XLT Ring Enhancement Programs - A Practical Guide
by Clive James Clynick
33 pages
ISBN 1-882279-08-7
5.5 x 8.5

With practice, Ring Enhancement Programs allows the hunter to get the most from the programmable audio discrimination features of the XLT, Spectrum and Eagle detectors, locating gold jewelry and other valuable targets in areas which would otherwise be impossible or unproductive to search.  These high-trash or heavily worked areas can now be revisited using methods that let the detectorist recognize gold rings through the entire pulltab-screwcap range.  

For the novice, Ring Enhancement Programs promote learning by bracketing target responses into distinct groups, while drawing attention to any unusual signals.  This often results in interesting relic or curio finds.

Drawing from the experience and encouragement of U.S. Spectrum experts Karl Chulick and Daryl J.R. Townley, Clive James Clynick has produced a detailed and thoughtful guide to using these programs in the field.  

Includes information and instruction on site reading, proper equipment, special ring enhancement settings, pro options, plus more.  For XLT, Spectrum and Eagle Detectors.