EBS - MAGNI 502-210

MAGNI 502-210

Disponibilité:  Disponible sur commande
Livraison:  Nous contacter pour vérifier la disponibilité et de délai
Garantie: 2 ans pièces & main-d'oeuvre

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EBS - MAGNI 502-210 - Combo basse à transistor

Un combo professionnel du tonnerre, et léger !

Le Magni 502 tire son nom de Magni, fils de Thor, dieu du tonnerre dans la mythologie nordique. Ce terme signifie également « fort », « puissant » en Suédois, et à l'écoute de ce combo professionnel d'exception, vous saisirez immédiatement pourquoi EBS a souhaité dénommer cette série d'amplis de la sorte ! Basé sur la fameuse tête d'ampli Reidmar 502 dont il emprunte l'interface et la connectique, ce combo Magni 502 est conçu dans un baffle de 2 haut-parleurs de 10 pouces avec des aimants au néodyme, diminuant considérablement le poids (- 6kg par rapport au Magni 500 précédent), tout en conservant performance et dynamique du son avec son tweeter !

Une technologie éprouvée et primée !

En utilisant la technologie des Reidmar pour concevoir les Magni 502, EBS fait bénéficier à ces derniers des meilleures fonctionnalités embarquées sur leurs amplificateurs. Ainsi, le Magni 502 emploie la technologie Soft Clipt qui préserve complètement les basses fréquences, même à haut volume. Le préampli analogique de haute qualité dote les Magni 502 du fameux compresseur EBS et du filtre Character, qui prémodèle votre son en boostant les basses et les aigus tout en creusant légèrement les médiums. L’égalisation 4 bandes avec médiums semi-paramétrique permet de sculpter précisément votre son et d’exploiter tous les rendus sonores imaginables !

Passez le mur du son !

Le Magni 502 bénéficie d'une fabrication professionnelle et ce, jusque dans la structure même du châssis grâce à sa conception à double port qui redirige le son du fond du baffle vers l'avant, ce qui induit une bien meilleure puissance en façade. Pour davantage renforcer cette puissance, le Magni 502 présente une sortie Speakon pour l’ajout d’un baffle externe de 4 ohms, ou bien de deux baffles de 8 ohms. Ce combo professionnel met également à votre disposition toutes les connexions nécessaires pour travailler efficacement chez vous ou sur scène : une sortie casque, une sortie ligne, une boucle d'effet et une sortie DI XLR pour se connecter directement à une table de mixage (avec un pré/post EQ, ainsi qu’un Ground Lift activable pour éliminer les ronflements électriques).

Après une telle démonstration de force, qu'attendez-vous pour vous saisir de votre basse de combat et d'embarquer sur votre drakkar pour partir à la conquête de nouveaux territoires sonores en bravant les éléments ? Après tout, vous êtes le fils du Tonnerre !

Caractéristiques :

  • Boucle d'effets : Oui
  • Catégorie : Combo basse
  • Dimensions (mm) : 560 x 440 x 365
  • EQ : 4-bandes avec mid semi-param
  • Entrées : instrument jack
  • Finition : Noire
  • Impédance H-P (Ω) : 4 Ω
  • Poids (kg) : 15,40 kg
  • Puissance : 500 W
  • Sortie baffle externe : Oui
  • Sorties : XLR DI, H.P. Speakon, Line out jack
  • Technologie : Transistors
  • Combo basse classe D 2x10" + tweeter
  • Puissance : 500W RMS @ 2Ω minimum
  • Haut-parleurs : 2 x 10" aimants néodyme + tweeter
  • Réponse en fréquences : 45 Hz 20 kHz
  • Préampli analogique, ampli classe D
  • Contrôles : gain, volume
  • Égalisation : basses, aigus, brillance, réglage du niveau de médium et de fréquence
  • Interrupteurs : character, filter active
  • Compresseur/limiteur : réglage par potentiomètre, Led de déclenchement
  • Sortie D.I. : XLR symétrique
  • Commutateurs D.I. : pré/post EQ et de masse pour la sortie XLR
  • Boucle d’effet (en série)
  • Sortie Line Out jack
  • Sortie casque jack
  • Sortie HP Speakon (4 Ω à 8 Ω)
  • Housse de protection fournie

EBS - MAGNI 502-210

MAGNI 502-210

1 279,00 €

Availability:  Available on request
Processing time:  Contact us to check the product availability and delivery times
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer

More info

EBS - MAGNI 502-210 - Solid-State Bass Combo

A professional combo of thunder, and light!

