Keep your skin looking younger for longer naturally with First Lady Swiss Complexion Collagen Cream with Vitamin E - Improves skin's elasticity and structure by securing moisture. - Softens, brightens and enhances overall complexion. - Increases cell turnover and collagen production improving skin tone. - Combats the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. - Lightweight cream formula allows for easy application. - 2 in 1 cream and toner, vitamin E has a toning effect. Our formulas are completely unique and exclusive to First Lady, we have taken great care to create and develop natural formulas by choosing each botanical for it's targeted benefit to the skin. This unique and artfully crafted combination of ingredients is not available anywhere else. Each of our product lines is specifically tailored to a carefully chosen and incredibly beneficial plant in order to deliver a targeted skincare solution. Our skincare line focuses on using the intense yet subtle power of Swiss Collagen to deeply regenerate and bring about a healthy, glowing and radiant complexion.