Frederick Hodgson -  A Pre Deller Alto -  A Tribute  - Recorded 1960 to 1988

From our unique  archives, this disk is remastered from the original disc and will be presented on a plain CD in a plain sleeve without case.  Artwork may be downloaded from the photos and is suitable for making your own boxed CD with nice artwork.  Each CD is guaranteed. Copyright licences have been obtained where appropriate.

'Freddy Hodgson was the last surviving pre-war Cathedral and Concert Alto, bringing his traditional voice to the public by way of BBC broadcasts, often heard in the Third Programme and the Midlands Home Service.

It has been claimed that  the solo Alto voice was extinct before the advent of Alfred Deller .  This is entirely untrue: there were always a select group of male Altos and even sopranos, some of whom survived into the days of recorded music. Frank Ivallo was an example of the latter and Hodgson a fine exponent of the former.

Freddy's remarkable career began in Sheffield Cathedral, continued at Lincoln and Lichfield cathedrals and and the at St George's Chape, Windsor..  He retired as a professional singer  in 1981, at the age of 74, but continued singing until the age of 90.

Freddy was a fine teacher and exponent of the traditional 'Head Tone' method to training boys which enabled them to retain their voices right through adolescence and sometimes into adulthood.  This CD is a must for both the historian and the modern choirmaster who is not prejudiced against the old ways.
 We specialise in obtaining rare and deleted records, transferring them to CD at low cost for your enjoyment.                                                                          Worldwide shipping is FREE from France

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