The Magni 502 takes its name from Magni, son of Thor, god of thunder in Norse mythology. This term also means "strong", "powerful" in Swedish, and listening to this exceptional professional combo, you will immediately understand why EBS wanted to name this series of amps in this way! Based on the famous Reidmar 502 amp head from which it borrows the interface and connectors, this Magni 502 combo is designed in a cabinet with 2 10-inch speakers with neodymium magnets, considerably reducing the weight (- 6kg compared to the previous Magni 500), while maintaining sound performance and dynamics with its tweeter!

Proven, award-winning technology!

By using Reidmar technology to design the Magni 502, EBS allows them to benefit from the best features embedded in their amplifiers. Thus, the Magni 502 employs Soft Clipt technology which completely preserves low frequencies, even at high volume. The high-quality analog preamp equips the Magni 502 with the famous EBS compressor and the Character filter, which pre-shapes your sound by boosting the bass and treble while slightly scooping the mids. The 4-band equalization with semi-parametric mids allows you to precisely sculpt your sound and exploit all the sound effects imaginable!

Pass the sound barrier!

The Magni 502 is professionally crafted right down to the chassis structure itself thanks to its dual-port design which redirects sound from the back of the baffle to the front, resulting in much better front-end power. To further reinforce this power, the Magni 502 has a Speakon output for the addition of an external 4 ohm cabinet, or two 8 ohm cabinets. This professional combo also provides you with all the connections you need to work effectively at home or on stage: a headphone output, a line output, an effects loop and an XLR DI output to connect directly to a mixer (with a pre/post EQ, as well as an activatable Ground Lift to eliminate electrical hum).

After such a show of force, what are you waiting for to grab your combat bass and embark on your drakkar to conquer new sonic territories by braving the elements? After all, you are the son of Thunder!


  • Effects Loop: Yes
  • Category: Bass Combo
  • Dimensions (mm): 560x440x365
  • EQ: 4-band with mid semi-param
  • Inputs: instrument jack
  • Finish: Black
  • Speaker-P impedance (Ω): 4 Ω
  • Weight (kg): 15.40 kg
  • Power: 500W
  • External speaker output: Yes
  • Outputs: XLR DI, HP Speakon, Line out jack
  • Technology: Transistors
  • 2x10" Class D bass combo + tweeter
  • Power: 500W RMS @ 2Ω minimum
  • Speakers: 2 x 10" neodymium magnets + tweeter
  • Frequency response: 45Hz 20kHz
  • Analog preamp, class D amp
  • Controls: gain, volume
  • Equalization: bass, treble, brightness, midrange and frequency level adjustment
  • Switches: character, filter active
  • Compressor/limiter: adjustment by potentiometer, trigger LED
  • D.I. output: Balanced XLR
  • D.I. switches: pre/post EQ and ground for XLR output
  • Effects loop (in series)
  • Line Out jack output
  • Headphone output jack
  • HP Speakon Output (4Ω to 8Ω)
  • Protective cover provided

EBS - MAGNI 502-210

MAGNI 502-210

1 279,00 €

Availability:  Available on request
Processing time:  Contact us to check the product availability and delivery times
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer


EBS - MAGNI 502-210 - Solid-State Bass Combo

A professional combo of thunder, and light!

The Magni 502 takes its name from Magni, son of Thor, god of thunder in Norse mythology. This term also means "strong", "powerful" in Swedish, and listening to this exceptional professional combo, you will immediately understand why EBS wanted to name this series of amps in this way! Based on the famous Reidmar 502 amp head from which it borrows the interface and connectors, this Magni 502 combo is designed in a cabinet with 2 10-inch speakers with neodymium magnets, considerably reducing the weight (- 6kg compared to the previous Magni 500), while maintaining sound performance and dynamics with its tweeter!

Proven, award-winning technology!

By using Reidmar technology to design the Magni 502, EBS allows them to benefit from the best features embedded in their amplifiers. Thus, the Magni 502 employs Soft Clipt technology which completely preserves low frequencies, even at high volume. The high-quality analog preamp equips the Magni 502 with the famous EBS compressor and the Character filter, which pre-shapes your sound by boosting the bass and treble while slightly scooping the mids. The 4-band equalization with semi-parametric mids allows you to precisely sculpt your sound and exploit all the sound effects imaginable!

