Conjurers' Hydraulic and Pneumatic Secrets


Title: Conjurers' Hydraulic and Pneumatic Secrets

Author: S.H. Sharpe

ISBN: 0-921298-07-2

Publisher: Hades Publications, Canada

Publication Date: 1991


Book Size: 9"x11"

Pages: 159

Edition: 1st Edition

Book Condition: Excellent-Like New-Mint

Dust Jacket Condition: Excellent-Like New-Includes clear Mylar cover!


Within the pages of this work, historian S.H. Sharp defines and describes seven fundamental principals; including secret: Closures; Reservoirs; Conduits; Liquid Substitutes; Displacement; Siphons; and Hydraulic and Pneumatic Control. The author traces hydraulics and pneumatics as used in the religious wonders of early history – moving and speaking statues, inexhaustible vessels, unfillable basins, etc. – to today’s modern Lotta Bowl, Foo Can, Multum in Parvo, Mermaid Illusion, various automata, etc.


Also included in this massive work are two special appendices: Scientific Magical Invention and Characterization – a system on which to base the scientific invention or creation of new magical illusions; What Happened to ‘Psycho’? – an essay which traces the chronology of the automaton from 1875 to modern times.


This outstanding instructive work is a must. It contains technique every magician should know about! This volume is one of a series of four books describing the basic principles of magic The other books in the series are Conjurers' Optical Secrets, Conjurers' Mechanical Secrets, and Conjurers' Psychological Secrets.


"No magic reference shelf would be complete without SH Sharpe's Conjurers' Optical Secrets, Conjurers' Mechanical Secrets, Conjurers' Psychological Secrets, and Conjurers' Hydraulic and Pneumatic Secrets. These excellent books give a brief, understandable overview of nearly every major principle in magic". -John Carney, Secrets





