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ASHDOWN - THE BASS EXCHANGE - Pédale de commutation 2 entrées / 2 sorties

Les pédales d’effets basses Ashdown sont spécialement conçues pour vous offrir des effets de qualité professionnelle tout en préservant l’intégrité du signal initial.

Caractéristiques :

  • Alimentation : DC 9 V
  • Alimentation incluse : Non
  • Catégorie : Sélecteur
  • Commutateur : 2 commutateurs au pied
  • Dimensions (mm) : 64 x 184 x 126
  • Entrées : 2 x jack
  • Format : Pédale
  • Poids (kg) : 1,35 kg
  • Sorties : 2 x jack
  • Technologie : Analogique
  • True bypass : Oui
  • Pédale de commutation d'ampli/instrument avec double VU-mètre
  • 5 fonctions :
  • 1. Connectez 2 instruments à 1 ampli et passez d'un instrument à l'autre.
  • 2. Connectez 2 instruments à 2 amplis et passez d'un instrument à l'autre. 3.
  • 3. Connectez 1 instrument à 2 ampères et passez d'un instrument à l'autre. 4.
  • 4. Connectez 1 instrument à 1 ou 2 amplis et utilisez le second canal à un niveau de gain plus élevé pour une fonction boost.
  • 5. Connectez 2 instruments, 1 à un ampli et 1 à la sortie DI
  • Alimentation électrique requise 9 volts



171,00 €

Availability:  Available on request
Processing time:  Contact us to check the product availability and delivery times
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer

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ASHDOWN - THE BASS EXCHANGE - 2 In / 2 Out Footswitch

Ashdown bass effects pedals are specially designed to give you professional quality effects while preserving the integrity of the initial signal.

Features :

  • Power supply: DC 9V
  • Power supply included: No
  • Category: Selector
  • Switch: 2 foot switches
  • Dimensions (mm): 64 x 184 x 126
  • Inputs: 2 x jack
  • Format: Pedal
  • Weight (kg): 1.35kg
  • Outputs: 2 x jack
  • Technology: Analog
  • True-bypass: Yes
  • Amp/Instrument Switch Pedal with Dual VU Meters
  • 5 functions:
  • 1. Connect 2 instruments to 1 amp and switch between instruments.
  • 2. Connect 2 instruments to 2 amps and switch between instruments. 3.
  • 3. Connect 1 instrument to 2 amps and switch between instruments. 4.
  • 4. Connect 1 instrument to 1 or 2 amps and use the second channel at a higher gain level for a boost function.
  • 5. Connect 2 instruments, 1 to an amp and 1 to the DI output
  • Power supply required 9 volts



171,00 €

Availability:  Available on request
Processing time:  Contact us to check the product availability and delivery times
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer


ASHDOWN - THE BASS EXCHANGE - 2 In / 2 Out Footswitch

Ashdown bass effects pedals are specially designed to give you professional quality effects while preserving the integrity of the initial signal.

Features :

  • Power supply: DC 9V
  • Power supply included: No
  • Category: Selector
  • Switch: 2 foot switches
  • Dimensions (mm): 64 x 184 x 126
  • Inputs: 2 x jack
  • Format: Pedal
  • Weight (kg): 1.35kg
  • Outputs: 2 x jack
  • Technology: Analog
  • True-bypass: Yes
  • Amp/Instrument Switch Pedal with Dual VU Meters
  • 5 functions:
  • 1. Connect 2 instruments to 1 amp and switch between instruments.
  • 2. Connect 2 instruments to 2 amps and switch between instruments. 3.
  • 3. Connect 1 instrument to 2 amps and switch between instruments. 4.
  • 4. Connect 1 instrument to 1 or 2 amps and use the second channel at a higher gain level for a boost function.
  • 5. Connect 2 instruments, 1 to an amp and 1 to the DI output
  • Power supply required 9 volts



171,00 €

Availability:  Available on request
Processing time:  Contact us to check the product availability and delivery times
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer


ASHDOWN - THE BASS EXCHANGE - 2 In / 2 Out Footswitch

Ashdown bass effects pedals are specially designed to give you professional quality effects while preserving the integrity of the initial signal.

Features :

  • Power supply: DC 9V
  • Power supply included: No
  • Category: Selector
  • Switch: 2 foot switches
  • Dimensions (mm): 64 x 184 x 126
  • Inputs: 2 x jack
  • Format: Pedal
  • Weight (kg): 1.35kg
  • Outputs: 2 x jack
  • Technology: Analog
  • True-bypass: Yes
  • Amp/Instrument Switch Pedal with Dual VU Meters
  • 5 functions:
  • 1. Connect 2 instruments to 1 amp and switch between instruments.
  • 2. Connect 2 instruments to 2 amps and switch between instruments. 3.
  • 3. Connect 1 instrument to 2 amps and switch between instruments. 4.
  • 4. Connect 1 instrument to 1 or 2 amps and use the second channel at a higher gain level for a boost function.
  • 5. Connect 2 instruments, 1 to an amp and 1 to the DI output
  • Power supply required 9 volts



171,00 €

Availability:  Available on request
Processing time:  Contact us to check the product availability and delivery times
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer


ASHDOWN - THE BASS EXCHANGE - 2 In / 2 Out Footswitch

Ashdown bass effects pedals are specially designed to give you professional quality effects while preserving the integrity of the initial signal.

Features :

  • Power supply: DC 9V
  • Power supply included: No
  • Category: Selector
  • Switch: 2 foot switches
  • Dimensions (mm): 64 x 184 x 126
  • Inputs: 2 x jack
  • Format: Pedal
  • Weight (kg): 1.35kg
  • Outputs: 2 x jack
  • Technology: Analog
  • True-bypass: Yes
  • Amp/Instrument Switch Pedal with Dual VU Meters
  • 5 functions:
  • 1. Connect 2 instruments to 1 amp and switch between instruments.
  • 2. Connect 2 instruments to 2 amps and switch between instruments. 3.
  • 3. Connect 1 instrument to 2 amps and switch between instruments. 4.
  • 4. Connect 1 instrument to 1 or 2 amps and use the second channel at a higher gain level for a boost function.
  • 5. Connect 2 instruments, 1 to an amp and 1 to the DI output
  • Power supply required 9 volts
Global Audio Store, Revendeur Ashdown agréé