Gold tone pink enamel bracelet  size 7 approx inked wrist

Cat Sidhe

Cat Sidhe are Faery creatures who manifest as black cats with a white breast. They are the spirits of Faery witches who have passed and contain a duality of dark and light magick... hence their manifestation appearance. They are electric energies that can cause static in the phone, television, radio, computer... can cause lights to flicker and electric appliances to be disturbed when they are active.

As spirit companions they can be quite active and will give you valuable insight and resources when it comes to magick. They like to be pranksters, to have fun, and bring excitement into the home. They are very loyal and territorial so once they bond with you they bond for life.

STRENGTHS/WHY KEEP THEM?They are a very powerful source of magic that can be used at your discretion. Once loyal to a Keeper they are bound for lifepowerful, magic, loyal, life


-Treats for Cat Sides include small bowls of sugar.


- Kind, intensely energetic, loyal

-Can manifest as orbs, clicking sounds on hardwood floors, Shades, dreams, day and/or