1 Introduction

1 Hydraulic And Pneumatic Principles Tabulated

13 Class One Secret Closures Or Retainers

13 A). Soild

13 I. Fixed Closures

13 a) Complete Closures


13 – The Indian Hubble Bubble Jar

14 – A Modified Hubble Bubble Jar

14 – Louis Histed’S Version Of The Hubble Bubble Jar

15 – The Original Chinese Rice Bowls

16 – The Brahmin Rice Bowls

17 – Deluge Water Bowls

18 – The Hindu Lota


19 – A Removable Tubed Lota

20 – A Bottle Lota

20 – The Inexhaustible Punch Bowl

21 – The Greek Dicaiometer

21 – An Improved Hindu Lota

22 b) Partial Or Trap Closures

22 – The Lota For Vanishing Liquids

22 – The Unspillable Inkwell


22 – The Aquarius Water To Ribbons

23 – A Full Or Empty Milk Jug

24 c) Fixed Partial Or Trap Closures

25 – The Foo Can

26 – Liquid Vanish From A Newspaper


27 B). Perforated

27 An Ancient Wine Or Water Jug

28 A New Full-Or-Empty Jug

28 2. Removable Closures Or Retainers

29 a) Retained By Atmospheric Pressure

20 – The Chinese Rice Bowls

31 – The Chung Ling Soo Rice And Water Bowls

32 b) Mechanically Retained


32 – A1 Baker’S Rice Bowls Method

33 – Robert-Houdin’s Water Bowl Closure

36 – The Marvellous Equilibrium

38 – Philippe’s Method

39 – Producing A Tray Of Full Glasses

40 – Carrying Water In A Sieve

41 c) Nested Containers

42 Germain’S Water Jugs


47 Class Two Liquid Substitutes

47 a) Painted Substitutes

47 b) Shell Substitutes

47 – New Vanishing Ink On Hand

48 – The Wandering Stout

49 – The Wine Proof

50 – A Cloth Substitute


55 Class Three Secret Reservoirs

55 1. Enclosed Reservoirs

55 – The Double Funnel

56 The Glass Reservoir Funnel

56 Tray Reservoirs

57 The Mermaid Ilusion

57 2. Exterior Or Detached Reservoirs

57 – An Inexhaustible Lustral Bowl

59 – Hartz’s Inexhaustible Punch Bowl

59 – The Vanishing Divers


65 Class Four Displacement

65 1. Secret Lining Displacers

65 – Anverdi’s Modification

67 – Multum In Parvo

67 – The Filtering Ink Experiment


69 – The De Muth Milk Bottle

70 2. Submerged Displacers 70

70 a) Solid Displacers

70 – Full Or Empty

72 b) Hollow Displacers

72 c) Inflatable Displacers


75 Class Five Secret Conduits

75 1. Hidden Conduits

75 – The Undrinkable Cup Of Tantalus

76 – Overflowing Vases And Coconut

78 2. Transparent Conduits

78 a) Normal Transparent Connections


78 b) Double Transparency Conduits

78 – Water Column Control

79 c) Prismatic Reflectors

80 3. Surface Conduits

81 4. Liquid Stream Conduits

81 – The Mysterious Water Faucet


85 Class Six Secret Siphons

85 a) Simple Siphons

86 – The Glass Tomb Of Belus

86 – The Witch’s Cauldron

87 – Vanishing Liquid From A Goblet


88 b) The Pre-Primed Siphon

88 c) The Self-Priming Siphon

89 d) The Wick Siphon

89 – The Changing Liquids – Water To Wine

90 e) Intermittent Siphons


95 Class Seven Hydraulic And Pneumatic Control

95 1. Buoyancy Or Flotation Devices

95 a) Self-Buoyancy

95 – Flotation Pistons

95 – Automata Controlled By Floats

95 – Mechanism Worked By Flotation Devices


96 — Conradi’s Glass Through Hat

99 b) Inflation

99 – A Magic Fruit Tree

99 – The Glove Column

100 – Producing Balloons ” 100

100 c) Altered Specific Gravity

100 2. Control By Air Pressure, Liquid Pressue Or Suction

101 a) Air Lock


101 – The Spurting Drinker

102 Intermittent Air Lock

102 – The Bunder Boat

103 – A Greek Wine Dispenser

104 – The Bottle Imp

105 – The Diving Fish

105 – An Impromptu Bottle Imp

195 – Self-Raising Divers


106 – The Thirsty Man’s Bowls

107 – Water Spouting (Regurgitation)

108 – Come Or Go Wine

109 – Hofzinser’s Squeeze-Ball Glass

109 – Anverdi’s Squeeze-Ball Tray

111 – The Japanese Water Fountains

111 – The Water Sprite


115 – Single-Handed Fountains

116 – The Bewitched Water Fountain

117 = The Wine Spigot

118 3. Pneumatically Controlled Automata

119 Maskelyne’s ‘Psycho’

120 J.N. Maskelyne & Clarke’s Automaton Control Patent

120 Maskelyne And Cooke’s Means For Actuating Automaton Mechanism

121 a) Plate-Lifter Control


122 – Pneumatic Thought Transference

122 – The Magic Pendulum

122 – Devant’s “Bogey Golf”

122 b) Airjet Control

122 – A Pneumatic Obedient Ball

123 – Air Jet Levitation

123 – Air Jet Speed Control


124 – Pneumatic Rapping Hands

124 – The Rolling Tube

125 – The Swinging Match

125 c) Vortex-Ring Control

125 d) Control By Thermal Change


126 – The Ordeal Of Boiling Water

126 – Yu-Bana Or Yukagura

128 – The Thermostat

128 – Dippy Duck


131 Appendix 1 – Scientific Magical Invention And Characterization

143 Appendix 2 – What Happened To “Psycho”?


Please examine the photos of this book. I have included photos of the index. I have also included photos of especially colorful, interesting or autographed pages. I will be happy to answer any specific question, just send me an Email!

Listing info courtesy of: Magicref


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