Magician's Ghost Key Mentalism Illusion Haunted Key Moving Close Up Magic Trick

“Behold this Key” it is the key to the Locked Reading Room of the Manor, that holds the darkest secrets of its grotesque inhabitants over centuries in the dank chronicles on its musty shelves & it has been the duty of each Lord of the Manor to ensure this room is always kept locked for great misfortune awaits the unwitting guest who should perchance stumble into the room.

But these conundrums of the ages have a life of their own to entrap more souls into the practices that feed their thirst to propagate their morbid & depraved ways! & the sentinel of the secrets will open the lock, no matter how often & how firmly it is fastened. The Key will turn each night, & the doors swing open at each sunrise, beckoning yet another innocent soul into the labyrinths of its evil rituals, to be ultimately sucked into the vortex of what we mortals naively refer to as “a living Hell”.

So frequent, routine has become this ritual of the locked room being opened by the Ghostly hand of the Keeper of the Key, that the Key now has its own life & will turn even when not in the lock no matter where or when.

The narrator displays a Key that he invites his rapt listeners to examine to their heart’s content. It is indeed an inert, lifeless Key & none would attribute to it the occult powers assigned to it, which they are about to witness. For when the narrator places the same inert Key across his hand & mutters some invocation under his breath, behold, the Key does turn mysteriously.

But there is that Skeptic in the crowd of eager believers, who perchance feels the narrator doth deceive them & perhaps he manipulates the Key in some secret ways unseen or unknown & to dispel his misgivings, the skeptic is asked to place the Key across his own hand which the narrator holds so as to transfer the ectoplasm that permits the key Keeper to accomplish his manifestation & Behold for the Key doth turn once again - beyond reason, beyond understanding, beyond belief…!“