Characteristics and description

  Country of origin Ukraine

  Quantity in the package 20 pcs.


Anti-inflammatory lozenges made of cocoa butter and propolis (not sweet)

for colds, sore throats, tracheitis, bronchitis and other inflammatory processes.

 Ingredients: cocoa butter, propolis, beeswax

The weight of one lozenge is 2-3 grams

Properties of pastille components

Cocoa butter: medicinal and beneficial properties

☑️Has an anti-inflammatory effect

☑️Has enveloping properties - it is very useful in the fight against cough

☑️Makes the immune system much stronger

☑️Reduces cholesterol levels

☑️Serves as a good analgesic

☑️Improves blood circulation

Thanks to the substance, theobromine has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system

☑️Promotes the rapid tightening of wounds, cracks, helps the skin to renew.

Propolis is a substance of a sticky consistency that bees produce to strengthen and disinfect their hives. The composition of the product includes flavonoids, natural balms, resins, essential oils, vitamins and tannins. Due to this, the "bee glue" in the composition of pastilles provides a comprehensive therapeutic effect:

☑️neutralizes pathogenic microflora

☑️relieves inflammation

☑️provides a regenerative effect

☑️prevents pathological tissue growth

☑️provides an anesthetic effect

Methods of application:

☑️Dissolve until completely dissolved after eating, you can add 0.5-1 tsp. honey or a piece of sugar, because the taste is bitter due to propolis.

 ☑️Dissolve one lozenge in 100-150 ml of milk (45-60 degrees) with the addition of 0.5-1 tsp. honey (or sugar), drink warm in small sips.

 Cocoa butter with propolis envelops the mucous membrane, softens it and creates an additional barrier to infections and viruses, so you can break off a small piece and melt it on your fingers, apply it to the nasal mucosa.

 ☑️In bronchitis, chest massage using melted lozenges is recommended to improve and enhance blood flow to the lungs, reduce inflammation and facilitate breathing.


• Adults take 1 lozenge (3 grams) 3-4 times a day

• Children from 8 to 12 years of age 0.5 lozenges (1.5 grams) 3-4 times a day

• Children from 3 to 7 years old 0.25-0.5 lozenges (0.5-1.5 grams) 1-2 times a day

The duration of use depends on the disease and can last from 5 to 14 days, then a break.

People who take this product for the first time need to test for an allergic reaction, that is, take ¼ of the recommended dose and observe the reaction of the body.

 If adverse reactions occur, it is necessary to stop using the mixture and, if necessary, conduct symptomatic treatment.


Cocoa butter and propolis lozenges are not recommended for

☑️individual intolerance to bee products,

☑️children under 2 years old,

☑️during lactation

☑️in case of obesity. when consumed, strict control of the nutritional value of the entire menu is necessary

☑️during exacerbation of pancreatitis, ulcers and gastritis. Biologically active compounds contained in the product can cause an exacerbation of the disease.

 Storage conditions:

Store in a well-sealed container in a cool and protected from light place for 1 year.