These chip bead bracelets are elasticated and fit most wrists. We make these bracelets ourselves.

The Greeks believed amethyst to be a powerful antidote to drunkeness - "amethustos" means to be sober and both the Greeks and the Romans would make goblets from amethyst to guard againt the effects of excessive wine.

Amethyst is actualy one of the most effective crystals for all round healing work and it is believed that it can even charge other crystals with its healing powers.

When kept under your pillow or worn at night, many have found that it helps to relieve insomnia and prevent nightmares.

Legend tells us that it was Hercules that dropped the Crystal of truth from Mount Olympus which shattered into the millions of pieces that we find a Quartz Crystal today. Possibly the most versatile and popular of all crystals and can be used for and cleansing or healing work. Many people carry a personal Crystal with them for their own private work. Clear Quartz is considered to be the master healer and beneficial in most cases. In addition it amplifies the effect of other stones when placed with them. It is also a visionary stone and is excellent for use in meditation.

Please note we can make matching necklaces and earrings for all of these bracelets. If you cannot see them listed separately please let us know if you want to order these and we can make them for you.

SIZE - Please note we make these bracelets to a standard 8" - if you require your bracelets to be a different size then please advise us on purchase.