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KORG - NAUTILUS 61 - Workstation 61 notes

Le NAUTILUS 61 de KORG est une workstation de 61 grandes touches semi-lestées. Le clavier est léger et à la réponse dynamique, et permet une bonne sensation de jeu. Le contrôle de la dynamique, qui modifie le comportement tactile du clavier, y est étroitement lié.

La gamme NAUTILUS de KORG permet un regard neuf sur ce dont une station de travail moderne à synthétiseur devrait être capable. Le panneau de commande clair indique rapidement que la plupart des travaux sont effectués sur le grand écran tactile couleur de 7 pouces. Six boutons et potentiomètres peuvent être configurés par l'utilisateur selon ses propres besoins. Selon le mode, ils sont prédéfinis et effectuent une tâche fixe telle que le réglage de l'arpégiateur ou du filtre.

Il comprend neuf générateurs de sons différents issus du Kronos2 dans lesquels l’on retrouve trois générateurs de sons consacrés aux pianos et orgues, trois différents synthétiseurs analogiques virtuels, un échantillonneur et synthétiseur à séquences d’ondes, un synthétiseur de modélisation physique et un synthétiseur combinant modulation de phase variable (VPM), déformation d’onde (waveshaping) et un puissant processeur PCM.La gamme d'expressivité est très élevée. En plus des nombreux sons PCM et des batteries, neuf modèles différents de génération de sons figurent parmi les points forts du NAUTILUS 61, offrant au musicien un certain nombre de classiques tels que MS-20, CX-3, Polysix et Prophecy, ainsi que des sons de piano électrique et de piano à queue de haute qualité, des instruments à cordes et des sons de synthétiseur de pointe.

La technologie Smooth Sound Transition (SST) garantit la fluidité des transitions en permettant des chevauchements d’effets et de voix lors des changements de sons. De plus, le workstation met à disposition 197 types d’effets différents, dont des effets de chorus et de délai, des modélisations d’amplis, un vocodeur et bien d’autres.

L'une des différences notables entre le Kronos2 et la gamme NAUTILUS est que qu’elle ne dispose pas de la fonction Karma. Elle propose à la place un double arpégiateur polyphonique qui ouvrira de nouvelles possibilités sonores. La gamme peut enregistrer jusqu’à 16 pistes Midi et 16 pistes audio (24-bits, 48 kHz) par projet. Il est possible d’enregistrer des sources externes directement via l’entrée stéréo ou importer et exporter des fichiers SMF et WAV.

Caractéristiques :

  • Workstation
  • Type de synthèse : modélisation & échantillonnage
  • 61 grande touches semi-lestées sensibles à la vélocité
  • Finition : noire
  • Affichage : touchview
  • Écran tactile couleur 7"
  • Enregistreur audio : enregistreur audio 16 pistes
  • LFO : jusqu'à 4 Lfo/voix selon moteur
  • Filtres : passe-haut, passe-bas, passe-bande, coupe-bande
  • Entrées : USB, pédalier, pédale d'expression, pédale de sustain, Midi, audio in
  • Sorties : USB, Midi, casque, 4 sorties jack individuelles, sortie jack stéréo
  • Logiciels fournis : éditeur
  • Enveloppe : ADSR
  • Contrôleur : 8 potentiomètres, joystick
  • Type de sauvegarde : disque dur SSD, USB to device
  • Split & layer : layer, split
  • Générateur sonore : modélisation analogique, PCM
  • Mémoire : 60 GB
  • Séquenceur : Oui
  • Arpégiateur : Oui
  • Transposition : Oui
  • Échantillonneur : Oui
  • Mémoires utilisateur : 2 560
  • Nombre d'effets : 197
  • Polyphonie max : 200
  • Nombre de présélections : 1 920
  • Multisynthèse (9 moteurs de synthèse différents) : HD-1 : synthétiseur haute définition (banque PCM et table d'onde) ; AL-1 : modélisation d'un synthétiseur analogique polyphonique ; CX-3 : modélisation d'orgue à roue phonique ; STR-1 : modélisation de cordes pincées ; MS-20EX : modélisation du légendaire MS-20 ; PolysixEX : modélisation du célèbre Polysix ; MOD-7 : synthèse FM à 6 opérateurs (waveshaping) ; SGX-2 : piano en streaming direct ; EP-1 : modélisation de pianos électriques
  • Échantillonneur
  • Séquenceur Midi 16-pistes
  • Séquenceur audio 16-pistes
  • Section DrumTrack
  • Arpégiateur polyphonique
  • 12 inserts effets, 2 masters et 2 généraux
  • Entrées / sorties : USB type A & B, 6 sorties audio, 2 entrées lignes, Midi In/Out/Thru
  • Accessoires inclus : alimentation secteur, manuel utilisateur
  • Dimensions : 1062 x 386 x 116mm
  • Poids : 13 kg



