5 x LARGE RED JASPER TUMBLESTONES 2.5 to 3.5 cms 132 gms  - energy, fertility #A

You will receive the 5 large Red Jasper tumblestones in the photographs and these measure from 2.5 to 3.5 cms across and weigh a combined total of app. 132 gms. These 5 stones really are large tumblestones.

Jasper has always been considered an easy stone to carve although it is particularly durable. It was historically used for making seals and amulets and Mark Anthony used it to mark his letters to Cleopatra with a Red Jasper seal.

Red Jasper is a stone that is believed to help with fertility as well as aiding menstrual and menopausal difficulties. As with most Jaspers it is a stone for increasing energy as well as being uplifting and aiding convalescence.