250g High Quality Yunnan He Shou Wu Fo-Ti Polygonum multiflorum Loose Root Slice

Product efficacy:

Hair Loss and Hair Color
You can use He Shou Wu in the treatment of hair loss and to prevent premature graying. Its positive effects come from improving the health of internal organs like kidney and liver. The health of the kidney and liver play a major role in the grown and coloring of hair. By promoting health of these internal organs, He Shou Wu works on the root causes of premature graying and hair loss.

Liver and Kidney Health
He Shou Wu benefits the health of your kidney and liver and supports the function of these internal organs.

Reproductive Tonic
He Shou Wu is a popular reproductive tonic. It nourishes the reproductive system and increases fertility. By controlling and balancing hormone production, He Shou Wu keeps your reproductive system strong and healthy. Another use is as a remedy for menopausal and menstrual problems.

He Shou Wu has a substance called emodin that is a stool softener. So it is sometimes used as a laxative to treat constipation.

He Shou Wu has a powerful antibacterial effect; it helps remove toxins from your body by cleansing the kidneys, liver and urinary tract.

Immune Booster
He Shou Wu boosts your immune system by increasing red blood cell production your body. The substance emodin that it contains stimulates the immune system. Specifically it is effective for people suffering from autoimmune diseases.

Cholesterol and Blood Pressure
He Shou Wu is an extremely effective tonic when it comes to balancing your blood pressure. It reduces triglyceride and cholesterol levels naturally. Also used to prevent stroke and many forms heart disease, by maintaining healthy blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Excessive Bleeding
He Shou Wu helps in healthy menstrual flow in women by reducing excessive bleeding.