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EBS - STANLEY PREAMP - Stanley Clarke préampli acoustique

Le couteau suisse pour votre basse acoustique ou votre contrebasse !

Stanley Clarke a travaillé avec EBS dans le but d'apporter toute son expérience dans l'amplification des basses acoustiques et des contrebasses et concevoir un préampli compact et complet couvrant tous les besoins des musiciens professionnels. Ce préampli signature a été développé pour réunir toutes les fonctionnalités nécessaires, avec une qualité studio et des composants soigneusement sélectionnés afin de pouvoir amplifier tous les types de micros possibles, pouvant être combinés au sein de ses deux canaux.

Deux canaux pour le meilleur des deux mondes !

Le préampli acoustique Stanley Clarke est conçu autour de deux canaux indépendants hyper complets, pouvant aussi être mixés pour mélanger des sources et des micros différents. Chaque canal possède un gain, une égalisation 3 bandes avec des médiums semi-paramétriques (de 70Hz à 2,5kHz), ainsi qu'un filtre Hi-Pass ou Notch ajustable afin d'éviter les larsens et s'adapter au mieux à l'environnement sonore. Les deux canaux comportent des entrées jack avec une impédance de 10 Mohms pour traiter aussi bien les micros actifs, passifs ou piézos.

Le canal A peut aussi fonctionner avec un micro électret via un switch (alimentation 5V sous 2mA), et le canal B offre l'option d'une entrée XLR symétrique avec alimentation phantom 48V pour utiliser votre micro statique préféré. Naviguez entre les deux canaux suivant vos besoins, ou bien mixez les afin de mélanger le meilleur des deux mondes ! Un inverseur de phase est actionnable afin d'obtenir le meilleur rendu sonore des deux canaux mixés.

Des fonctionnalités complètes qualité studio !

En plus de sa section préampli à 2 canaux mixables, la nouvelle pédale Stanley Clarke comporte une connectique complète et astucieuse pour avoir tous les outils nécessaires en studio comme sur scène. Une sortie jack envoie votre son vers votre ampli, une XLR symétrique permet d'envoyer votre signal ligne directement à la table de mixage avec l'option d'un commutateur de masse et d'un simulateur de baffle. Une boucle d'effet avec une connectique TRS (nécessitant un câble d'insert Y) permet de jouer sur vos effets préférés en les intégrant avec un chaînage en série ou en parallèle. Enfin, le préampli comporte une entrée auxiliaire ainsi qu'une sortie casque au format mini-jack afin de vous exercer sur vos chansons préférées dans le silence complet.

Le préampli acoustique Stanley Clarke est donc un outils professionnel ultra complet et polyvalent qui vous permettra d'amplifier tous vos instruments acoustiques pour un rendu sonore toujours parfait !

Caractéristiques :

  • Affichage : Led
  • Alimentation : DC 9 V
  • Alimentation incluse : Oui
  • Catégorie : Préampli
  • Commutateur : Mute, Sélecteur de canal actif (A/B)
  • Dimensions (mm) : 168 x 124 x 53
  • EQ : 3-bandes avec mid semi-param
  • Entrées : Auxiliaire, 2 x jack, XLR
  • Format : Pédale
  • Nbre d'effets : 1
  • Poids (kg) : 660 g
  • Réglages : volume, gain, filtre, treble, bass, mid, mid freq
  • Simulations h.p. : 1
  • Sorties : Casque minijack, Jack, Accordeur, XLR
  • Technologie : Analogique
  • Préampli basse acoustique 2 canaux
  • Composants sélectionnés pour une haute qualité studio
  • Canaux A/B ou mix A+B avec inverseur de phase actionnable
  • Filtres Hi-pass ou Notch par canal pour éviter les larsens
  • Entrées impédance 10 Mohms s’adaptant à tous types de micro
  • Canal A acceptant les micros électret
  • Canal B avec entrée jack ou microphone XLR + alimentation phantom 48V
  • Sortie XLR balanced avec commutateur de masse et simulateur de baffle actionnables
  • Boucle d’effets : entrée/sortie jack TRS, série ou parallèle



395,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 2 working days
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer

More info

EBS - STANLEY PREAMP - Stanley Clarke acoustic preamp

The Swiss army knife for your acoustic bass or double bass!

