Taken from a period original, this is the highest quality reproduction money can buy. It is 1:1 scale of the 1898 original (6x9). All pages are full color. Professionally printed and bound in the United States. 70 full color pages made to look like a period original with wear and creases. This is NOT a cheap photo copy printed on simple white paper. You will not be disappointed in this quality piece. Ships within one business day from the United States.

Other Titles Available:
U.S. Army Trapdoor Springfield Rifle Model 1873, Carbine & Revolvers Book 45-70

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+Fast shipping, great seller, A++++++++++++
U.S Army Trapdoor Springfield Rifle Model 1873, Carbine & Revovlers Book 45-70 
+Great information book.
U.S Army Trapdoor Springfield Rifle Model 1873, Carbine & Revovlers Book 45-70
+An easy, smooth transaction, fast shipping, thank you
U.S Army Trapdoor Springfield Rifle Model 1873, Carbine & Revovlers Book 45-70
+Stevie - did a great job on reproducing this work from the original manual that he has, good work and well worth the money spent! Very GOOD WORK!
U.S Army Trapdoor Springfield Rifle Model 1873, Carbine & Revovlers Book 45-70