Please watch out
Keep an eye out for other sellers, as they have been trying to group together and raise prices on all Pokemon in-game content and are mad because I wouldn't change my prices to help them! If you shop with us you are guaranteed the best service at the best price. Some even went as far as copying my whole listing and photos. Be aware of slax6 and luxuryballuser!!!

The difficult to obtain SHINY CHARM makes you 3x more likely to 
encounter shiny Pokémon during your adventure in the Paldea Region!

It doesn't matter how far you are in the game or how much 
progress you have made towards completing your Pokedex.

Getting the Shiny Charm before completing your Pokedex is 100% 
safe and does NOT cause any issues or conflicts with your game.

Very easy process!

You will need a "Nintendo Switch Online subscription"

In-order to trade we will need to trade through the online system. I will give you a link code and you will enter on your game and then we can commence the trade. Please also prepare an unneeded Pokemon to trade with (such as a Lechonk or other junk pokemon) so you can receive the Pokemon. 


This will be done in the game so there is no shipping!