Stanley Clarke worked with EBS in order to bring all his experience in the amplification of acoustic basses and double basses and to design a compact and complete preamp covering all the needs of professional musicians. This signature preamp has been developed to bring together all the necessary features, with studio quality and carefully selected components to be able to amplify all possible types of microphones, which can be combined within its two channels.

Two channels for the best of both worlds!

The Stanley Clarke acoustic preamp is designed around two hyper-complete independent channels, which can also be mixed to mix different sources and microphones. Each channel has a gain, a 3-band equalization with semi-parametric mids (from 70Hz to 2.5kHz), as well as an adjustable Hi-Pass or Notch filter to avoid feedback and best adapt to the environment. sound environment. Both channels have jack inputs with an impedance of 10 Mohms to handle active, passive or piezo pickups.

Channel A can also work with an electret microphone via a switch (5V supply at 2mA), and channel B offers the option of a balanced XLR input with 48V phantom power to use your favorite condenser microphone. Navigate between the two channels according to your needs, or mix them to mix the best of both worlds! A phase inverter can be activated in order to obtain the best sound reproduction from the two mixed channels.

Full studio quality features!

In addition to its preamp section with 2 mixable channels, the new Stanley Clarke pedal has complete and clever connections to have all the necessary tools in the studio and on stage. A jack output sends your sound to your amp, a balanced XLR allows you to send your line signal directly to the mixer with the option of a ground switch and a cabinet simulator. An effects loop with TRS connectors (requiring a Y insert cable) allows you to play on your favorite effects by integrating them with serial or parallel chaining. Finally, the preamp has an auxiliary input and a mini-jack headphone output so you can practice your favorite songs in complete silence.

The Stanley Clarke acoustic preamp is therefore an ultra-complete and versatile professional tool that will allow you to amplify all your acoustic instruments for an always perfect sound reproduction!


  • LED display
  • Power supply: DC 9V
  • Power supply included: Yes
  • Category: Preamp
  • Switch: Mute, Active Channel Selector (A/B)
  • Dimensions (mm): 168 x 124 x 53
  • EQ: 3-band with mid semi-param
  • Inputs: Auxiliary, 2 x jack, XLR
  • Format: Pedal
  • Number of effects: 1
  • Weight (kg): 660g
  • Settings: volume, gain, filter, treble, bass, mid, mid freq
  • h.p. simulations : 1
  • Outputs: Headphone minijack, Jack, Tuner, XLR
  • Technology: Analog
  • 2-Channel Acoustic Bass Preamp
  • Selected components for high studio quality
  • Channels A/B or mix A+B with operable phase inverter
  • Hi-pass or Notch filters per channel to avoid feedback
  • 10 Mohm impedance inputs adapting to all types of microphones
  • Channel A accepting electret microphones
  • Channel B with jack input or XLR microphone + 48V phantom power supply
  • Balanced XLR output with switchable ground switch and cabinet simulator
  • Effects loop: TRS jack input/output, serial or parallel



395,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 2 working days
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer


EBS - STANLEY PREAMP - Stanley Clarke acoustic preamp

The Swiss army knife for your acoustic bass or double bass!

Stanley Clarke worked with EBS in order to bring all his experience in the amplification of acoustic basses and double basses and to design a compact and complete preamp covering all the needs of professional musicians. This signature preamp has been developed to bring together all the necessary features, with studio quality and carefully selected components to be able to amplify all possible types of microphones, which can be combined within its two channels.

Two channels for the best of both worlds!

The Stanley Clarke acoustic preamp is designed around two hyper-complete independent channels, which can also be mixed to mix different sources and microphones. Each channel has a gain, a 3-band equalization with semi-parametric mids (from 70Hz to 2.5kHz), as well as an adjustable Hi-Pass or Notch filter to avoid feedback and best adapt to the environment. sound environment. Both channels have jack inputs with an impedance of 10 Mohms to handle active, passive or piezo pickups.

