Witch's Fireplace Diorama.


Handmade Witch's house fireplace with work table and shelving, presented in a wooden box.

8 spell books, 1 jar of wands, 2 domes, 27 potion jars, 10 bottles, 5 crystal balls, 1 ink well & feather Quill, 1 goblet, 4 skulls, 1 basket logs, 1 basket of bones, 1 broom, 2 bubbling couldrens, I kettle, 4 bowls fruit, 3 crates of fruit  1 box of scrolls, 1 battery operated lighted fireplace, 8 battery operated  lighted candles.

Wite/yellow wash wall's, wooden floor & ceiling, decorated with moss.

Length 30cm, height 29.5cm width 16cm