Pass the sound barrier!

The Magni 502 is professionally crafted right down to the chassis structure itself thanks to its dual-port design which redirects sound from the back of the baffle to the front, resulting in much better front-end power. To further reinforce this power, the Magni 502 has a Speakon output for the addition of an external 4 ohm cabinet, or two 8 ohm cabinets. This professional combo also provides you with all the connections you need to work effectively at home or on stage: a headphone output, a line output, an effects loop and an XLR DI output to connect directly to a mixer (with a pre/post EQ, as well as an activatable Ground Lift to eliminate electrical hum).

After such a show of force, what are you waiting for to grab your combat bass and embark on your drakkar to conquer new sonic territories by braving the elements? After all, you are the son of Thunder!


  • Effects Loop: Yes
  • Category: Bass Combo
  • Dimensions (mm): 560x440x365
  • EQ: 4-band with mid semi-param
  • Inputs: instrument jack
  • Finish: Black
  • Speaker-P impedance (Ω): 4 Ω
  • Weight (kg): 15.40 kg
  • Power: 500W
  • External speaker output: Yes
  • Outputs: XLR DI, HP Speakon, Line out jack
  • Technology: Transistors
  • 2x10" Class D bass combo + tweeter
  • Power: 500W RMS @ 2Ω minimum
  • Speakers: 2 x 10" neodymium magnets + tweeter
  • Frequency response: 45Hz 20kHz
  • Analog preamp, class D amp
  • Controls: gain, volume
  • Equalization: bass, treble, brightness, midrange and frequency level adjustment
  • Switches: character, filter active
  • Compressor/limiter: adjustment by potentiometer, trigger LED
  • D.I. output: Balanced XLR
  • D.I. switches: pre/post EQ and ground for XLR output
  • Effects loop (in series)
  • Line Out jack output
  • Headphone output jack
  • HP Speakon Output (4Ω to 8Ω)
  • Protective cover provided

EBS - MAGNI 502-210

MAGNI 502-210

1 279,00 €

Availability:  Available on request
Processing time:  Contact us to check the product availability and delivery times
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer


EBS - MAGNI 502-210 - Solid-State Bass Combo

A professional combo of thunder, and light!

The Magni 502 takes its name from Magni, son of Thor, god of thunder in Norse mythology. This term also means "strong", "powerful" in Swedish, and listening to this exceptional professional combo, you will immediately understand why EBS wanted to name this series of amps in this way! Based on the famous Reidmar 502 amp head from which it borrows the interface and connectors, this Magni 502 combo is designed in a cabinet with 2 10-inch speakers with neodymium magnets, considerably reducing the weight (- 6kg compared to the previous Magni 500), while maintaining sound performance and dynamics with its tweeter!

Proven, award-winning technology!

By using Reidmar technology to design the Magni 502, EBS allows them to benefit from the best features embedded in their amplifiers. Thus, the Magni 502 employs Soft Clipt technology which completely preserves low frequencies, even at high volume. The high-quality analog preamp equips the Magni 502 with the famous EBS compressor and the Character filter, which pre-shapes your sound by boosting the bass and treble while slightly scooping the mids. The 4-band equalization with semi-parametric mids allows you to precisely sculpt your sound and exploit all the sound effects imaginable!

Pass the sound barrier!

The Magni 502 is professionally crafted right down to the chassis structure itself thanks to its dual-port design which redirects sound from the back of the baffle to the front, resulting in much better front-end power. To further reinforce this power, the Magni 502 has a Speakon output for the addition of an external 4 ohm cabinet, or two 8 ohm cabinets. This professional combo also provides you with all the connections you need to work effectively at home or on stage: a headphone output, a line output, an effects loop and an XLR DI output to connect directly to a mixer (with a pre/post EQ, as well as an activatable Ground Lift to eliminate electrical hum).

After such a show of force, what are you waiting for to grab your combat bass and embark on your drakkar to conquer new sonic territories by braving the elements? After all, you are the son of Thunder!


