KORG - C1-BR - Piano 88 notes Marron avec stand


Disponibilité:  Produit arrêté
Livraison:  Cette référence a malheureusement été arrêtée par le constructeur et n´est maintenant plus disponible, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter pour avoir plus de précisions.
Garantie: 2 ans pièces & main-d'oeuvre

En Savoir Plus :

KORG - C1-BR - Piano 88 notes Marron avec stand

Avec la série C1, dès la première note, vous percevrez la différence. Avec son toucher exceptionnel et ses sonorités issues de deux merveilleux pianos de concert, un piano allemand et un piano japonais, le C1 offre des capacités d'interprétation exceptionnelles et une reproduction sonore authentique. Le C1 propose également des sons de pianos électriques, un orgue, un clavinet, un vibraphone, une guitare acoustique, des cordes et bien plus encore.

Caractéristiques :

  • Accessoires inclus : triple pédale, alimentation secteur, stand
  • Affichage : LED
  • Aftertouch : Non
  • Amplification : 2 x 25 W
  • Arpégiateur : Non
  • Bluetooth : Non
  • Bluetooth Midi : Non
  • Bruit mécanique de la pédale : Oui
  • Catégorie : meuble
  • Diamètre h-p : 2 x 4"
  • Dimensions (mm) : 1346 x 347 x 770
  • Entrées : Pédale de sustain, Midi
  • Métronome : Oui
  • Mode partner : Oui
  • Nbre d'effets : 3
  • Nbre de pédales : 3
  • Nbre de sons : 30
  • Nbre de touches : 88
  • Poids (kg) : 35 kg
  • Polyphonie max : 120
  • Résonance sympathique : Oui
  • Sensible à la vélocité : Oui
  • Séquenceur : Oui
  • Sorties : Midi, Audio mono & stéréo, 2 x casque
  • Split & layer : mode Partner, layer
  • Toucher : Lourd RH3 (Real Weighted Hammer 3)
  • Transposition : Oui
  • Specs complémentaires :
  • Sons de pianos allemands et japonais
  • Courbes de dynamique : 5
  • Tempéraments : 3
  • Génération de sons : système PCM stéréo
  • Effets : brillance, réverbération, chorus (chacun avec 3 niveaux)
  • Enregistreur : 2 pistes, 14.000 notes maximum
  • Morceaux de démonstration : 50 (sound demo song × 10, piano song × 40)
  • Pédale : résonance*, soutien, douce* (*prenant en charge la fonction mi-pédale)
  • Alimentation : DC 24 V
  • Consommation : 18 W

KORG - C1-BR - Piano 88 notes Brown with stand


829,00 €

Availability:  Discontinued product
Processing time:  This product was unfortunately stopped by the manufacturer and is now no longer available, do not hesitate to contact us for more details.
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer

More info

KORG - C1-BR - Piano 88 notes Brown with stand

With the C1 series, from the first note, you will perceive the difference. With its exceptional touch and tones from two wonderful concert pianos, a German piano and a Japanese piano, the C1 offers exceptional performance capabilities and authentic sound reproduction. The C1 also features electric piano sounds, organ, clavinet, vibraphone, acoustic guitar, strings and more.

Features :

  • Accessories included: triple pedal, power supply, stand
  • LED display
  • Aftertouch: No
  • Amplification: 2 x 25W
  • Arpeggiator: No
  • Bluetooth: No
  • Bluetooth Midi: No
  • Mechanical Pedal Noise: Yes
  • Category: furniture
  • H-D diameter: 2 x 4"
  • Dimensions (mm): 1346 x 347 x 770
  • Inputs: Sustain Pedal, Midi
  • Metronome: Yes
  • Partner Mode: Yes
  • Number of effects: 3
  • Number of pedals: 3
  • Number of sounds: 30
  • Number of keys: 88
  • Weight (kg): 35kg
  • Maximum polyphony: 120
  • Sympathetic Resonance: Yes
  • Velocity Sensitive: Yes
  • Sequencer: Yes
  • Outputs: Midi, mono & stereo audio, 2 x headphones
  • Split & layer: Partner mode, layer
  • Touch: Heavy RH3 (Real Weighted Hammer 3)
  • Transpose: Yes
  • Complementary specs:
  • German and Japanese piano sounds
  • Dynamic curves: 5
  • Temperaments: 3
  • Sound generation: stereo PCM system
  • Effects: Brilliance, Reverb, Chorus (each with 3 levels)
  • Recorder: 2 tracks, 14,000 notes maximum
  • Demo songs: 50 (sound demo song × 10, piano song × 40)
  • Pedal: Resonance*, Sustain, Soft* (*supporting half-pedal function)
  • Power supply: DC 24V
  • Consumption: 18W

KORG - C1-BR - Piano 88 notes Brown with stand


829,00 €

Availability:  Discontinued product
Processing time:  This product was unfortunately stopped by the manufacturer and is now no longer available, do not hesitate to contact us for more details.
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer


KORG - C1-BR - Piano 88 notes Brown with stand

With the C1 series, from the first note, you will perceive the difference. With its exceptional touch and tones from two wonderful concert pianos, a German piano and a Japanese piano, the C1 offers exceptional performance capabilities and authentic sound reproduction. The C1 also features electric piano sounds, organ, clavinet, vibraphone, acoustic guitar, strings and more.