1 759,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 2 working days
Guaranty: 3 years by manufacturer

More info

KORG - NAUTILUS 61 - Workstation 61 notes

The KORG NAUTILUS 61 is a workstation with 61 large semi-weighted keys. The keyboard is light and has a dynamic response, and allows a good feeling of playing. The control of the dynamics, which modifies the tactile behavior of the keyboard, is linked to it.

KORG's NAUTILUS line offers a fresh take on what a modern synthesizer workstation should be capable of. The clear control panel quickly indicates that most work is done on the large 7-inch color touchscreen. Six buttons and potentiometers can be configured by the user according to his own needs. Depending on the mode, they are preset and perform a fixed task such as adjusting the arpeggiator or filter.

It includes nine different sound generators from the Kronos2 in which there are three sound generators dedicated to pianos and organs, three different virtual analog synthesizers, a wave sequence sampler and synthesizer, a physical modeling synthesizer and a synthesizer. Combining variable phase modulation (VPM), wavehaping and a powerful PCM processor. The range of expressiveness is very high. In addition to the many PCM sounds and drums, nine different tone generation models among the strengths of the NAUTILUS 61, offering the musician a number of classics such as MS-20, CX-3, Polysix and Prophecy, as well as High quality electric piano and grand piano sounds, advanced stringed instruments and synthesizer sounds.

Smooth Sound Transition (SST) technology ensures smooth transitions by allowing effects and vocals to overlap when changing sounds. In addition, the workstation provides 197 different types of effects, including chorus and delay effects, amp models, a vocoder, and more.

One of the notable differences between the Kronos2 and the NAUTILUS range is that it does not have the Karma function. Instead, it offers a double polyphonic arpeggiator that opens up new sonic possibilities. The range can record up to 16 Midi tracks and 16 audio tracks (24 bits, 48 kHz) per project. It is possible to record external sources directly through the stereo input or importer and exporter of SMF and WAV files.


  • Workstation
  • Type of synthesis: modeling & sampling
  • 61 large semi-weighted velocity sensitive keys
  • Finish: black
  • Display: touchview
  • 7 "color touch screen
  • Audio recorder: 16-track audio recorder
  • LFO: up to 4 Lfo / voice depending on engine
  • Filters: high pass, low pass, band pass, notch
  • Inputs: USB, pedal, expression pedal, sustain pedal, Midi, audio in
  • Outputs: USB, Midi, headphones, 4 individual jack outputs, stereo jack output
  • Software provided: editor
  • Envelope: ADSR
  • Controller: 8 potentiometers, joystick
  • Backup type: SSD hard drive, USB to device
  • Split & layer: layer, split
  • Sound generator: analog modeling, PCM
  • Memory: 60 GB
  • Sequencer: Yes
  • Arpeggiator: Yes
  • Transposition: Yes
  • Sampler: Yes
  • User memories: 2560
  • Number of Effects: 197
  • Max polyphony: 200
  • Number of presets: 1920
  • Multisynthesis (9 different synthesis engines): HD-1: high definition synthesizer (PCM bank and wavetable); AL-1: modeling of a polyphonic analog synthesizer; CX-3: phonic wheel organ modeling; STR-1: modeling of plucked strings; MS-20EX: modeling of the legendary MS-20; PolysixEX: modeling of the famous Polysix; MOD-7: FM synthesis with 6 operators (waveshaping); SGX-2: live streaming piano; EP-1: modeling of electric pianos
  • Sampler
  • 16-track Midi sequencer
  • 16-track audio sequencer
  • DrumTrack Section
  • Polyphonic arpeggiator
  • 12 effects inserts, 2 masters and 2 general
  • Inputs / outputs: USB type A & B, 6 audio outputs, 2 line inputs, Midi In / Out / Thru
  • Accessories included: mains power supply, user manual
  • Dimensions: 1062 x 386 x 116mm
  • Weight: 13 kg