  • Effects Loop: Yes
  • Category: Bass Combo
  • Dimensions (mm): 560x440x365
  • EQ: 4-band with mid semi-param
  • Inputs: instrument jack
  • Finish: Black
  • Speaker-P impedance (Ω): 4 Ω
  • Weight (kg): 15.40 kg
  • Power: 500W
  • External speaker output: Yes
  • Outputs: XLR DI, HP Speakon, Line out jack
  • Technology: Transistors
  • 2x10" Class D bass combo + tweeter
  • Power: 500W RMS @ 2Ω minimum
  • Speakers: 2 x 10" neodymium magnets + tweeter
  • Frequency response: 45Hz 20kHz
  • Analog preamp, class D amp
  • Controls: gain, volume
  • Equalization: bass, treble, brightness, midrange and frequency level adjustment
  • Switches: character, filter active
  • Compressor/limiter: adjustment by potentiometer, trigger LED
  • D.I. output: Balanced XLR
  • D.I. switches: pre/post EQ and ground for XLR output
  • Effects loop (in series)
  • Line Out jack output
  • Headphone output jack
  • HP Speakon Output (4Ω to 8Ω)
  • Protective cover provided

EBS - MAGNI 502-210

MAGNI 502-210

1 279,00 €

Availability:  Available on request
Processing time:  Contact us to check the product availability and delivery times
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer


EBS - MAGNI 502-210 - Solid-State Bass Combo

A professional combo of thunder, and light!

The Magni 502 takes its name from Magni, son of Thor, god of thunder in Norse mythology. This term also means "strong", "powerful" in Swedish, and listening to this exceptional professional combo, you will immediately understand why EBS wanted to name this series of amps in this way! Based on the famous Reidmar 502 amp head from which it borrows the interface and connectors, this Magni 502 combo is designed in a cabinet with 2 10-inch speakers with neodymium magnets, considerably reducing the weight (- 6kg compared to the previous Magni 500), while maintaining sound performance and dynamics with its tweeter!

Proven, award-winning technology!

By using Reidmar technology to design the Magni 502, EBS allows them to benefit from the best features embedded in their amplifiers. Thus, the Magni 502 employs Soft Clipt technology which completely preserves low frequencies, even at high volume. The high-quality analog preamp equips the Magni 502 with the famous EBS compressor and the Character filter, which pre-shapes your sound by boosting the bass and treble while slightly scooping the mids. The 4-band equalization with semi-parametric mids allows you to precisely sculpt your sound and exploit all the sound effects imaginable!

Pass the sound barrier!

The Magni 502 is professionally crafted right down to the chassis structure itself thanks to its dual-port design which redirects sound from the back of the baffle to the front, resulting in much better front-end power. To further reinforce this power, the Magni 502 has a Speakon output for the addition of an external 4 ohm cabinet, or two 8 ohm cabinets. This professional combo also provides you with all the connections you need to work effectively at home or on stage: a headphone output, a line output, an effects loop and an XLR DI output to connect directly to a mixer (with a pre/post EQ, as well as an activatable Ground Lift to eliminate electrical hum).

After such a show of force, what are you waiting for to grab your combat bass and embark on your drakkar to conquer new sonic territories by braving the elements? After all, you are the son of Thunder!


  • Effects Loop: Yes
  • Category: Bass Combo
  • Dimensions (mm): 560x440x365
  • EQ: 4-band with mid semi-param
  • Inputs: instrument jack
  • Finish: Black
  • Speaker-P impedance (Ω): 4 Ω
  • Weight (kg): 15.40 kg
  • Power: 500W
  • External speaker output: Yes
  • Outputs: XLR DI, HP Speakon, Line out jack
  • Technology: Transistors
  • 2x10" Class D bass combo + tweeter
  • Power: 500W RMS @ 2Ω minimum
  • Speakers: 2 x 10" neodymium magnets + tweeter
  • Frequency response: 45Hz 20kHz
  • Analog preamp, class D amp
  • Controls: gain, volume
  • Equalization: bass, treble, brightness, midrange and frequency level adjustment
  • Switches: character, filter active
  • Compressor/limiter: adjustment by potentiometer, trigger LED
  • D.I. output: Balanced XLR
  • D.I. switches: pre/post EQ and ground for XLR output
  • Effects loop (in series)
  • Line Out jack output
  • Headphone output jack
  • HP Speakon Output (4Ω to 8Ω)
  • Protective cover provided
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