Features :

  • Accessories included: triple pedal, power supply, stand
  • LED display
  • Aftertouch: No
  • Amplification: 2 x 25W
  • Arpeggiator: No
  • Bluetooth: No
  • Bluetooth Midi: No
  • Mechanical Pedal Noise: Yes
  • Category: furniture
  • H-D diameter: 2 x 4"
  • Dimensions (mm): 1346 x 347 x 770
  • Inputs: Sustain Pedal, Midi
  • Metronome: Yes
  • Partner Mode: Yes
  • Number of effects: 3
  • Number of pedals: 3
  • Number of sounds: 30
  • Number of keys: 88
  • Weight (kg): 35kg
  • Maximum polyphony: 120
  • Sympathetic Resonance: Yes
  • Velocity Sensitive: Yes
  • Sequencer: Yes
  • Outputs: Midi, mono & stereo audio, 2 x headphones
  • Split & layer: Partner mode, layer
  • Touch: Heavy RH3 (Real Weighted Hammer 3)
  • Transpose: Yes
  • Complementary specs:
  • German and Japanese piano sounds
  • Dynamic curves: 5
  • Temperaments: 3
  • Sound generation: stereo PCM system
  • Effects: Brilliance, Reverb, Chorus (each with 3 levels)
  • Recorder: 2 tracks, 14,000 notes maximum
  • Demo songs: 50 (sound demo song × 10, piano song × 40)
  • Pedal: Resonance*, Sustain, Soft* (*supporting half-pedal function)
  • Power supply: DC 24V
  • Consumption: 18W

KORG - C1-BR - Piano 88 notes Brown with stand


829,00 €

Availability:  Discontinued product
Processing time:  This product was unfortunately stopped by the manufacturer and is now no longer available, do not hesitate to contact us for more details.
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer


KORG - C1-BR - Piano 88 notes Brown with stand

With the C1 series, from the first note, you will perceive the difference. With its exceptional touch and tones from two wonderful concert pianos, a German piano and a Japanese piano, the C1 offers exceptional performance capabilities and authentic sound reproduction. The C1 also features electric piano sounds, organ, clavinet, vibraphone, acoustic guitar, strings and more.

Features :

  • Accessories included: triple pedal, power supply, stand
  • LED display
  • Aftertouch: No
  • Amplification: 2 x 25W
  • Arpeggiator: No
  • Bluetooth: No
  • Bluetooth Midi: No
  • Mechanical Pedal Noise: Yes
  • Category: furniture
  • H-D diameter: 2 x 4"
  • Dimensions (mm): 1346 x 347 x 770
  • Inputs: Sustain Pedal, Midi
  • Metronome: Yes
  • Partner Mode: Yes
  • Number of effects: 3
  • Number of pedals: 3
  • Number of sounds: 30
  • Number of keys: 88
  • Weight (kg): 35kg
  • Maximum polyphony: 120
  • Sympathetic Resonance: Yes
  • Velocity Sensitive: Yes
  • Sequencer: Yes
  • Outputs: Midi, mono & stereo audio, 2 x headphones
  • Split & layer: Partner mode, layer
  • Touch: Heavy RH3 (Real Weighted Hammer 3)
  • Transpose: Yes
  • Complementary specs:
  • German and Japanese piano sounds
  • Dynamic curves: 5
  • Temperaments: 3
  • Sound generation: stereo PCM system
  • Effects: Brilliance, Reverb, Chorus (each with 3 levels)
  • Recorder: 2 tracks, 14,000 notes maximum
  • Demo songs: 50 (sound demo song × 10, piano song × 40)
  • Pedal: Resonance*, Sustain, Soft* (*supporting half-pedal function)
  • Power supply: DC 24V
  • Consumption: 18W

KORG - C1-BR - Piano 88 notes Brown with stand


829,00 €

Availability:  Discontinued product
Processing time:  This product was unfortunately stopped by the manufacturer and is now no longer available, do not hesitate to contact us for more details.
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer


KORG - C1-BR - Piano 88 notes Brown with stand

With the C1 series, from the first note, you will perceive the difference. With its exceptional touch and tones from two wonderful concert pianos, a German piano and a Japanese piano, the C1 offers exceptional performance capabilities and authentic sound reproduction. The C1 also features electric piano sounds, organ, clavinet, vibraphone, acoustic guitar, strings and more.

Features :

  • Accessories included: triple pedal, power supply, stand
  • LED display
  • Aftertouch: No
  • Amplification: 2 x 25W
  • Arpeggiator: No
  • Bluetooth: No
  • Bluetooth Midi: No
  • Mechanical Pedal Noise: Yes
  • Category: furniture
  • H-D diameter: 2 x 4"
  • Dimensions (mm): 1346 x 347 x 770
  • Inputs: Sustain Pedal, Midi
  • Metronome: Yes
  • Partner Mode: Yes
  • Number of effects: 3
  • Number of pedals: 3
  • Number of sounds: 30
  • Number of keys: 88
  • Weight (kg): 35kg
  • Maximum polyphony: 120
  • Sympathetic Resonance: Yes
  • Velocity Sensitive: Yes
  • Sequencer: Yes
  • Outputs: Midi, mono & stereo audio, 2 x headphones
  • Split & layer: Partner mode, layer
  • Touch: Heavy RH3 (Real Weighted Hammer 3)
  • Transpose: Yes
  • Complementary specs:
  • German and Japanese piano sounds
  • Dynamic curves: 5
  • Temperaments: 3
  • Sound generation: stereo PCM system
  • Effects: Brilliance, Reverb, Chorus (each with 3 levels)
  • Recorder: 2 tracks, 14,000 notes maximum
  • Demo songs: 50 (sound demo song × 10, piano song × 40)
  • Pedal: Resonance*, Sustain, Soft* (*supporting half-pedal function)
  • Power supply: DC 24V
  • Consumption: 18W
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