LEE Filters 100mm System Little Stopper Filter

LEE Filters introduces the Big Stopper’s younger sibling – perfect for your long-exposure photography

With the popularity of long-exposure photography showing no sign of waning, the LEE Filters Little Stopper increases the scope of the medium and allows you to further push the boundaries of your creative photography.

At six stops, the Little Stopper is ideal for those low-light conditions at the beginning and end of the day (when the Big Stopper’s ten stops may prove too much), allowing you to enjoy increased flexibility with exposure lengths

With a meter reading of 1/8sec at f/16, for example, your exposure with the Little Stopper would become eight seconds at f/16.

In many shooting conditions, this means that detail and texture in areas of movement such as the sky and water would be retained, while still conveying a sense of time passing.

Compatible with your existing 100mm System, the Little Stopper is manufactured with the same concern for standards as every other LEE Filter product.

Like its Big Stopper sibling, this long-exposure filter has a slight blue cast, which can be corrected at postproduction if shooting Raw, or in camera by adjusting the colour temperature to between 7000-8000K (a few simple test shots should reveal the extent of adjustment required).

Inspiring to use, the Little Stopper is guaranteed to find its place alongside the Big Stopper in your camera bag.

Includes protective metal tin