WHARFEDALE PRO - CONNECT1202FX-USB - Console de mixage 12 entrées + FX - USB


Disponibilité:  En stock fournisseur
Livraison:  Sous 2 jours ouvrés
Garantie: 2 ans pièces & main-d'oeuvre

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WHARFEDALE PRO - CONNECT1202FX-USB - Console de mixage 12 entrées + FX - USB

Si vous avez besoin d'une petite mixette pour agrémenter un set de claviers ou travailler en petite formation, la série CONNECT de Wharfedale est idéale. Elle allie qualité de fabrication, simplicité d'utilisation et neutralité sonore. De plus son interface USB incorporée vous permet de l'utiliser comme une carte son. Elle vous permet d'une part d'enregistrer à l'aide d'un ordinateur ce qui passe par le bus stéréo de la console et d'autre part de diffuser la musique contenue dans votre ordinateur sur votre système de diffusion avec un niveau sonore optimal sans utiliser les habituelles sorties casques intégrées de l'ordinateur souvent synonyme de bruits de fond indésirables.

Caractéristiques :

  • Catégorie : table analogique
  • Dimensions (mm) : 361 x 184 x 53
  • Effets intégrés : Oui
  • Entrées ligne : jack
  • Filtres : Passe-haut
  • Nbre canaux : 12
  • Poids (kg) : 1,69 kg
  • Sorties principales : jack
  • Specs complémentaires :
  • 4 entrées micro/ligne (XLR/jack 6,35 mm)
  • 4 entrées stéréo ligne (jack 6,35 mm)
  • 4 sorties (jack 6,35 mm)
  • Filtre passe-haut sur les 4 entrées micro/ligne
  • 56 effets numériques (délai, réverbe, chorus...)
  • Poids & dimensions (h x l x p) : 1,69 kg
  • 361 x 184 x 53 mm

WHARFEDALE PRO - CONNECT1202FX-USB - Mixing console 12 inputs + FX - USB


199,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 2 working days
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer

More info

WHARFEDALE PRO - CONNECT1202FX-USB - Mixing console 12 inputs + FX - USB

If you need a small mixer to complement a set of keyboards or work in small groups, the CONNECT series from Wharfedale is ideal. It combines manufacturing quality, ease of use and sound neutrality. In addition, its built-in USB interface allows you to use it as a sound card. It allows you on the one hand to record using a computer what passes through the stereo bus of the console and on the other hand to broadcast the music contained in your computer on your broadcasting system with a sound level optimal without using the usual integrated headphone outputs of the computer often synonymous with unwanted background noise.

Features :

  • Category: analog table
  • Dimensions (mm): 361 x 184 x 53
  • Built-in effects: Yes
  • Line inputs: jack
  • Filters: High Pass
  • Number of channels: 12
  • Weight (kg): 1.69kg
  • Main outputs: jack
  • Complementary specs:
  • 4 mic/line inputs (XLR/6.35 mm jack)
  • 4 stereo line inputs (6.35 mm jack)
  • 4 outputs (6.35 mm jack)
  • High pass filter on all 4 mic/line inputs
  • 56 digital effects (delay, reverb, chorus...)
  • Weight & dimensions (h x w x d): 1.69 kg
  • 361 x 184 x 53mm

WHARFEDALE PRO - CONNECT1202FX-USB - Mixing console 12 inputs + FX - USB


199,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 2 working days
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer


WHARFEDALE PRO - CONNECT1202FX-USB - Mixing console 12 inputs + FX - USB

If you need a small mixer to complement a set of keyboards or work in small groups, the CONNECT series from Wharfedale is ideal. It combines manufacturing quality, ease of use and sound neutrality. In addition, its built-in USB interface allows you to use it as a sound card. It allows you on the one hand to record using a computer what passes through the stereo bus of the console and on the other hand to broadcast the music contained in your computer on your broadcasting system with a sound level optimal without using the usual integrated headphone outputs of the computer often synonymous with unwanted background noise.

Features :

  • Category: analog table
  • Dimensions (mm): 361 x 184 x 53
  • Built-in effects: Yes
  • Line inputs: jack
  • Filters: High Pass
  • Number of channels: 12
  • Weight (kg): 1.69kg
  • Main outputs: jack
  • Complementary specs:
  • 4 mic/line inputs (XLR/6.35 mm jack)
  • 4 stereo line inputs (6.35 mm jack)
  • 4 outputs (6.35 mm jack)
  • High pass filter on all 4 mic/line inputs
  • 56 digital effects (delay, reverb, chorus...)
  • Weight & dimensions (h x w x d): 1.69 kg
  • 361 x 184 x 53mm

WHARFEDALE PRO - CONNECT1202FX-USB - Mixing console 12 inputs + FX - USB


199,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 2 working days
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer


WHARFEDALE PRO - CONNECT1202FX-USB - Mixing console 12 inputs + FX - USB

If you need a small mixer to complement a set of keyboards or work in small groups, the CONNECT series from Wharfedale is ideal. It combines manufacturing quality, ease of use and sound neutrality. In addition, its built-in USB interface allows you to use it as a sound card. It allows you on the one hand to record using a computer what passes through the stereo bus of the console and on the other hand to broadcast the music contained in your computer on your broadcasting system with a sound level optimal without using the usual integrated headphone outputs of the computer often synonymous with unwanted background noise.

Features :

  • Category: analog table
  • Dimensions (mm): 361 x 184 x 53
  • Built-in effects: Yes
  • Line inputs: jack
  • Filters: High Pass
  • Number of channels: 12
  • Weight (kg): 1.69kg
  • Main outputs: jack
  • Complementary specs:
  • 4 mic/line inputs (XLR/6.35 mm jack)
  • 4 stereo line inputs (6.35 mm jack)
  • 4 outputs (6.35 mm jack)
  • High pass filter on all 4 mic/line inputs
  • 56 digital effects (delay, reverb, chorus...)
  • Weight & dimensions (h x w x d): 1.69 kg
  • 361 x 184 x 53mm

WHARFEDALE PRO - CONNECT1202FX-USB - Mixing console 12 inputs + FX - USB


199,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 2 working days
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer


WHARFEDALE PRO - CONNECT1202FX-USB - Mixing console 12 inputs + FX - USB

If you need a small mixer to complement a set of keyboards or work in small groups, the CONNECT series from Wharfedale is ideal. It combines manufacturing quality, ease of use and sound neutrality. In addition, its built-in USB interface allows you to use it as a sound card. It allows you on the one hand to record using a computer what passes through the stereo bus of the console and on the other hand to broadcast the music contained in your computer on your broadcasting system with a sound level optimal without using the usual integrated headphone outputs of the computer often synonymous with unwanted background noise.

Features :

  • Category: analog table
  • Dimensions (mm): 361 x 184 x 53
  • Built-in effects: Yes
  • Line inputs: jack
  • Filters: High Pass
  • Number of channels: 12
  • Weight (kg): 1.69kg
  • Main outputs: jack
  • Complementary specs:
  • 4 mic/line inputs (XLR/6.35 mm jack)
  • 4 stereo line inputs (6.35 mm jack)
  • 4 outputs (6.35 mm jack)
  • High pass filter on all 4 mic/line inputs
  • 56 digital effects (delay, reverb, chorus...)
  • Weight & dimensions (h x w x d): 1.69 kg
  • 361 x 184 x 53mm
Global Audio Store, Revendeur Wharfedale Pro agréé
Wharfedale Pro