1 759,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 2 working days
Guaranty: 3 years by manufacturer


KORG - NAUTILUS 61 - Workstation 61 notes

The KORG NAUTILUS 61 is a workstation with 61 large semi-weighted keys. The keyboard is light and has a dynamic response, and allows a good feeling of playing. The control of the dynamics, which modifies the tactile behavior of the keyboard, is linked to it.

KORG's NAUTILUS line offers a fresh take on what a modern synthesizer workstation should be capable of. The clear control panel quickly indicates that most work is done on the large 7-inch color touchscreen. Six buttons and potentiometers can be configured by the user according to his own needs. Depending on the mode, they are preset and perform a fixed task such as adjusting the arpeggiator or filter.

It includes nine different sound generators from the Kronos2 in which there are three sound generators dedicated to pianos and organs, three different virtual analog synthesizers, a wave sequence sampler and synthesizer, a physical modeling synthesizer and a synthesizer. Combining variable phase modulation (VPM), wavehaping and a powerful PCM processor. The range of expressiveness is very high. In addition to the many PCM sounds and drums, nine different tone generation models among the strengths of the NAUTILUS 61, offering the musician a number of classics such as MS-20, CX-3, Polysix and Prophecy, as well as High quality electric piano and grand piano sounds, advanced stringed instruments and synthesizer sounds.

Smooth Sound Transition (SST) technology ensures smooth transitions by allowing effects and vocals to overlap when changing sounds. In addition, the workstation provides 197 different types of effects, including chorus and delay effects, amp models, a vocoder, and more.

One of the notable differences between the Kronos2 and the NAUTILUS range is that it does not have the Karma function. Instead, it offers a double polyphonic arpeggiator that opens up new sonic possibilities. The range can record up to 16 Midi tracks and 16 audio tracks (24 bits, 48 kHz) per project. It is possible to record external sources directly through the stereo input or importer and exporter of SMF and WAV files.


  • Workstation
  • Type of synthesis: modeling & sampling
  • 61 large semi-weighted velocity sensitive keys
  • Finish: black
  • Display: touchview
  • 7 "color touch screen
  • Audio recorder: 16-track audio recorder
  • LFO: up to 4 Lfo / voice depending on engine
  • Filters: high pass, low pass, band pass, notch
  • Inputs: USB, pedal, expression pedal, sustain pedal, Midi, audio in
  • Outputs: USB, Midi, headphones, 4 individual jack outputs, stereo jack output
  • Software provided: editor
  • Envelope: ADSR
  • Controller: 8 potentiometers, joystick
  • Backup type: SSD hard drive, USB to device
  • Split & layer: layer, split
  • Sound generator: analog modeling, PCM
  • Memory: 60 GB
  • Sequencer: Yes
  • Arpeggiator: Yes
  • Transposition: Yes
  • Sampler: Yes
  • User memories: 2560
  • Number of Effects: 197
  • Max polyphony: 200
  • Number of presets: 1920
  • Multisynthesis (9 different synthesis engines): HD-1: high definition synthesizer (PCM bank and wavetable); AL-1: modeling of a polyphonic analog synthesizer; CX-3: phonic wheel organ modeling; STR-1: modeling of plucked strings; MS-20EX: modeling of the legendary MS-20; PolysixEX: modeling of the famous Polysix; MOD-7: FM synthesis with 6 operators (waveshaping); SGX-2: live streaming piano; EP-1: modeling of electric pianos
  • Sampler
  • 16-track Midi sequencer
  • 16-track audio sequencer
  • DrumTrack Section
  • Polyphonic arpeggiator
  • 12 effects inserts, 2 masters and 2 general
  • Inputs / outputs: USB type A & B, 6 audio outputs, 2 line inputs, Midi In / Out / Thru
  • Accessories included: mains power supply, user manual
  • Dimensions: 1062 x 386 x 116mm
  • Weight: 13 kg



