
Good quality seeds are produced in Ukraine.
All seeds have been dried to high standards to ensure high germination rates.

The set consists of 20 packages of selected seeds
Good quality seeds are produced in Ukraine.
All seeds have been dried to high standards to ensure high germination rates.

1. Kavun "Krassen" 

One of the most promising varieties. Obtained by crossing varieties Ogonyok and Super Sweet. Skorostripe. The average weight of the fruits is 3 - 5kg. The flesh is tender, juicy, bright red, sweet, long time retains density. Variety is resistant to fusarium and anthracnose. Transportable 

2. Melon "Medoc"

Unbeatable early maturing variety - Medoc. Ripening comes on 80-85 days. Fragrant fruits, weighing 2-5kg with very tasty and tender flesh. In addition to these unique qualities, has the following values: fast growing, not affected by disease, transportable. Thanks to its high sugar content, it makes marvelous oriental sweets, candied fruits and original marinades. Melon is cultivated in the open air and in greenhouses in light, oxygen- and water-permeable soils. Before sowing, seeds are treated with potassium permanganate solution and then washed with clean water. Sowing is carried out tentatively in May, when the soil has warmed up to 15-16°C at a depth of 8-10 cm. Scheme of planting 140x50cm. In greenhouses 70x40cm, with the use of wallpaper, (fruits can be hung in nets). Also use the seedling method of cultivation. In this case, seedlings are planted after the last frost in the stage of 3-4 true leaves. As plants grow, form into a single stem by removing the side shoots and leave him 2-3 ovaries, (the rest are removed). Further care consists of moderate watering, loosening the soil, fertilizing and sprinkling the branches to protect them from being overturned by the wind.

3. Corn "Cranberry"

Mid-maturing variety Designed for fresh consumption and processing. Ripens in 75 days after sowing. The plant is medium-sized, sparsely pubescent. Cob 18.5 cm long. Grain is wide, yellow in color.   Heat-loving plant, require light, can not stand shadowing. Responsive to watering. The best temperature for growth and development of 20-30 degrees. Grows well on light, fertile, warmed soils, does not grow on acidic and swampy soils. To obtain an early harvest seed soaked for a day and then 10-12 days exposed to temporary temperatures, daytime 20 degrees, night 6. Seed embedding depth is 6-8 cm. Corn is used as a food in the form of freshly boiled cobs, for canning grain in the milk ripeness and for freezing.

4. Salad "Odessa cucumber".

A medium-late, high-yielding variety of leaf lettuce. Vegetation period from sowing to technical ripeness is 68-75 days. It is intended for cultivation in the open and closed ground. Forms a dense rosette of leaves of light green color. Leaves are large, solid, with a strongly wavy edge. Taste is high, without bitterness. Variety with a long period of economic use. Used for fresh consumption.

5. Pink Flamingo Tomato.

A unique early variety of amateur breeding for growing in the open field and in film greenhouses. The growing season from seedlings to harvest - 130-135 days. The plant is indeterminant, about 1.5 m high. Fruits are original, rounded-elongated, smooth, crimson-pink, large, weighing 100-300 g. Characterized by excellent taste. Intended for fresh consumption and processing.

6. Tigrella tomato.

Medium-ripening high-yielding variety. The bush is medium-grown, the height of 1.0-1.2m. Brushes are simple and complex, one brush can be up to 25 fruits. Fruits are round, smooth, bright red with yellow-orange stripes, weighing 50-60g, dense, fleshy, sweet.

7. Pepper "Bogdan".

Early maturing variety. The growing season from seedlings to the biological ripeness 95-110 days. Semishtam bush, height 55-65cm. Fruits are cone-shaped, weighing 200-250g, length 12-15cm, diameter 8-9cm, with weakly faceted, in the biological maturity yellow-orange color. The flesh is of good consistency, with a delicate skin. The thickness of the walls of 6-8 mm. Used for fresh consumption and canning.

8. Pepper "Palanca Babura".

Pepper Palanskaya Babura is an early maturing high yielding variety. The growing season from seedlings to biological ripeness 100-110 days. Spreading bush, height 40-50cm. Fruits are large, prismatic shape, very juicy, in the biological maturity bright red color.

9. Hot peppers room .

Soon-ripening variety, adapted for cultivation in home conditions. The period from sprouting to technical ripeness 85-100 days, to biological ripeness 120-125 days. The bush is tall 60-80cm, with cone-shaped fruits of 4x6cm, of high taste. Coloring of fruits in the biological maturity. Fruits are suitable for fresh consumption and canning.

