Stripping Knives:
A dog grooming stripping knife, also known as a stripping comb or stripping tool, is a specialized tool used in dog grooming to remove dead or loose hair from a dog's coat. It is particularly useful for breeds with wiry or coarse hair, such as Terriers and Schnauzers. 

The stripping knife typically consists of a handle and a serrated blade made of metal. The blade is designed to catch and remove the dead hairs from the dog's coat without cutting or damaging the healthy hair. The process of using a stripping knife is called hand-stripping. 

To use a stripping knife, you hold the handle and gently rake the blade through the dog's coat, working in the direction of hair growth. The serrated edge of the blade helps catch the dead hairs and pull them out. This process helps thin the coat, remove loose hair, and maintain the texture and appearance of the dog's coat. 

It's important to note that hand-stripping should be done carefully and skillfully to avoid discomfort or injury to the dog. If you're unfamiliar with hand-stripping or using a stripping knife, it's recommended to consult a professional dog groomer who can demonstrate the proper technique or perform the grooming for you.

A dog grooming apron is a protective garment designed specifically for dog groomers to wear while grooming dogs. It helps to keep the groomer's clothing clean and protected from hair, water, and grooming products. Here are some features commonly found in dog