4 Periodontal Replacement Tips for Waterpik Water Flosser Oral Irrigator & Other.

Flossing is a must to help prevent gum disease, but traditional dental floss can be hard to use.  It is a constant juggle to be easy on the gums, yet use the right pressure for plaque removal.  Get the proper gum health with no hassle using a Waterpik flosser.  Customers state that using a waterpik water flosser is one of the easiest ways to get proper oral hygiene.  

Just like owning an electric toothbrush, customers must change replacement parts on a water flosser every two or three months.  Also, there are different replacement tips for various oral and nasal needs.  Periodontal tips help to get deep into pockets in gums.  Orthodontic tips are some of the best for braces, retainers, and tight spaces in the mouth.  Remove debris and plaque, while also deep cleaning gums with the classic jet tips.  Tongue cleaner tools are best used to help eliminate germs that cause bad breath from the top of the tongue.  Lastly, there is a nasal irrigator tip that is great for allergies and sinus relief.  

This kit comes with four periodontal replacement tips.  These tips are best for cleaning priodontal pockets.  The soft rubber on the end of the jet tip allows for a soothing, therapeutic rinse at low pressure.  Clean pockets up to around 6mm deep gently and easily, and even better than dental floss.  Floss or brushing cannot penetrate deep enough into these areas.  

Never have that daunting feeling when the six month checkup comes around.  Using a waterpik is just as effective as using dental floss, but easier to use every day.  Make sure to always have new and fresh tips for your waterpik flosser and keep your mouth proud.