10. Beans.

Vegetation period from sprouts to technical ripeness 90-100 days. The plant is medium-sized, 80-120 cm high. Pods are wide, 12-15 cm long, contain 4-6 large beans in the milk-wax ripeness white-green color, and in the biological ripeness beige. Taste and commercial qualities are excellent. Use beans for freezing, processing and canning. 

11. Zucchini zucchini "Atena f1".

High yielding bush hybrid. Early maturing, with a long fruiting period. Growing season: 40-45 days. Fruits are orange in color, the skin is smooth and tender. The flesh is juicy with a delicate taste, yellow in color. Color and taste retained during canning.

12. Patisson orange .

Attractive appearance, excellent taste. Early maturing variety. Plant is bushy, relatively resistant to powdery mildew. Fruits are saucer-shaped, with serrated edges, golden at the technical ripeness, weighing 50-800g. The flesh is white-yellow, juicy and sweet. Used in processed and canned forms.

13. Daikon "Minovashi".

A medium-ripening variety. Daikon radish or "Japanese radish" which has a white root crop with light green pigmentation, elongated-cylindrical shape, half deepened into the soil, length 30-60 cm. Weight of the root crop 100-400 grams. The flesh is white, tender, dense, very juicy.

14. Broccoli cabbage .

Broccoli heads are very delicate consistency, they make delicious side dishes to fish and meat dishes. The fiber in broccoli helps the human body cleanse itself of radionuclides and heavy metals. Broccoli after cutting the main mass of heads, gives a second crop of axillary buds, which form heads of 4-6 cm in diameter and weighing 150-200 grams.

15. Lettuce "Ruccola".

Rapidly maturing variety, is considered a valuable salad, oil, medicinal plant. 20-25 days from sprouting to harvesting greens. The rosette of leaves is semi-raised, with a diameter of 15-18 cm, height - 18-20 cm. The average weight is 20 g. Leaf green medium, strongly dissected. Yield is 1.4-1.6 kg/m2. Valued for its excellent nutty-mustard taste and flavor. Juicy leaves - part of various salads of vegetables, fruits, cheese, meat, fish and seafood, irreplaceable spicy side dish to meat and fish dishes. The unique combination of essential oils, vitamin C, PP, group B, carotene, and mineral compounds makes this crop very popular. Sown from April to August directly into the ground to a depth of 1 cm. It is intended for cultivation in the open ground, under a film shelter, as a potted crop on a window sill.

16. Lettuce "All-season wonder" is an early maturing cabbage variety of lettuce, suitable for growing in the open air. The growing season to harvest is 65-80 days. The leaves produce a rounded cabbage with a diameter of 25-30 cm, weighing 250-350 g. The leaves are deep green, oily in color, with a pleasant taste, without bitterness. Relatively resistant to shoots and diseases.

17. Pepper "Lumina".

Medium early variety. From the mass shoots to technical ripeness of the fruit 118-120, to the biological - 140-143 days. The plant height of 40-50 cm, compact. Fruits are cone-shaped, white-cream in the technical maturity, red in the biological, fragrant. Weight of fruit is 95-140 g, thickness of pericarp flesh is 4-7 mm. Highly resistant to Verticillosis wilt and viral infections.

18. Carrot "Coral" is a late maturing variety. The growing season from sprouting to technical ripeness 140-150 days. Root of conical shape, pointed, length 18-20 cm, weighing 90-120 g, dark orange color, good taste. The flesh is juicy, tender and dense.

Used for fresh consumption, processing and long-term winter storage.

19. Coriander Cilantro.

Coriander Cilantro is an annual herbaceous plant of the umbrella family. Stem straight, branched, white umbrella flowers, fruit spherical shape. Cilantro is grown on farms and by amateur gardeners, vegetable growers as a spice and medicinal plant. Especially valued coriander in the Crimea, Central Asia, the Caucasus, where it is a favorite herb and used in many dishes. In Ukraine, it is disliked by many people because of its specific smell and taste.  Cilantro leaves contain a lot of carotene, ascorbic acid, vitamins A, B1, B2, C.

20. Winter Black Radish.

High yielding, medium maturing variety for long winter storage. The vegetation period in the radish "Winter Black" - 90-100 days. Root crops are large, black, 9-12 cm in diameter, rounded-flat shape and reach grade radish "Black winter" - 250-500 grams. The flesh is white, dense, juicy, slightly spicy taste. For summer consumption radish "Black winter" planted in early spring, for winter storage - in the first decade of July. Black winter radish is widely used in folk medicine.