Hello, fellow reloader! 

So, if you`ve stumbled upon my offer here, a valid question would be - how is any of it any different from all the other offers?

It is, and it is not. 
And, yes, anyone out there with a working 3D printer can do the same - all it takes is a bit of an effort, time, Fusion 360 skills and some filament that prints well. 
I offer here results of my own adjustments and alterations to the well known designs here, as STL files downloaded straight from the internet 'as is' never work well nor fit well. An every part requires custom massaging for your machine and setup, before printed out result will actually work as it should. 

The trays offered I use myself, chosen after looking for a most compact simple design I can stock prepped processed brass into to keep it organized and separate while it waits for the rest of the process. 
Sizing of cells is ideal for .308 and 6.5CM brass but also fits smaller .223 fine - as shown. 

Available in black, green and blue prints - please make sure to put in order notes, 
if no color is selected - BLACK trays will be shipped out. 

Other tray designs take just too much space on the bench, and space is precious. 
I do offer you here 3 of those trays, I find them quite useful and did not see a similar design offered for sale. 

Only trays are offered, the brass is mine to keep. :) 

No returns, USPS shipment to continental USA only.