Channel A can also work with an electret microphone via a switch (5V supply at 2mA), and channel B offers the option of a balanced XLR input with 48V phantom power to use your favorite condenser microphone. Navigate between the two channels according to your needs, or mix them to mix the best of both worlds! A phase inverter can be activated in order to obtain the best sound reproduction from the two mixed channels.

Full studio quality features!

In addition to its preamp section with 2 mixable channels, the new Stanley Clarke pedal has complete and clever connections to have all the necessary tools in the studio and on stage. A jack output sends your sound to your amp, a balanced XLR allows you to send your line signal directly to the mixer with the option of a ground switch and a cabinet simulator. An effects loop with TRS connectors (requiring a Y insert cable) allows you to play on your favorite effects by integrating them with serial or parallel chaining. Finally, the preamp has an auxiliary input and a mini-jack headphone output so you can practice your favorite songs in complete silence.

The Stanley Clarke acoustic preamp is therefore an ultra-complete and versatile professional tool that will allow you to amplify all your acoustic instruments for an always perfect sound reproduction!


  • LED display
  • Power supply: DC 9V
  • Power supply included: Yes
  • Category: Preamp
  • Switch: Mute, Active Channel Selector (A/B)
  • Dimensions (mm): 168 x 124 x 53
  • EQ: 3-band with mid semi-param
  • Inputs: Auxiliary, 2 x jack, XLR
  • Format: Pedal
  • Number of effects: 1
  • Weight (kg): 660g
  • Settings: volume, gain, filter, treble, bass, mid, mid freq
  • h.p. simulations : 1
  • Outputs: Headphone minijack, Jack, Tuner, XLR
  • Technology: Analog
  • 2-Channel Acoustic Bass Preamp
  • Selected components for high studio quality
  • Channels A/B or mix A+B with operable phase inverter
  • Hi-pass or Notch filters per channel to avoid feedback
  • 10 Mohm impedance inputs adapting to all types of microphones
  • Channel A accepting electret microphones
  • Channel B with jack input or XLR microphone + 48V phantom power supply
  • Balanced XLR output with switchable ground switch and cabinet simulator
  • Effects loop: TRS jack input/output, serial or parallel



395,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 2 working days
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer


EBS - STANLEY PREAMP - Stanley Clarke acoustic preamp

The Swiss army knife for your acoustic bass or double bass!

Stanley Clarke worked with EBS in order to bring all his experience in the amplification of acoustic basses and double basses and to design a compact and complete preamp covering all the needs of professional musicians. This signature preamp has been developed to bring together all the necessary features, with studio quality and carefully selected components to be able to amplify all possible types of microphones, which can be combined within its two channels.

Two channels for the best of both worlds!

The Stanley Clarke acoustic preamp is designed around two hyper-complete independent channels, which can also be mixed to mix different sources and microphones. Each channel has a gain, a 3-band equalization with semi-parametric mids (from 70Hz to 2.5kHz), as well as an adjustable Hi-Pass or Notch filter to avoid feedback and best adapt to the environment. sound environment. Both channels have jack inputs with an impedance of 10 Mohms to handle active, passive or piezo pickups.

Channel A can also work with an electret microphone via a switch (5V supply at 2mA), and channel B offers the option of a balanced XLR input with 48V phantom power to use your favorite condenser microphone. Navigate between the two channels according to your needs, or mix them to mix the best of both worlds! A phase inverter can be activated in order to obtain the best sound reproduction from the two mixed channels.

Full studio quality features!

In addition to its preamp section with 2 mixable channels, the new Stanley Clarke pedal has complete and clever connections to have all the necessary tools in the studio and on stage. A jack output sends your sound to your amp, a balanced XLR allows you to send your line signal directly to the mixer with the option of a ground switch and a cabinet simulator. An effects loop with TRS connectors (requiring a Y insert cable) allows you to play on your favorite effects by integrating them with serial or parallel chaining. Finally, the preamp has an auxiliary input and a mini-jack headphone output so you can practice your favorite songs in complete silence.

The Stanley Clarke acoustic preamp is therefore an ultra-complete and versatile professional tool that will allow you to amplify all your acoustic instruments for an always perfect sound reproduction!


