3d aquarium background and 5 matching fake rocks from Aquadecor.

Aquadecor is a Serbian company. They are selling 3d backgrounds and fake aquarium decor. Highest standard. Even the Canadian Youtuber The King of DIY aka Uaru Joe (1.5 million subscriber) is using Aquadecor backgrounds.

Cost me over £600 6 months ago. Long story short, my Red sea reafer 425xl started to leak few months ago very badly. Decided to not to get a new one for a few years. So I’m selling the background and the 5 matching rocks. Only been under water for 3 months. I cut a hole for the outflow and few cuts for overflow.

It is made for a 4ftx2ft tank. Size is approx 118cmx55cm.

Does not have to be siliconed in. It is very very flexible and sinks. I just pushed into the deep sand and it stayed no issue. Can be cut with good saw if needed. Aquadecor gives 20 years warranty for this type of 3d background. Heater, filter, plumbing can be hidden behind it.

It is a pick up only. I will not post it. If you want to organise postage I can wrap it in bubble wrap and weigh it. But I prefer collection.