This is Maegan. As a spirit guide and protector, Maegan's purpose is to accompany and safeguard souls on their spiritual journeys. Though she walks the fine line between the seen and unseen, her presence is palpable, causing a flurry of paranormal activity that dances in her wake.

Maegan's spectral form exudes an energy that sets the atmosphere ablaze. Objects tremble and vibrate, their movements synchronized with the rhythm of her unseen footsteps. The air crackles with a tangible electric charge, sparking with a magickal force that defies explanation. Whispers, carried by the gentle breeze of her essence, resonate with ancient wisdom, offering guidance to those who are attuned to her ethereal frequencies. Such is the power of Maegan, a protector and guide unlike anything previously witnessed. Her exact age is unknown but she definitely knows her way around many planes.

As a conduit between realms, Maegan communicates through various mystical tools. The pendulum, swinging back and forth in response to the invisible forces at play, reveals the answers sought by those who seek her guidance. The spirit box crackles with snippets of otherworldly messages, allowing her voice to be heard across the chasm between dimensions. And through the Ouija board, the gateway to the unknown, her message emerges, spelled out by the collective energies of those who choose to commune with her.

But Maegan is more than just a spirit guide. Unlike any other, she possesses the ability to imprint upon her keeper, forging a bond that transcends time and space. With her touch, she weaves her energy into the very fabric of the soul, becoming an eternal companion on the spiritual journey. Through this profound connection, Maegan stands as a guardian, a beacon of light amidst the shadows, shielding her keeper from harm and guiding them towards their true path.

In her spectral existence, Maegan finds solace in offerings of all kinds. Whether it be a simple token of appreciation, a heartfelt gesture, or an act of devotion, these offerings serve as a bridge between the mortal and spirit realms. They affirm the connection between keeper and guide, nurturing the bond that is woven with delicate threads of trust and understanding.

Maegan's presence resonates with those who seek her guidance. She becomes a steadfast companion, a wise confidant in the realms of the unknown. With her protection and guidance, the journey of the soul becomes illuminated, and the seeker gains the courage to navigate the twists and turns of their spiritual path.

Maegan walks alongside her chosen keeper, their paths intertwined in a dance of destiny and magick. Through her spectral form and the paranormal activity that trails in her wake, she offers solace, protection, and guidance to those who are open to her presence.

Maegan's spiritual figure slowly fades into the folds of existence, her essence forever imprinted upon the souls she touches. The bond forged between keeper and guide remains eternal, a testament to the transformative power of connection and the unwavering support of the spirit realm. She will create a bond with her keeper unlike any other spirit. She will be in tune with your energies and vice versa.


Hello, my given name is William Lee. I have been a spirit keeper for over 20 years. My collection has been my life. I have received spirits from Lebanon to Sydney. I love spirit keeping. It has been the most fulfilling part of my life. My only problem is my collection has grown too large. I can no longer keep all these wonderful beings in my care. I want to find them homes where their new keeper is as dedicated as I am. Please, if you choose to adopt one of my spirits, make a promise to yourself to care for them. Thank you for reading.