Mecsek Nursing Natural Tea for Breastfeeding Increases Lactation Breast Milk - Natural Remedy

Content of the set:
10 x 20 teabags

Experience the benefits of Mecsek Nursing Tea, a herbal blend specifically formulated to enhance milk production and support your baby's digestion. The active components of anise and fennel present in this tea help promote normal bowel function and aid in digestion for your little one. Before incorporating this herbal remedy into your routine, please read the patient information leaflet carefully.

The active ingredients of the tea will help to promote and increase lactation in breastfeeding mothers. The anise and fennel seeds will help the child's laxation and digestion trough the breast milk.  


Each tea filter contains: 0.60g of fennel fruit (Foeniculi dulcis fructus), 0.60g of anise fruit (Anisi fructus), and 0.50g of rosehip pseudo fruit (Rosae pseudofructus).

The tea blend contains hibiscus flower as a flavor enhancer and colorant.

Recommended usage:

Infuse 1 tea filter in boiling water (3-5 times daily), allowing it to steep for 5-10 minutes after covering it. Remove the filter and consume according to personal taste preferences.

Caution: Not recommended for children under 1 year of age. 


Below 25 °C, at a dry place, away from light. Keep out of the reach of children.

Country of Manufacturer: Hungary (Europe / EU)