1 759,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 2 working days
Guaranty: 3 years by manufacturer


KORG - NAUTILUS 61 - Workstation 61 notes

The KORG NAUTILUS 61 is a workstation with 61 large semi-weighted keys. The keyboard is light and has a dynamic response, and allows a good feeling of playing. The control of the dynamics, which modifies the tactile behavior of the keyboard, is linked to it.

KORG's NAUTILUS line offers a fresh take on what a modern synthesizer workstation should be capable of. The clear control panel quickly indicates that most work is done on the large 7-inch color touchscreen. Six buttons and potentiometers can be configured by the user according to his own needs. Depending on the mode, they are preset and perform a fixed task such as adjusting the arpeggiator or filter.

It includes nine different sound generators from the Kronos2 in which there are three sound generators dedicated to pianos and organs, three different virtual analog synthesizers, a wave sequence sampler and synthesizer, a physical modeling synthesizer and a synthesizer. Combining variable phase modulation (VPM), wavehaping and a powerful PCM processor. The range of expressiveness is very high. In addition to the many PCM sounds and drums, nine different tone generation models among the strengths of the NAUTILUS 61, offering the musician a number of classics such as MS-20, CX-3, Polysix and Prophecy, as well as High quality electric piano and grand piano sounds, advanced stringed instruments and synthesizer sounds.

Smooth Sound Transition (SST) technology ensures smooth transitions by allowing effects and vocals to overlap when changing sounds. In addition, the workstation provides 197 different types of effects, including chorus and delay effects, amp models, a vocoder, and more.

One of the notable differences between the Kronos2 and the NAUTILUS range is that it does not have the Karma function. Instead, it offers a double polyphonic arpeggiator that opens up new sonic possibilities. The range can record up to 16 Midi tracks and 16 audio tracks (24 bits, 48 kHz) per project. It is possible to record external sources directly through the stereo input or importer and exporter of SMF and WAV files.


  • Workstation
  • Type of synthesis: modeling & sampling
  • 61 large semi-weighted velocity sensitive keys
  • Finish: black
  • Display: touchview
  • 7 "color touch screen
  • Audio recorder: 16-track audio recorder
  • LFO: up to 4 Lfo / voice depending on engine
  • Filters: high pass, low pass, band pass, notch
  • Inputs: USB, pedal, expression pedal, sustain pedal, Midi, audio in
  • Outputs: USB, Midi, headphones, 4 individual jack outputs, stereo jack output
  • Software provided: editor
  • Envelope: ADSR
  • Controller: 8 potentiometers, joystick
  • Backup type: SSD hard drive, USB to device
  • Split & layer: layer, split
  • Sound generator: analog modeling, PCM
  • Memory: 60 GB
  • Sequencer: Yes
  • Arpeggiator: Yes
  • Transposition: Yes
  • Sampler: Yes
  • User memories: 2560
  • Number of Effects: 197
  • Max polyphony: 200
  • Number of presets: 1920
  • Multisynthesis (9 different synthesis engines): HD-1: high definition synthesizer (PCM bank and wavetable); AL-1: modeling of a polyphonic analog synthesizer; CX-3: phonic wheel organ modeling; STR-1: modeling of plucked strings; MS-20EX: modeling of the legendary MS-20; PolysixEX: modeling of the famous Polysix; MOD-7: FM synthesis with 6 operators (waveshaping); SGX-2: live streaming piano; EP-1: modeling of electric pianos
  • Sampler
  • 16-track Midi sequencer
  • 16-track audio sequencer
  • DrumTrack Section
  • Polyphonic arpeggiator
  • 12 effects inserts, 2 masters and 2 general
  • Inputs / outputs: USB type A & B, 6 audio outputs, 2 line inputs, Midi In / Out / Thru
  • Accessories included: mains power supply, user manual
  • Dimensions: 1062 x 386 x 116mm
  • Weight: 13 kg



1 759,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 2 working days
Guaranty: 3 years by manufacturer


KORG - NAUTILUS 61 - Workstation 61 notes

The KORG NAUTILUS 61 is a workstation with 61 large semi-weighted keys. The keyboard is light and has a dynamic response, and allows a good feeling of playing. The control of the dynamics, which modifies the tactile behavior of the keyboard, is linked to it.

