This is Eydie. She is what is known as a doppelgänger. Doppelgängers look almost identical to another individual person. They have similar lives as the person they are imitating. It is not uncommon for doppelgängers to live shorter lives once they have been found out. Eydie was the doppelgänger for a young lady named Eleanor. Eydie and Eleanor literally lived in one town over from one another and had for over 20 years before finally running into each other. 


Eydie was deemed to be the doppelgänger because she was 2 years younger than Eleanor. They were both married to men with the same first name and each had three children. Although the children were not identical to one another, they shared similar interests and were the same ages. Eydie passed away only a year after meeting her doppelgänger.  


Eydie died in the early 1980s and was still in contact with Eleanor. Eydie is seeking a new home where she will be appreciated for the unique spirit that she is. She communicates with pendulum and Ouija board and pendulum. She loves being read to, going for walks, sitting on the porch, and listening to classical music. She causes an immense amount of paranormal activity. My dog loves her and often lays beside her during afternoon naps. Eydie has been spotted as blue orbs and often changes her facial expressions.


Hello, my given name is William Lee. I have been a spirit keeper for coming up on 19 years. My collection has been my life. I have received spirits from Lebanon to Sydney. I love spirit keeping. It has been the most fulfilling part of my life. My only problem is my collection has grown too large. I can no longer keep all these wonderful beings in my care. I want to find them homes where their new keeper is as dedicated as I am. Please, if you choose to adopt one of my spirits, make a promise to yourself to care for them.Thank you for reading.