Mecsek Anti Cough Herbal Tea Blend with Thyme - Natural Relief for Respiratory Symptoms - Natural Remedy

Content of the set:
10 x 80 g / 10 x 2.8 oz

Description of Mecsek Anti Cough Herbal Tea:

Indulge in the soothing goodness of Mecsek Anti Cough Herbal Tea Blend with Thyme. This carefully crafted loose leaf tea blend is recommended to help alleviate respiratory infections, cough accompanied by phlegm discharge, and especially bronchitis. Breathe easier as this tea helps in phlegm removal, offering relief and comfort.

Harnessing the potency of carefully selected herbs, this tea blend aids in easing respiratory discomfort, particularly in cases of bronchitis. The inclusion of elderflower, known for its immune-boosting properties, enhances the effectiveness of this herbal concoction. Each batch of this tea blend is meticulously prepared using high-quality, meticulously sourced herbs, ensuring a premium product free from additives, artificial flavors, and preservatives.

Experience the natural healing power of Mecsek Anti Cough Herbal Tea Blend as it provides relief and comfort during respiratory infections and coughing episodes. Take solace in the knowledge that this therapeutic tea is derived from trusted herbs, carefully processed to deliver optimal quality and efficacy.

This tea is recommended to help treat respiratory infections, phlegm discharge with cough, and especially for bronchitis. The tea helps to remove phlegm, making breathing easier. Thanks to it’s antispetic effect, it may be used on its own or as a supplement to drug therapy.

This perscription-free therapeutic agent is suitable to help treat mild transient symptoms without medical supervision. It has medicinal effects but is not classified as a curative, with it’s effects demonstrated through the experience of folk medicine.

Please note that this herbal tea blend is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice. Consult with your healthcare provider for personalized recommendations and guidance.

Immerse yourself in the world of Mecsek Anti Cough Herbal Tea Blend and discover the comfort and relief it brings to your respiratory well-being. Embrace the benefits of natural remedies and experience the difference of this thoughtfully curated tea blend.

Warnings: This tea is suitable for those 12 years of age and older. Children under 12 should consume the tea developted especially for their age group. Should not be consumed by pregnant and breastfeeding mothers, as the product’s active ingredients enter the bloodsteam.


Garden thyme (Thymi herba), lanceolate plantain leaf (Plantaginis lanceolatae folium), Marrubii herba (Marrubii herba), linden flower (Tiliae flos), peppermint leaf (Menthae piperitae folium), yarrow), (Millefoliingi herba órisizkér) leaf (Althaeae folium) .

Please note that this product contains nuts and products derived from them. If you have any nut allergies or sensitivities, we recommend exercising caution.


Add 1 heaped tablespoon (approx. 3 g) of tea mixture to 1 cup (approx. 2.5 dl) of hot water, boil for 1-2 minutes, then cover and let stand for 5-10 minutes. Strain, consume warm or lukewarm, unflavored or with honey. It is recommended to take 1-1 cups 3-4 times a day, regardless of meals.

Storage: Below 25 °C, in a dry place, protected from light.

Country of Manufacturer: Hungary (Europe / EU)