Hello everyone) My name is Ira and I own this store ) 

I really love natural things and I want to share with you) 

I was born in the beautiful country of Ukraine and in my homeland there are many things that the WORLD should see)) Pharmacy preparations, eco tinctures, organic herbs, delicious honey and many other products.

You can always write me a personal message and ask for a product that I don't have on sale, I assure you I will always be happy to help you find everything you need)

Sincerely Irina 

World of seeds

Characteristics and description

Manufacturer handmade work

Country of origin Ukraine

  Weight 100 g

  Flavor ingredients Natural

  Packaging Plastic bag

  Release form Loose

The herbal supplement of eleutherococcus has been well studied and has a number of positive medicinal properties: it increases immunity, gives strength, improves mental abilities, memory, vision. The drug not only helps to adapt to stressful situations for the body, but also normalizes metabolism, blood pressure, has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. It is used as a prevention of colds. It is non-toxic and not dangerous with the right dosage.

In no case is it recommended to independently set the dosage and use the drug without consultation. The intake of plant extracts can be started only as prescribed by the attending physician. The article is only of a recommendatory nature and cannot be used as a treatment appointment.

Eleutherococcus medicinal properties and contraindications:

-tones the central nervous system, relieves drowsiness, has an exciting effect;

-increases resistance to stressful, stressful situations, helps to lower the level of pro-oxidants, which are produced during emotional or physical stress and damage body tissues; 

-has a positive effect on vision and perception of colors;

-eleutherococcus is used for weight loss — the extract improves metabolism, carbohydrate metabolism;

-eleutherococcus is used for potency — due to the improvement of blood circulation, the extract has a beneficial effect on sexual function in men, and also acts as a natural aphrodisiac;

-lowers the concentration of sugar in the blood, prevents complications arising from diabetes mellitus;

-increases immunity and resistance of the body to viral infections, colds;

-improves cognitive abilities, memory, stimulates mental activity;

-prevents the aging process of skin cells;

-it has a beneficial effect on the work of the cardiovascular system, has cardioprotective properties, normalizes blood pressure;

-it acts as a preventive measure for the prevention of oncological diseases, is prescribed for radiation therapy and radiation lesions;

-it has a beneficial effect on the whole body: improves mood, as a consequence, the quality of life, stimulates blood circulation, brain function, increases protective and adaptive functions.

Элеутерококк корень стружка 
