Valencia Region and Murcia at a scale of 1:400,000. The map provides a good presentation of the landscape, highlighting scenic routes and national/regional parks, and includes street maps of Valencia, Alicante and Murcia showing principal sights and facilities, main traffic routes, one way streets and pedestrian areas; each map has a short index listing main streets. The map also indicates locations with a street map in the Michelin's Red Guide to hotels and restaurants in Spain and Portugal and includes a distance/driving times table for the two regions. 

Maps in the Michelin’s regional series of Spain have topography indicated by bold relief shading with spot heights and coloring for forested areas. Detailed road information, characteristic of Michelin’s maps, includes toll and free sections of motorways, road widths, difficult or dangerous roads, restrictions and seasonal closures, steep gradients, level crossings and fords, etc. Railway lines are shown with stations and car ferry routes indicate maximum tonnage. 

Tourist information includes paradors and selected campsites, places of interest, scenic routes and viewpoints, sport and leisure facilities, etc. The maps also indicate locations with a street map in the Michelin's Red Guide to hotels and restaurants in Spain and Portugal. The maps have a grid showing latitude and longitude at intervals of 20’. The index of place name is next to the map. Each title also has street maps of main towns, as indicated in the individual descriptions, and a distance/driving time table. Map legend includes English.