The Garden in Origami

Easy for Children 

An exciting and educational book, with fun, easy to fold origami models that capture children's imagination and promote creativity. Each origami is complemented by easy-to-read diagrams with clear, detailed instructions. A QR code links to the video tutorial showing the folding techniques. The author, who is an expert in teaching the art of origami to young children, loves gardens full of charming details, colours, scents and activities, the ideal places to play, develop the powers of observation, stimulate curiosity and spark the children's imaginations. Her love for nature is coupled with that of origami. Additional copies of the supplied patterned paper, can be printed by accessing the web link or the QR code.
About the Author

RITA FOELKER is a writer and journalist; she lives and works in Brazil, where he teaches origami to young and old. She has participated in many international projects and her designs have been published in many countries, including by the British Origami Society. She is the author of several books on the subject; for NuiNui she has created Magici origami - Facili e per bambini (Magical origami - Easy and for children). Rita has a website, Super Origami: