Herbal tea "Femophyte female herbs No. 2" of the "Organic Herbs" line

Female herbs: borovaya uterus, red brush.

Correction of inflammatory and hormonal disorders.

Herbal tea "Femophyte female herbs No. 2" of the line "Organic Herbs" is a natural tea created from vegetable raw materials, which is successfully used for diseases of the female genital sphere, as well as for the prevention of such diseases.

Creates optimal dietary conditions for improving the functioning of the reproductive system. The main advantage is a comprehensive effect on the entire genitourinary system, since inflammatory processes do not take place locally. Biologically active substances can prolong a woman's youth, delay the onset of menopause, help to cope with disorders and inflammation of the internal reproductive organs. They help maintain immunity, increase the functional activity of the uterus and appendages, improve the work of the reproductive system as a whole, help to cope with menstrual disorders. It has excellent immune and adaptogenic properties for the recovery of the body. Women's diseases recede before such strong folk remedies as a boric uterus and a red brush.


The preparations of the "Femophyte female herbs" series have passed all the necessary laboratory tests

Have a positive experience of application

To achieve maximum effect, it is recommended to use a complex series of "FEMOPHYTE FEMALE HERBS"

Certified according to GMP standards (ISO 22716:2007)

Women's problems are solved by women's herbs!

 Borovaya uterus is used for inflammatory, tumor and hormonal disorders: infertility, fibrioma, menstrual cycle disorders, uterine bleeding, mastopathy.

The red brush is effective for mastopathy, adnexitis, ovarian cysts, menopause, irregular menstrual cycle, excessive bleeding during menstruation, as well as during the rehabilitation of cancer patients. The biological properties of the red brush make it possible to eliminate diseases such as goiter, enlargement of the thyroid gland), inflammation of the lymph nodes, adrenal glands. The red brush contains a natural plant hormone, which is similar in composition to the human thyroid hormone. The red brush contains sugars, glycosides, tannins, mucous substances, vegetable proteins and sugars. The healing power of the red brush is so high that it can be used at the initial stages to normalize the metabolism disturbed due to various causes, as well as to avoid gynecological diseases associated with hormonal disorders and thyroid diseases. In addition, the red brush also exhibits antifungal properties, improves immunity and increases the body's resistance to various viruses and infections.


• strong phytoestrogen

• eliminates the root cause of diseases

• increases mental and physical performance

 • general strengthening

 • adaptogenic

 • immunomodulatory

 • tonic effect

• restores the functions of the female body

 • improve appetite

 • diuretic effect

 • normalizing effect on the sexual function of women

 • regulates the menstrual cycle

 Recommendations for use:

It is recommended to use it as a dietary supplement to the diet to improve the functioning of the reproductive system of women.

 • for the prevention and treatment of gynecological diseases

• in case of hormonal disorders in women due to inflammatory processes, physiological or postoperative menopause, neoplasms, hygiene disorders, nutrition and stress

• in case of disruption of the entire reproductive system

 • justified for the treatment of hypoestrogenic conditions, as an alternative or supplement to synthetic estrogens

How to use:

Pour a tea bag for women with 1 cup of boiling water, let it infuse for 30 minutes, drink one glass 2 times a day 30-40 minutes before meals. 

The course of admission is 30 days. 

It is recommended to consult a doctor before use.


Individual intolerance of components, pregnancy, lactation, children under 18 years of age; fever, mental agitation, high blood pressure, persons who take hormones (synthetic or natural). Incompatible with herbs: hops, clover, licorice, durnushnik.

 Release form:

20 filter bags of 1.5 g each

(2g No. 20)