Supreme HeirlooTomatPack 

(Solanum lycospericum)

Introducing a very exciting premium collectors' selection of twenty-two of the finest unique heirloom, classic, gourmet, beefsteak, Italian, Roma style plum tomatoes and includes a new addition of Cherry and Cocktail tomatoes and would make an ideal gift for any lover of tomatoes.

What’s in the pack

We have prepared for you a choice range of the tastiest old-world varieties, including orange, black, red, purple and yellow varieties, sourced from the finest and diverse culinary regions from around the globe.

Providing a virtual rainbow of fruit colours in the garden, each unique tomato variety has been specially chosen for originality, colour, taste and use in the kitchen. From sauces to salads and sandwiches, jams and preserves, this collection has all the tomatoes an avid gardener could ever dream of.

Please have a look at the varieties below, at all the special tomatoes which will all be included in the exclusive Heirloom Gourmet Tomato Pack.

Yellow Tomatoes

 Tomme Toe: Cocktail tomato Tomme Toe is an old heirloom variety. Cocktail tomatoes are larger than cherry tomatoes, around or smaller than golf ball size. Small tomatoes: 4-5cm in size. Easy to grow and enables you to produce kilos of your own juicy sweet mini Tomme Toe tomatoes.  

Yellow Perfection: A golden oldieoriginally from an old British seed company from the 1800’s. Early maturing, produces large yields of golf ball size round, brilliant-yellow, thin-skinned and delicious fruit. An ideal snacking and salad tomato.

Jubilee Yellow: An early heat tolerant beefsteak type, that produces medium to large round fruit. A tasty low-acid tomato adding a flare of orange-yellow to salads and sauces. Excellent when juiced or canned and is said to also make an excellent salsa. The skin of this variety peels away easily, even prior to cooking.

Golden Sunrise: An old English tomato dating back to 1894 with the colour of golden sunshine, it is a prolific early maturing variety, producing 70 – 75 gram tomatoes on long trusses with a very distinctive sweet rich and fruity flavour. Great for that garden salad!

Gold Nugget: Heirloom cherry tomato with large bunches of bite sized juicy sweet golden fruit with a well-balanced sweet flavour and low acid content.

Orange Tomatoes

Orange Pixie: Large Cherry/cocktail tomato with deep golden orange skin with a firm and meaty texture with a full and sweet taste. Juicy and slightly on the tart side.

Juanne FlammeFrench variety producing juicy round apricot orange golf-ball sized fruit. Early cropping productive variety. Fruit contains high levels of Vitamin A due to the orange colouration and have almost as much beta-carotene as carrots! Great for drying, roasting or eating fresh, has a slight citrus flavour. An excellent addition to summer salads.

Red Tomatoes

Red Russian: A dwarf heirloom tomato from the 1950's and a talking point at dinner parties, it has unusual medium sized fruit with skin that has a rich red colouring. Very hardy, prolific variety which has an exceptionally sweet taste combined with smokey and spicy undertones and a complex subtle flavour. Produces tomatoes of very high quality.

Sweet English Cocktail Tomato Sweet English is a small heirloom variety. Very sweet with low acid.

Prosperity: A special and authentic variety from the Andes mountains, it lives up to its name with a heavy harvest of fruit. Fleshy medium sized fruits borne in clusters with still have enough juiciness to appeal to those who want a tomato to be full of juice when you bite into it.

Red Fig: An heirloom tomato named for a sweet delicacy that was made with this tomato and popular in the mid 1800’s. Historically they were dried and packed away for winter use in substitute of figs. Produces hundreds of bright red small pear-shaped fruits with thin sweet skin and flesh, great in salads and chutneys.

ReisetomateAlso known as the “Traveller tomato”. Very unusual variety. Each tomato is actually a cluster of lobes, like a bunch of pear-shaped cherry tomatoes fused together. Due to ease of tearing this tomato apart one piece at time with no need for a knife. An acidic tasting beauty and the perfect unique Central American variety to add to your heirloom tomato patch.

Costoluto Florentino: Productive and delicious juicy Italian variety with large heavily ribbed beefsteak type fruit. Very fleshy with an outstanding rich flavour. A must for the kitchen, it is an excellent slicing tomato, great in sandwiches, salads and superb grilled or in distinctive Italian sauces.

Tigerella: A striped tomato with enormous crops of juicy delicious red/yellow striped tomatoes with a thin skin and exceptional flavour. Very high yielding with a long fruiting period, tomatoes have a rich, sweet but also somewhat tangy flavour. Ideally chopped in halves or quarters and added to salads.

