Shunga | Erotic Massage Candle - VANILLA FETISH Scent
30 ml - 170 ml


Ambiente con un tocco romantico!
La chiave per sperimentare il massimo del massaggio sensuale nel comfort e nel calore..

- Oli naturali al 100%
- Produce un olio tiepido al tatto
- Brucia fino a 25 ore (Candela Grande)
- Fragranze morbide e sottili
- Lascia la pelle morbida e setosa

Candela a base di soia leggermente profumata creerà sia l'atmosfera che un olio caldo ideale per il tuo massaggio intimo.
Goditi questo comodo formato da viaggio.. un'ottima aggiunta a qualsiasi fuga romantica, oppure nella versione più grande per un'esperienza duratura!

Feticcio Vaniglia

Accendete la candela e lasciala bruciare per 20 minuti, e lasciate che un sottile aroma afrodisiaco pervada la stanza.
Spegnete e versate la cera sciolta nel palmo della mano e stenderla delicatamente sulla pelle (l'olio sarà caldo, ma non brucerà).

30 ml o 170 ml

Profumo, Vitamina E, Alcol Benzilico, Benzilico Cinnamato, Cannella, Cumarina, e Oli: Soia Idrogenato, Cocco, Mandorle Dolci, Cartamo, Avocado, Sesamo, Semi D'Uva


Ambience with a romantic touch!
The key to experiencing the ultimate in sensual massage in comfort and warmth..

- 100% natural oils
- Produces a lukewarm oil to the touch
- Burns up to 25 hours (Large Candle)
- Soft and subtle fragrances
- Leaves skin soft and silky

Lightly scented soy candle will create both the mood and warm oil ideal for your intimate massage.
Enjoy this convenient travel size.. a great addition to any romantic getaway, or scale it up for a lasting experience!

Vanilla Fetish

Light the candle and let it burn for 20 minutes, and let a subtle aphrodisiac aroma fill the room.
Turn off and pour the melted wax into the palm of your hand and spread it gently on the skin (the oil will be hot, but it won't burn).

30 ml or 170 ml

Perfume, Vitamin E, Benzyl Alcohol, Benzyl Cinnamate, Cinnamal, Coumarin, & Oils: Hydrogenated Soybean, Coconut, Sweet Almonds, Safflower, Avocado, Sesame, Grape Seeds



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We ship only in discrete packages, to be able to understand the content you have to open the package, you can not understand what it contains from the outside.
We ship only with tracked system, either by express courier or by an international postal system.

Availability: The items are normally ready for delivery and are shipped within 48 hours of payment. If they are not ready for delivery, we will inform you about the time of escape.