Secrets of Building Lightning Bolt Generators, by Walt Noon, published by Lindsay Publications, Bradley, IL, 1992. 5½ x 8½ paperback, 91 pages, ISBN 1-55918-090-0.

Please note this book is new, not used.

Here is an easy-to-read text loaded with photos and drawings for building your very own stun gun. It won’t fit in your hand – heck, some of these designs won’t even fit in the trunk of your car! But anybody in the baddest part of town see you coming with one of these things, they’re going to leave you alone! Or, if you’re afraid of hurting somebody, just hook yourself up for a few seconds before you leave the house. Talk about a bad hair day! One look at you, and everyone will clear off the streets!

Walt Noon will explain the experiments he has run, the problems, the solutions, how to build low cost generators from parts on hand, and much more. Learn about the electrophorus, his Rotostatic generator, his bizarre “Cat-o-Static” generator, motor speed controls, external Van de Graaff generators, the classic internal Van de Graaff generator, ideas for an extremely high voltage Van de Graaff, inductive electrostatic generators, the Dirod generator, and more. You’ll find the equipment Walt has used to measure the voltages he has generated including his FET electroscope, neon lamp banks, spark gap volt meters, and more. Walt will show you how to build storage capacitors along with details of his successes and failures.

You get a list of interesting experiments, details about a variety of ion motors, ion blowers, the Franklin electrostatic motor, the Poggendorff Corona Motor, and even capturing free electrical energy from the atmosphere. As a bonus Walt will show you how he electroplates metal onto nonconducting forms to build low-loss high voltage terminals! Walt will clearly and humorously explain some of the crazy machines he has built and hopes you’ll improve on.

Table of Contents:

Description copyrighted 2003.