- International shipment of items may be subject to customs processing and additional charges.
- Shipping charge may varies depends on worldwide location and delivery method (please check with seller first)
- Contact me for any questions.

- Order cannot cancel after tracking no. added, as shipment is on the way. - Order cancel after payment made and before tracking no. added, will subject to US$10 service charge from seller. Thanks!

> International shipment of items may be subject to customs processing and additional charges.
> Shipping charge may varies depends on worldwide location and delivery method (please check with seller first)

> Please make payment after item purchased within 3 days, or the order will be cancelled if not paid.
> Order cannot cancel after tracking no. added, as shipment is on the way.

> Order cancel after payment made and before tracking no. added, will subject to US$10 service charge from seller.

> Contact me for any questions.
