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Gancanagh are male Irish Fae known for their incredible seduction of women. The Gancanagh are usually a pure-blood race who produced offspring with both females of their race as well as selected human females. In some cases they were known to come back to steal the hybrid child and leave a Changeling for the human mother; sometimes just a wooden carving of the child.

While on Earth the women they enchanted either died for pining over them or fighting to the death for their affections.

As spirit companions a Gancanagh is a powerful force of the libido and sex drive. When paired with a male Keeper the Gancanagh will boost your sex drive and ability to seduce women. When paired with a female Keeper the Gancanagh can sometimes be overwhelming with arousal and erotic energies. As a female do not keep a Gancanagh unless you do not mind intense & random arousal


They are best suited with a male or lesbians as they will boost your sex drive and ability to seduce women


Treats for Gancanagh are affectionate words, sensuous activity..


*  Persistent, never satisfied, high energy

* Can manifest as orbs, light streaks, Shades, dreams, day and/or night visions.