Hello everyone) My name is Ira and I own this store ) 

I really love natural things and I want to share with you) 

I was born in the beautiful country of Ukraine and in my homeland there are many things that the WORLD should see)) Pharmacy preparations, eco tinctures, organic herbs, delicious honey and many other products.

You can always write me a personal message and ask for a product that I don't have on sale, I assure you I will always be happy to help you find everything you need)

Sincerely Irina 

World of seeds

Characteristics and description

Manufacturer handmade work

Country of origin Ukraine

  Weight 100 g

  Flavor ingredients Natural

  Tea leaf size Chopped

Release form Loose

The use of lily of the valley 

Lily of the valley has a number of properties. The plant is used for external therapy, and as a decoction for oral administration. What properties do lily of the valley-based products have?: 






The main effect of using the product depends on the concentration, as well as natural additives. The most famous effect that made the plant famous is the treatment of the cardiovascular system of people of different age groups, even children.

The leaves have the greatest efficiency. The chemical composition of the lily of the valley contains: active cardiac glycosides, saponins, convelar acid, asparagine and flavonoids. The flavonoids of the plant stimulate the expansion of the arteries. Asparagine acts as a diuretic, which helps with high blood pressure.

Lilies of the valley are used to lower body temperatures. Since ancient times, a plant-based remedy has been used to reduce fever. 

Lily of the valley has a beneficial effect on a person if there are already diseases: 

cardiac neurosis; 


excessive physical activity; 


During the menopause, lily of the valley is an indispensable tool at all. The plant will help relieve severe stress if a person is subject to constant physical exertion. At the same time, the lily of the valley serves as a kind of prevention of serious consequences after such loads.

Ландыш (конвалія) лист 
