Hair Bleaching Powder White Color DCASH Master Lightener Hair Dye Bleach 

3 Sets


Detail of Product

      Dcash Master Hair Bleaching Powder Lightener Kit of lightening powder + 60 ml. Mildroxy Soft Cream Developer 12% for professionals only. The special features of Dcash Professional Master for hair color lightening, and hair bleaching. The development of bleaching hair color and highlights, for hair stand out brightly without hair damaged. Special features Fine powder, glides smooth and easily on hair. Gives real white bleaching result, enhance the brightness level to 7-9 on natural hair color.

Preparation and application:

1.Mix Dcash Professional Master Bleaching Powder Lightener with Mildroxy in plastic bow Mix until homogeneous, left it for 1-2 minutes. Then apply bleaching hair

2.Checking time until get a satisfactory level

3.Wash hair with shampoo and then treatment cream for 10 minutes to remove residues chemicals.(Washing efficiency : slowly spray amount of water on hair, then massage gently to be ready to be rinsed)

4.For the best results, please consult a professional hairdresser.

Volume : Lightening Level Powder 15 g.: Mildroxy Cream 50 ml. to get 4 brightness level Powder 15g. Mildroxy Cream 100 ml. to get 10-12 brightness level

Content : 1 sachet of 15g. Dcash master hair bleaching powder 1 bottle of 50 ml. Mildroxy soft cream developer 12 % peroxide Brand new sealed from the manufacturer.

Product of Thailand

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