
Always wanted to grow a great all-round tomato, then look no further. Money Maker is an old heirloom tomato which is very easy to grow. 

Very sweet with a fruity taste. Reliable, easy to grow medium sized fruit on heavy trusses and enables you to produce kilos of your own juicy red tomatoes, both indoors and outdoors.   

Great when slowly roasted, used fresh in mixed salads, sandwiches, burgers and mix

 very well with a range of fruit and vegetables (see the photos). 

When to sow tomatoes

Temperate zones: sow in early spring or wait until all frost danger has passed and the soil is warm. Generally, if starting tomato seeds inside then begin a few weeks before the last expected frost date in your area. By sowing early there will be time for a decent crop to be produced before the first frost in winter.

Subtropical zones: sow during March to October in frost-free areas.

Tropical zones: sow during late April to July.

How to sow

Tomatoes are best sown in containers about 6-8 weeks prior to the last frost. Sow seeds just below the surface and keep the soil temperature warm until germination. Once the plants have grown their second leaves, seedlings can then be transplanted. When planting out seedlings should be placed in full sun and rich well drained soil.

Plant in rows 90cm apart with 45cm to 60cm between plants. Prepare the soil by adding a good compost. If stakes are required, then place them at the same time as transplanting takes place to avoid any future root disturbance. New roots will form from any of the buried hairs along the stem. So, plant them deeply, up to the level of the seed leaves, for a better developed root system that will help stabilise the plants and be better able to uptake nutrients from the surrounding soil.


Tomatoes are heavy feeders, requiring well drained soil rich in organic matter and nutrients. Tomatoes should be regularly fertilised to keep their N-P-K levels consistent. Choose an organic fertiliser that's low in nitrogen levels and higher in phosphorus and potassium. Rock dusts, vermicast, fish and seaweed emulsion products are natural and highly beneficial.

Tips and tricks

Avoid planting in garden beds that have recently grown tomatoes, potatoes, capsicums or eggplants or any other tomato relative. Crop rotation is best practised to help avoid the build-up of pathogens in the soil.

For optimum fruit production and quick ripening choose a growing location that receives full sunlight. Gardeners in warmer climates may instead prefer to grow tomatoes in a lightly shaded location to reduce heat stress on plants and fruit.


A packet of 10 fresh seeds.


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