KORG's NAUTILUS line offers a fresh take on what a modern synthesizer workstation should be capable of. The clear control panel quickly indicates that most work is done on the large 7-inch color touchscreen. Six buttons and potentiometers can be configured by the user according to his own needs. Depending on the mode, they are preset and perform a fixed task such as adjusting the arpeggiator or filter.

It includes nine different sound generators from the Kronos2 in which there are three sound generators dedicated to pianos and organs, three different virtual analog synthesizers, a wave sequence sampler and synthesizer, a physical modeling synthesizer and a synthesizer. Combining variable phase modulation (VPM), wavehaping and a powerful PCM processor. The range of expressiveness is very high. In addition to the many PCM sounds and drums, nine different tone generation models among the strengths of the NAUTILUS 61, offering the musician a number of classics such as MS-20, CX-3, Polysix and Prophecy, as well as High quality electric piano and grand piano sounds, advanced stringed instruments and synthesizer sounds.

Smooth Sound Transition (SST) technology ensures smooth transitions by allowing effects and vocals to overlap when changing sounds. In addition, the workstation provides 197 different types of effects, including chorus and delay effects, amp models, a vocoder, and more.

One of the notable differences between the Kronos2 and the NAUTILUS range is that it does not have the Karma function. Instead, it offers a double polyphonic arpeggiator that opens up new sonic possibilities. The range can record up to 16 Midi tracks and 16 audio tracks (24 bits, 48 kHz) per project. It is possible to record external sources directly through the stereo input or importer and exporter of SMF and WAV files.


  • Workstation
  • Type of synthesis: modeling & sampling
  • 61 large semi-weighted velocity sensitive keys
  • Finish: black
  • Display: touchview
  • 7 "color touch screen
  • Audio recorder: 16-track audio recorder
  • LFO: up to 4 Lfo / voice depending on engine
  • Filters: high pass, low pass, band pass, notch
  • Inputs: USB, pedal, expression pedal, sustain pedal, Midi, audio in
  • Outputs: USB, Midi, headphones, 4 individual jack outputs, stereo jack output
  • Software provided: editor
  • Envelope: ADSR
  • Controller: 8 potentiometers, joystick
  • Backup type: SSD hard drive, USB to device
  • Split & layer: layer, split
  • Sound generator: analog modeling, PCM
  • Memory: 60 GB
  • Sequencer: Yes
  • Arpeggiator: Yes
  • Transposition: Yes
  • Sampler: Yes
  • User memories: 2560
  • Number of Effects: 197
  • Max polyphony: 200
  • Number of presets: 1920
  • Multisynthesis (9 different synthesis engines): HD-1: high definition synthesizer (PCM bank and wavetable); AL-1: modeling of a polyphonic analog synthesizer; CX-3: phonic wheel organ modeling; STR-1: modeling of plucked strings; MS-20EX: modeling of the legendary MS-20; PolysixEX: modeling of the famous Polysix; MOD-7: FM synthesis with 6 operators (waveshaping); SGX-2: live streaming piano; EP-1: modeling of electric pianos
  • Sampler
  • 16-track Midi sequencer
  • 16-track audio sequencer
  • DrumTrack Section
  • Polyphonic arpeggiator
  • 12 effects inserts, 2 masters and 2 general
  • Inputs / outputs: USB type A & B, 6 audio outputs, 2 line inputs, Midi In / Out / Thru
  • Accessories included: mains power supply, user manual
  • Dimensions: 1062 x 386 x 116mm
  • Weight: 13 kg
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