputs: Midi, USB Type B
  • Feel: Semi-weighted
  • Transpose: Yes



189,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 2 working days
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer


NOVATION - FLKEY 37 - Controller for FL Studio

The FLkey 37 comes with a six-month trial version of FL Studio Producer. Harness your music like never before, everywhere. It's up to you.

With Scale mode, you'll never hit the wrong notes or lose the flow of your music. Three Chord Modes let you play different chords with just one finger, creating beautiful harmonies and discovering new sounds instantly. Combine the FLkey 37's musical tools to push the boundaries of creativity and find unimaginable ideas.

Forget your screen and pilot FL Studio's mixer section and Channel Rack controls at your fingertips. Adjust volumes and pans and record automation on the fly using the eight potentiometers. Access your Score Log, and undo, redo, quantize, or activate the metronome in a jiffy with essential transport controls. Navigate through the presets of your Image Line plug-ins and quickly switch between instruments and sounds, without the need to use the mouse.

Sequencer Mode combines FLkey 37's pads with FL Studio's step-sequencer so you can quickly program beats. Two Pad modes add feel to your beats by letting you shift your groove: play directly in the Channel Rack or FPC, and trigger slices in SliceX. Do you want ultra-precise hi-hat bearings? With the Note Repeat feature, you'll hit the mark every time.

The FLkey 37 is the ultimate large-key MIDI keyboard to drive your music production in FL Studio. With dedicated controls for the FL Studio sequencer, Channel Rack and mixer section, plus creative Scale and Chord modes, the FLkey 37 lets you play with total freedom and take your music even further.


  • Display: LCD
  • Power supply: USB
  • Category: Master Keyboard
  • Compatibility: PC, Mac
  • Controller: 8 Potentiometers, Pitchbend, Modulation, Directional Buttons, Sustain, Octave up/down
  • Dimensions (mm): 258 x 555 x 77
  • Inputs: Sustain Pedal
  • Key format: large
  • Bundled Software: AAS Session Bundle, Spitfire Audio LABS Expressive Strings, Klevgrand R0verb & DAW Cassette, FL Studio Producer Edition 6 Month Trial, XLN Audio Addictive Keys
  • Number of pads: 16
  • Number of potentiometers: 8
  • Number of keys: 25
  • Backlit Pad: Yes
  • Weight (kg): 2.18kg
  • Velocity Sensitivity of Pads: Yes
  • Velocity Sensitive: Yes
  • Outputs: Midi, USB Type B
  • Feel: Semi-weighted
  • Transpose: Yes



189,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 2 working days
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer


NOVATION - FLKEY 37 - Controller for FL Studio

The FLkey 37 comes with a six-month trial version of FL Studio Producer. Harness your music like never before, everywhere. It's up to you.

With Scale mode, you'll never hit the wrong notes or lose the flow of your music. Three Chord Modes let you play different chords with just one finger, creating beautiful harmonies and discovering new sounds instantly. Combine the FLkey 37's musical tools to push the boundaries of creativity and find unimaginable ideas.

Forget your screen and pilot FL Studio's mixer section and Channel Rack controls at your fingertips. Adjust volumes and pans and record automation on the fly using the eight potentiometers. Access your Score Log, and undo, redo, quantize, or activate the metronome in a jiffy with essential transport controls. Navigate through the presets of your Image Line plug-ins and quickly switch between instruments and sounds, without the need to use the mouse.

Sequencer Mode combines FLkey 37's pads with FL Studio's step-sequencer so you can quickly program beats. Two Pad modes add feel to your beats by letting you shift your groove: play directly in the Channel Rack or FPC, and trigger slices in SliceX. Do you want ultra-precise hi-hat bearings? With the Note Repeat feature, you'll hit the mark every time.

The FLkey 37 is the ultimate large-key MIDI keyboard to drive your music production in FL Studio. With dedicated controls for the FL Studio sequencer, Channel Rack and mixer section, plus creative Scale and Chord modes, the FLkey 37 lets you play with total freedom and take your music even further.


  • Display: LCD
  • Power supply: USB
  • Category: Master Keyboard
  • Compatibility: PC, Mac
  • Controller: 8 Potentiometers, Pitchbend, Modulation, Directional Buttons, Sustain, Octave up/down
  • Dimensions (mm): 258 x 555 x 77
  • Inputs: Sustain Pedal
  • Key format: large
  • Bundled Software: AAS Session Bundle, Spitfire Audio LABS Expressive Strings, Klevgrand R0verb & DAW Cassette, FL Studio Producer Edition 6 Month Trial, XLN Audio Addictive Keys
  • Number of pads: 16
  • Number of potentiometers: 8
  • Number of keys: 25
  • Backlit Pad: Yes
  • Weight (kg): 2.18kg
  • Velocity Sensitivity of Pads: Yes
  • Velocity Sensitive: Yes
  • Outputs: Midi, USB Type B
  • Feel: Semi-weighted
  • Transpose: Yes
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