  • LED display
  • Power supply: DC 9V
  • Power supply included: Yes
  • Category: Preamp
  • Switch: Mute, Active Channel Selector (A/B)
  • Dimensions (mm): 168 x 124 x 53
  • EQ: 3-band with mid semi-param
  • Inputs: Auxiliary, 2 x jack, XLR
  • Format: Pedal
  • Number of effects: 1
  • Weight (kg): 660g
  • Settings: volume, gain, filter, treble, bass, mid, mid freq
  • h.p. simulations : 1
  • Outputs: Headphone minijack, Jack, Tuner, XLR
  • Technology: Analog
  • 2-Channel Acoustic Bass Preamp
  • Selected components for high studio quality
  • Channels A/B or mix A+B with operable phase inverter
  • Hi-pass or Notch filters per channel to avoid feedback
  • 10 Mohm impedance inputs adapting to all types of microphones
  • Channel A accepting electret microphones
  • Channel B with jack input or XLR microphone + 48V phantom power supply
  • Balanced XLR output with switchable ground switch and cabinet simulator
  • Effects loop: TRS jack input/output, serial or parallel



395,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 2 working days
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer


EBS - STANLEY PREAMP - Stanley Clarke acoustic preamp

The Swiss army knife for your acoustic bass or double bass!

Stanley Clarke worked with EBS in order to bring all his experience in the amplification of acoustic basses and double basses and to design a compact and complete preamp covering all the needs of professional musicians. This signature preamp has been developed to bring together all the necessary features, with studio quality and carefully selected components to be able to amplify all possible types of microphones, which can be combined within its two channels.

Two channels for the best of both worlds!

The Stanley Clarke acoustic preamp is designed around two hyper-complete independent channels, which can also be mixed to mix different sources and microphones. Each channel has a gain, a 3-band equalization with semi-parametric mids (from 70Hz to 2.5kHz), as well as an adjustable Hi-Pass or Notch filter to avoid feedback and best adapt to the environment. sound environment. Both channels have jack inputs with an impedance of 10 Mohms to handle active, passive or piezo pickups.

Channel A can also work with an electret microphone via a switch (5V supply at 2mA), and channel B offers the option of a balanced XLR input with 48V phantom power to use your favorite condenser microphone. Navigate between the two channels according to your needs, or mix them to mix the best of both worlds! A phase inverter can be activated in order to obtain the best sound reproduction from the two mixed channels.

Full studio quality features!

In addition to its preamp section with 2 mixable channels, the new Stanley Clarke pedal has complete and clever connections to have all the necessary tools in the studio and on stage. A jack output sends your sound to your amp, a balanced XLR allows you to send your line signal directly to the mixer with the option of a ground switch and a cabinet simulator. An effects loop with TRS connectors (requiring a Y insert cable) allows you to play on your favorite effects by integrating them with serial or parallel chaining. Finally, the preamp has an auxiliary input and a mini-jack headphone output so you can practice your favorite songs in complete silence.

The Stanley Clarke acoustic preamp is therefore an ultra-complete and versatile professional tool that will allow you to amplify all your acoustic instruments for an always perfect sound reproduction!


  • LED display
  • Power supply: DC 9V
  • Power supply included: Yes
  • Category: Preamp
  • Switch: Mute, Active Channel Selector (A/B)
  • Dimensions (mm): 168 x 124 x 53
  • EQ: 3-band with mid semi-param
  • Inputs: Auxiliary, 2 x jack, XLR
  • Format: Pedal
  • Number of effects: 1
  • Weight (kg): 660g
  • Settings: volume, gain, filter, treble, bass, mid, mid freq
  • h.p. simulations : 1
  • Outputs: Headphone minijack, Jack, Tuner, XLR
  • Technology: Analog
  • 2-Channel Acoustic Bass Preamp
  • Selected components for high studio quality
  • Channels A/B or mix A+B with operable phase inverter
  • Hi-pass or Notch filters per channel to avoid feedback
  • 10 Mohm impedance inputs adapting to all types of microphones
  • Channel A accepting electret microphones
  • Channel B with jack input or XLR microphone + 48V phantom power supply
  • Balanced XLR output with switchable ground switch and cabinet simulator
  • Effects loop: TRS jack input/output, serial or parallel
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