An electromagnet and a clasp plate make up a mortise electromagnetic lock, sometimes called a maglock or magnetic lock. The magnetic part of the lock is mostly held up by the door frame, while the door itself is linked to an armature plate. Our electric drop bolt mortise lock is everything you need and more when it comes to a mortise lock.

It is made of high-strength brushed aluminum alloy panels and is compatible with metal lock bodies and electronic glass door locks. Its construction has brushed aluminum alloy panels. It features a fresh look that is an improvement over previous versions. You have to turn it off to unlock it, and you have to power it on to lock it. It is a high-security device that prevents interference from any source outside the facility.

It requires relatively little technical expertise to set up and is often used in workplaces and other public areas that need a high level of safety. It can withstand high temperatures and is excellent for use on wooden, patio, steel, and fireproof doors. Additionally, it may be used on doors made of glass or metal. This product comes with a guarantee that it is good for two years.

The input voltage and the working current must be set to 12 volts and 80 milliamperes. Despite having all of these functions, it weighs just 1.6 kilograms, which is a truly impressive achievement, considering how helpful it is.

Our electrified mortise lock is one of the most typical examples of an electric lock used for security purposes. In addition to that, it is among the most powerful. Because of this, all basic electrified security schemes around the globe use this lock as their primary component. However, compared to other kinds of locks, the mortise lock is distinguished because it is installed into a pocket (also called a mortise) that is cut into the door.

Input VoltageDC12V
MATERIALAluminum alloy
Signal feedbackYes
Start Current950mA
Suitable ForWooden door, Glass door, Metal door, Fireproof door
Warranty2 Years
Working Current80mA