Organic Raw Hungarian Acacia Honeycomb - High-Quality Organic Product

Content of the set: 4 x 200g (42 oz) acacia honycomb

Indulge in the delicious and nutritious Acacia Honeycomb. Made with premium quality ingredients, this product is perfect for those who are looking for a healthy and tasty treat.

Description of Acacia Honeycomb:

A real curiosity, for connoisseurs! The consumption of honey is a real experience due to the special texture of the untouched honey and beeswax extracted from it! The components in beeswax have a good effect on the upper respiratory organs.

Consumption: One approx. by chewing a piece of spleen the size of a walnut (for about a quarter of an hour), the active ingredients are dissolved. After it has lost its taste, it can be spit out or swallowed.

Beneficial effect:

- For the respiratory organs (e.g. in the case of nasal congestion, the results can be felt after about 5 minutes of chewing).
- In case of frontal sinus and sinusitis.
- Reducing the symptoms of pollen allergy (at least one month before the allergy period, you must start consuming one slice of walnut per day.
- Cough suppressant.
- Sleep aid.
- It helps digestion.


Store in pantry.

Country of Origin: Hungary (Europe / EU)