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A Brand New EMG Kirk Hammett Bone Break Active Humbucker pickup Set
Black (EMG-KH-BB set)

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EMG quote -
Kirk Hammett has been ripping up solos for Metallica for over 30 years. Riffs on Ride the Lighting, Master of Puppets, and the Black Album are a must learn for all rock guitarists. For Kirk, his tone starts with EMG pickups. “Metallica’s crunch sound is often cleaner than people expect”, says Kirk. “My taste in tone has definitely changed over the years. I don’t like to use as much distortion these days—I prefer my tone to be nice and crisp”. The new Kirk Hammett Bone Breaker set is the result of taking the success of Metallica tone and adding some new elements without sacrificing gain for clean or vice-versa. By making slight pre-amp adjustments and combining Alnico 5 and Ceramic magnets the perfect tone-beast was created. The Bone Breaker set consist of the BB-B Ceramic bridge and the BB-N Alnico 5 neck pickups. If you are looking for rhythm or lead tone, the Kirk Hammett Bone Breaker set offers crisp crushing leads or smooth rounded rhythm tone at the flip of the selector switch.

Package Includes -
2x 25k volume pot
2x 25k tone pot
1 battery bus
1 stereo output jack
1 two pickup in/out bus
2 pair mounting screws and springs
2 pickup cables
4 connect cables
1 output cable
1 battery cable


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     I'm a guitarist with 20+ years experience. I only sell products that I know about and are of good quality and are essential for your enjoyment or profession.