feared by Goa'uld across the galaxy, the Asgardian mothership is the main arsenal of defense for the Asgard fleet. Incorporating the general shape of Thor's Hammer at its bow, the Asgard mothership is a relatively flat vessel with two upright hyperdrive engines at the stern, giving the ship a sleek, streamlined look.

Within the vessel are many labyrinth-like, curved corridors in exotic, violet tones. The ship is equipped with a deceleration drive to facilitate the return to normal velocities after exiting hyperspace. The ship is also equipped with advanced weapons, and multiple transporter arrays.

The most well-known of all Asgard motherships is the Asgard ship Beliskner, commanded by Supreme Commander Thor and nicknamed "Thor's Chariot"."It was the flagship of the fleet before being destroyed in Earth's atmosphere.

I model and design ships and castles...