This hugely popular little Ruston / Hornsby 0-6-0DE has been the subject of two previous production runs since 2018, but demand continues to be strong for BR, industrial and preserved versions. This new batch includes representatives of all three sectors, plus a British Army green locomotive inspired by the similar Ruston-built locomotives used on internal railways such as the Bicester Military Railway.

Class Profile:
A small class of diesel-electric shunters built by Ruston / Hornsby to work in and around Southampton Docks, replacing the famous 'USA' 0-6-0T steam locomotives. After withdrawal in the late-1970 s, several were sold for industrial use around the UK.

Built by: Ruston / Hornsby, Lincoln

Number built: 14

Number series: D2985-9 8 (07001-014)

Service Career: 1962-77 (BR), 1977 onwards (industrial)
Region: Southern / industrial

Purpose: Dock shunting

Status in 2018: Five preserved (D2989/94-97)

- 6 pin DCC interface
- Working lights
- NEM couplings
- Sprung buffers