Santorini : A very unique and exotic Italian tomato from the Island of Santorini. Produces high yields of small slightly ribbed, bright-red fruits with very good, slightly-acidic flavours. It is perfect for salads, bottling or preserving as a tomato puree, sauces, paste or juice and contains the largest amount of lycopene in any known fruit or vegetable.

San Marzano: Originating and grown in San Marzano near Naples since 1926, it is an early large classic Italian plum type variety. Tall vines produce heavy yields of long cylindrical fruit. Very few seeds, flesh is thicker, sweeter, thinner and more pointed than a Roma tomato with a delicious balanced flavour and meaty flesh. Super when grilled, roasted or used in Bolognese pasta dishes and sauces.

Saturn: A special and authentic heirloom variety, named after our largest planet, with fruit that's out of this world, it does indeed live up to its name with large fruit and a heavy harvest. Very sweet flesh juiciness to appeal to those who want a tomato to be full of juice when you bite into it.

Sugar LumpCocktail tomato which is a small German heirloom variety. Very sweet with low acid.

Purple Tomatoes

Cherokee Purple: A variety that will figuratively knock your socks off! It is a very productive variety producing heavy yields of dusky rose to purple-coloured tomatoes with very juicy flesh. Grown for its complex, rich, sweet smoky flavour, this little slice of tomato heaven is delicious in sandwiches or lightly grilled and enjoyed as a pizza or pasta topping! One of the best of all the heirloom varieties.


BlacCherryEarly Russian variety known for its sweetness. It produces small oval shaped, deep purple-black fruit. Fruit has a sweet, full and complex flavour that bursts in your mouth. A fantastic addition in a fresh garden salad!

BlacKrim: Heirloom tomato from the Isle of Krim, it is one of the best beefsteak varieties, which produces large tomatoes with purplish red skin, very tasty multi-coloured flesh with an exceptional smokey flavour and rich tomato taste. Very productive tomato, looks great sliced. 

BlacRussian: A talking point at dinner parties, it has unusual medium sized fruit with skin that has a rich mahogany to almost black colouring. Prolific variety which has an exceptionally sweet taste combined with smokey and spicy undertones and a complex subtle flavour. Produces tomatoes of very high quality. Fabulous in sauces, salsas, sandwiches and looks striking in a mixed tomato salad!

When to sow tomatoes

Temperate zones: sow in early spring or wait until all frost danger has passed and the soil is warm. Generally, if starting tomato seeds inside then begin a few weeks before the last expected frost date in your area. By sowing early there will be time for a decent crop to be produced before the first frost in winter.

Subtropical zones: sow during March to October in frost-free areas.

Tropical zones: sow during late April to July.

How to sow

Tomatoes are best sown in containers about 6-8 weeks prior to the last frost. Sow seeds just below the surface and keep the soil temperature warm until germination. Once the plants have grown their second leaves, seedlings can then be transplanted. When planting out seedlings should be placed in full sun and rich well drained soil.

Plant in rows 90cm apart with 45cm to 60cm between plants. Prepare the soil by adding a good compost. If stakes are required, then place them at the same time as transplanting takes place to avoid any future root disturbance. New roots will form from any of the buried hairs along the stem. So, plant them deeply, up to the level of the seed leaves, for a better developed root system that will help stabilise the plants and be better able to uptake nutrients from the surrounding soil.


Tomatoes are heavy feeders, requiring well drained soil rich in organic matter and nutrients. Tomatoes should be regularly fertilised to keep their N-P-K levels consistent. Choose an organic fertiliser that's low in nitrogen levels and higher in phosphorus and potassium. Rock dusts, vermicast, fish and seaweed emulsion products are natural and highly beneficial.

Tips and tricks

Avoid planting in garden beds that have recently grown tomatoes, potatoes, capsicums or eggplants or any other tomato relative. Crop rotation is best practised to help avoid the build-up of pathogens in the soil.

For optimum fruit production and quick ripening choose a growing location that receives full sunlight. Gardeners in warmer climates may instead prefer to grow tomatoes in a lightly shaded location to reduce heat stress on plants and fruit.

What wilI receive? 

A packet of seeds from each of the 22 unique varieties, 22 packets in total with 10

 fresh seeds in each packet. An absolute bargain and a great opportunity to secure all

 the greatest heirloom tomatoes in one go!


Yes! We do combine postage on our items!

All our seeds are sent FRESH and securely packaged.

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